Monday, July 29, 2024


  Nope. It will never be. People will not fly. Myriad relatives of Tinkerbelle will not appear to save the day and I seriously wonder whether there are enough adults out there who will clap for her revival knowing that good must prevail. Are there any of us left with that same hope, that same dream of people returning to their senses, shut down the over-the-top rhetoric which leaves no room for hearing and sharing, and actually talking sense, real sense and not the made-up garbage that passes for news and information these days. (sigh)

Yes, I know Neverland was not perfect. Groups waged war against each other - though no one died, other than perhaps Captain Hook, though we never actually see a death scene do we? We do hear that ticking (clock) crocodile. Perhaps analogous to    our own midnight clock which warns us how close we are to Armageddon. However, peace is made, the Lost Boys are rescued (Are they, really?) and the children return to the arms of loving parents and a feisty oversize dog.

 And Peter Pan ........

There is not always, if ever, actually, a happily ever after ending. The once upon a time intro to the next gory fairy tale is actually not once but many times with our own ogres and vicious giants along with cackling witches et al waiting, salivating at the thought and image of future meals. Yum, yum they hum, as do our ever growing more powerful enemies, as they unite to enable their agenda at the same moment that our alliances ramp up their troubles, as the gods warn us and send rumbles of ominous thunder, we, of course, remain deaf to the noise and carry on in our sloppy manner.  

Hell to pay for that, my friends, hot, fiery, and no end in sight for those forced to remain there and become denizens of that awful place. There are consequences for misdeeds and miscalculation, but then again, we have erased all thoughts and memories of consequences from the new residents, the entitled overprivileged protestors and advocates of death to their enemies. Hence, they reorganize as above, though this time they face opponents who do not hold back, who represent rescue for those in need of such from their kidnappers, to be returned to their grieving families.

As the evildoers are conquered and rescued and rescuer ascend to a most improved world, can we look forward to happily ever after? Nah! Merely one battle in an anticipated series of battles, each to be fought hard. Too many battles remain. Too many people to reorient and reacquaint to truth and responsibility - to others and of themselves. Wonder why Sisyphus and Vulcan come to mind? 

We, the potential rescuers must be alert to signs of impending danger. When a country, i.e. Turkey threatens to invade Israel in order to "aid"   Palestinians within, our hackles must be raised.  Hezbollah takes pride in the slaughter of 12 Israeli children, and rescinds that claim, for the children were indeed mourned by the nation of Israel, they were Israeli Druze, Children of their own ethnicity. And the world? Returned to sleep at the helm, for no biggie was it? Merely Israeli kids. 

The skies of Never Neverland cloud over, as truth begins to pound at the door, louder, more determined, even as the deaf world refuses to hear that pounding. Why are children dying in Gaza? Why are the dead combatants, the terrorists and the abettors of terrorists counted as civilians? All the better to inflate the numbers. All the better to turn oppressors, murderers, rapists, fiends of death to infants and elderly into whining facsimiles of victims - which they are so enormously not. 

 The world? Silence, deep and resounding in the absence of protests from nations re the deliberate 'encasement' of Hamas among their friends and neighbors, all the better to inflate the numbers and weep crocodile tears, all the while knowing that voices will be raised at Israel, even as Israel has gone far above and beyond to shelter them from their own kind!!! More than any other nation at war has ever done and that includes the USA. And Russia in Ukraine and numerous other 'small' wars round the globe. But Israel remans the target of choice. So much better, recognized and approved, with trendy fashion items as well. Cool indeed!!     

Nations of the world, even our ostensible allies, refuse to look and see the photos - the proof of the policies of Hamas. They ignore the damage done to the homes of people in the north and the south of Israel, under constant bombardment and future invasions and awful deaths -or life as prisoners, brutally treated and abused. The world discounts, belittles and disremembers our remaining hostages, the treatment they have undergone. Barbaric abuse of the girls and women and the men as well. Who remains alive - and capable of living a life after release - if ever. If any. Should there be any.   Yet we are charged to remain silent. Speak only of concessions and do not demand hostage release nor accounting. Admit guilt for the war and discard, ignore the truth, better for all other than Israel. But so what! Does anything change in our crazed Never Neverland? Not that I see. 

Perhaps a different fairy tale. Hansel and Gretel only this time the children are eaten? Nothing new there for you. On to Alice and her tree and looking glass. Nah. The denizens of that world are crazy and mean - nothing there for you either. Perhaps back to Never Neverland where there is a handy dandy plank. That's an idea. 

In the meanwhile, leaders of the world - stand up for the truth. Stand up for what is right rather than for the expedient. Separate yourself from the herd and make a difference. A good one. It will be as if you are Jack, climbed that beanstalk, and found the hen that lays the golden eggs.

Stand tall and make a difference.

Make that "once upon a time" lead to a "happily ever after".

 If only. If ever, in a perfect Never Neverland.

-----------------------------------------------------------Yitzy, if only we had that sought after happy ending to our once upon a time. But it was not to be, was it.  Miss you so much,

 Always and forever. Always and forever.    



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