Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 It is getting out of hand as apparently there seems to be no straight statements of cold, unvarnished truths. Off the permitted list. Moreover, those who are the primary front line involved parties are sidelined, the idea of equity dissolved in the acid of selfishness and double standards. No worries addressed without conditions, with those conditions set and adjudicated by others, by nations far removed from the consequences of the 'wise' decisions of those engaged in negotiations which go nowhere. 

Why? Because there is now a deadly twisted card game being played in the Middle East.  Equitable rules are anathema, have been discarded and the game is more heavily weighted for one side as opposed to the other. Outrageous demands are treated as sacrosanct all the while pressure is   applied to the side at a major disadvantage, at existential threat. When asked to make concessions inherently dangerous to their wellbeing and integrity as a nation, and safeguards are not stated clearly and irrevocably, there is a logical refusal to sign off, to commit national suicide. Then the world screams and moans dramatically, unable to understand why that refusal, or so they claim - quite untruthfully. They understand, they 'get' it, but do not care. 

Consequently, lies are reiterated time and time and time again. If this and if that conditions are demanded, grossly unfair, heavily weighted for one side, the original instigators of this tainted game. They sit tight, smirking. as the world fights their battles for them. The world demands concessions from the wronged nation with 'if this and if that' conditions impossible to accept yet apparently dangerous to deny. 

All this leads to a question as to why there must only be this limiting constricting idea of an 'only this and then perhaps that'. Why can it not be an open debate and open discussion and open exchange of ideas rather than the exchange of threats and bullets and missiles and bombs and death and bloodshed and depths of grief so deep as to be unplumbable? When this dichotomy, this rampant inequity, is taken further, we get a most dangerous situation which threatens the entire globe. Why can there not be two ideas which find a shared commonality and that point be stressed and stretched - for the betterment of all. 

 Perhaps oversimplifying the matter, an editorial yesterday raised the question of 2 seemingly conflicting themes: Idea vs Homeland. These two beliefs are apparently at war with each other. Why? Why are they mutually exclusive? Why must one be dominant over the other? Why must they be considered so different so as to be unable to share it all rather than division and hate?

I have long championed the tenet of idea, an ideal, a theme, a trend of thought, which carries over and should be applicable to all. That is the idea of America, an idea in which I am fully invested. It is an idea which should blanket all populations and sees America as more than a geographical/political entity. Far more than that. And yet accepting of that geographical/political entity with no loss to either side by their concept is a must.    

 The idea of America is what has driven this nation from inception to the present. Unfortunately, it is an idea that has been weakened, attacked as we forget why we became a nation in the first place. It was the idea of freedom, of Independence, of cutting the stultifying suffocating ties to antiquated ideas and homelands from whence we came, escaped from. Breathing fresh air and ideas and values we built and solidified. A new idea. More than a homeland, it was an ideal to be shared with others. 

Via that Idea a world of no hope and no possible fulfillment of dreams, not even the possibility of dreaming, was challenged. It was presented to the peoples of the world in its incarnation as America, a geographical and political entity imbued with almost magical powers, and an ability to transform the world at large and individual worlds as well. Without conflict, for the desire to live the Idea led one to buying into the concept of Homeland, America, a nation, a place we cared for, defended, contributed to, and shared our dreams, our hopes and cultures, erased the ugly limiting concept of "new kid on the block", automatic rejection of the one who is different, not 'like us' or not one of us, whatever that means, other than selfishness and hate and violence, seemingly approved and condoned by those who knew better but chose not to act on that knowledge. 

The Idea of America, its soul, and the entity known as the Homeland, named the United States of America, two, yet one. A homeland for the native born and the immigrant. An idea which captured the world, caught on fire, fought for - and yet we have those who would destroy it.  It is only by sharing that we enhance the Idea and the Homeland of America. By sharing and defending it, Idea and Homeland, we make it valued to all, its dreams and possibilities there for all. In denial, we create animosity and war. 

America as Idea. America as Homeland. Together.

 Stronger. Better. In peace and harmony. For all.

Would that we could. Would that we will.   

If and If and If.                             

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