Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Yes, we are quickly approaching the dog days of summer.  Those are the last moments of the freedom of the relaxation of summer. We walk with a slower pace. Our heels hit the pavement with a softer touch, less of the staccato tempo of the work environment and its pressures.  Our thoughts are more attuned to the remaining moments, those to come, which contain the soft winds and even the heat of summer. Whether one is working or on vacation, or even taking a moment or two after work, summer is just different.

However, today, in early morning hours, I write of different dog days, those which fulfill the meaning of the maxim "every dog has its day".  Today is one of those days, a follower of many such days throughout history, the lifetime of the Jewish nation. From time immemorial every villain of history who chose to wage war against Jews, desirous of their death and extermination, has met his due and just desserts. Each and every one of them has met an awful and or untimely death, a life replete with fear and/or constantly looking over one's shoulder for the chasing Angel of Death.   

 Leaders of ancient tribes who led them to warfare against the tribe of Abraham and his sons, who raided them in the desert, the Pharaohs who enslaved them, the one who refused to heed the warnings of Moses. The nations great and small, from the Plishtim to Egypt again, through the empires of the Greeks, the Romans, Persians, Medes, and Babylonians, all had their ambitions fearfully ended. Haman and his sons who plotted against Mordechai, Esther, and the Jews of the kingdom died at the end of a rope.  

Viciously antisemitic nations of Eastern and Central Europe met their own unpleasant times.    Neither the Pale of Settlement nor the vicious anti-Jewish laws enacted and carried out, the raids of the Cossacks to the beast known as Hitler and his entire coterie could put an end to a nation with a most powerful backer, the Head of the Board, so to speak.

 The barbarians cloaked in thin human skins who perpetrated assaults and atrocities upon Jews in Israel in futile attempts to end it, through the murderers of the Israeli athletes of the 1972 Munich Olympics, the centuries old tradition of antisemitic leaders of nations, including Western Europe and in America, Iran who blew up the Jewish Center in Argentina,  those who killed, slaughtered, 11 Jews at prayers in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, to the animals of Hamas and Oct7 and their abettors in Gaza and elsewhere, well, Haniyeh, good riddance to you as you meet your maker and face your eternal judgment, as did all of your ilk who preceded you and all who will follow, more fools they. Hopefully to be followed in your court date, quickly, by Sinwar and his abettors of evil, of slaughter of infants, murder of elderly, rape of women and instigators and cause of the deaths of fellow Gazans as you hid amongst them so as to ensure their deaths and blame it on Israel. Your war crime and so you will face the consequences in a rather more eternal day of judgement.  

Every dog has its day, so it has been stated and so it has been true. Those who bark against us will meet a stronger pack, one capable of defeating human beasts desirous of slaughter of all Jews, no matter where they live along with the destruction of the nation of Israel. Well, here is a bit of information and education, just for you and those who would follow in your stinking footsteps. 

We are here. To stay. To defeat all who plot against us. So history has proven, and so history will continue. Perhaps one day we can put an end to this ugliness, these persistent crazed and futile attempts to destroy a nation which has always and only been good for this globe and its population thereof.  

Tomorrow, along with the posting, some beautiful heartwarming news re recognition and celebration of the uniqueness of my grandson, Yitzy, may he rest in eternal peace. Organized and planned and to be carried out by those who knew him and cannot forget him and the gift he was to all. 

We so miss him and love him -

Always and forever. Always and forever.   

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