Sunday, July 28, 2024


 Actually, the choice is upon inhabitants of the world, not only America, but today, mainly us, the denizens of all the niches and nooks of America. Frankly speaking, we must all crawl out of the holes and hidey places we have used as places of withdrawal from the harsh realities of present-day life within this nation and reattach sanity, conscience and wisdom   to our thought process. Only then can we initiate the quest to be "the best of who we are" as the USA Olympic Team was introduced to the world by Beyonce.  

Caught up in the fervor of the Olympics, statements are often exaggerated, caught in a positive whirlpool of courage, determination, cooperation, competition and patriotism, without the negative aspects of bile and vinegar and heaping doses of jingoism. A well-known cartoon character asks, "Can we do it?" and the answer is always, " Yes we can." Now it is up to us to prove it so, to live up to that statement.  

And it is up to the rest of the nations of the world to present the best of themselves as well. That would be the true manifestation of the spirit of the Olympics. Unfortunately, that spirit is more honored in the glaring breaches than in the observance of, and most often to be found within the administrators, coaches and unstated team policies as athletes are doped or pushed beyond all sane demands. 

The ideas of using the Seine, the talents of the world, the sights of Paris, the history of France was brilliant, the unbelievable acrobatics of the participants amazing, for the most part worked, though there were glitches. Some did not come off as planned. Some were a tad confusing as to purpose and methodology, others were amazing presentations of the talents of the participants.           Unfortunately, however, the boos and jeers directed at the athletes of Israel as they sailed by were most certainly neither appropriate nor welcome, certainly not representative of the goal to be the best we can be. They were indicative of the rampant rabid resurrected JewHatred now poisoning the very air we breathe. Certainly not the best of what mankind can be or aspire to attain.

The other notable glitch hopefully accidental and careless rather than purposeful was the improper unfurling and hanging of the Olympic flag. Properly hung three rings are on top and the two rings below. Unfortunately, it was hung upside down and the questions arose. Was it careless? Taking place in the nervousness of the moment, the jitters? Or was there a nefarious purpose behind it? Hanging an upside-down flag signifies discontent, rebellion, tantamount to open declaration of "here comes trouble". Or it can be a sign of disaster and a dire need for rescue. In the ugliness pervading the world today - who knows? Maybe, maybe not.

In any case, here in the Olympics, or the world at large, there are obvious signs of divisions, divisive, even   violent signs which bode no good for the future - unless we change. But a huge BUT-are we, the world, knowledgeable about what changes are necessary and are we capable of doing what must be done? Do we even wish to do so? Or are we content to wallow in the mess that we have made?   Or do we believe that miraculously the Lord   above will return to an active interest in our lives and rescue us from our own folly. I refer you back to the blog of tzimtzum. Basically, we are responsible for the end products of our needs and deeds. We have created the mess, and we need to fix it. Remember: "God helps those who help themselves." We are our saviors or our destructors. The choice is upon us. Maybe we will make the right choice. Maybe not.  

Signs of ominous peril ae clearly there to be seen, if we actually wish to see. When Trump says,  

 “Christians get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore.”  “In four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians,” Trump added during his 70-minute long speech. “We'll have it fixed so good. You're not going to have to vote.”  

well, there goes democracy And here comes the tremors along my spine. Clearly, this man is a danger to the ethos of this country and yet there are those who, even knowing the truth, refuse to vote for his opponent because they are apparently constitutionally incapable of voting for a woman as a poll states, - shamefully so. Many nations have already had a woman as leader of the nation, in the past, in the present, and will do so again in the future. Not here. Not in America. Clearly not the best we can be. No maybe about that.

A clear, thick line can be drawn from the protests on the campuses and streets of the nation, and the lack of consequences for their violence and damage, for speech inciting hate and violence and death to Jews all the way to the ugliness in Washington as Netanyahu spoke.

"... numerous crimes committed by protesters, including the defacement of federal property, the wounding of police officers, the burning of American flags, and the dumping of mealworms, maggots, and crickets into a hotel where Netanyahu was residing. ... the protesters had been “trumpeting their hatred for America, Israel and Jews” during the demonstration.

The board further condemned members of the Democrat Party for boycotting Netanyahu’s speech, stating that the actions of the protests proved “Netanyahu’s point that ‘many anti-Israel protesters choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas.'"

It gets even worse when supposed leaders of our nation behave disrespectfully to a head of state. In Congress.  Right to that person's face. Evidently, if the head of nation is Jewish and Israeli there are no bars to the insults and disrespect. No decency. No shame.  No maybe about that.

Where has America gone? When have we lost our “Americanness" and chosen submission rather than standing up to the suppression of what is supposed to be. Why have we reached this nadir of ugliness and called out on its beauty and denigrated those who refused to go along? Why have we been content, even eager, to wallow in its grossness? Why have we embraced the negative and discarded the positive?  I wish I had answers, even a glimmering of one, but I do not. What I do know is that we must do something. If we do nothing we will be hastening the erasure of the dream that was. is, and supposed to remain- AMERICA

Do we have a chance of negating all the wrong turns we have made, all the foolish, dangerous words we have spoken and allowed, all the misdeeds we have condoned? Maybe. Maybe not.  History and time will judge us. Pray that we do not fail and do what must be done. 


Yitzy, I hope life is easier for you now, and are not plagued with any more pain or uncertainty. But do know the certainty of our everlasting love of you, for you.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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