Friday, July 5, 2024


     There has arisen a new hope, weak, struggling, but there. Finally, a possible deal for hostage release. Too late for too many as we have learned over the months that more and more have been killed in captivity, or died, due to criminal neglect and brutal mistreatment during their long, overlong, captivity and descent into a living hell. There is now a trembling flame of hope that perhaps we can actually bring out people home. There remain differences and we know by bitter history and experience that Hamas is willing always to "scupper the deal", playing Israel and America, along with the blinded eyes and deafened ears of the world even as Israel has made concessions way over the safety line re continued existence and is constantly pushed to concede more. But at least there is a slight flame of hope rekindled and let us hope it does not go out or extinguished by the murderers of Hamas.

It must be stated, however, that this hope, this fragile hope will shatter into smithereens and dust    unless the world understands that at present the world is in danger of global disaster such as we have not seen since WWII and the aftermath of the hottest times of the 'Cold War'. The sane people of the world are being overwhelmed by two sides of the same coin. The frightening worldwide trend of turning to the right, of reinvigorating fascism, along with the extreme left crazed in their insistence that all must follow lockstep with them or be discounted, eats away at our sanity even as it dims the hopes for a positive future. 

While there are many causes of our current situation, I believe that much of it stems from. a United States of America gone rogue with itself. We have forgotten who we are. We have forgotten. who we are supposed to be. We have forgotten how to discern good, even excellent leadership. We have allowed ourselves instead to have succumbed to the equivalent of the bread and circus of the Roman Empire as it too was disintegrating.

 Furthermore, as we look deeper into the causes, into the rot within America, it is easy to separate the wheat from the chaff and clearly locate and define the beginnings of this rot, the increased success of its planners and the awful present we now are witnessing. We know to the very last cell of ourselves, mind, body and soul, with every atom of our existence, even as we deny it, that by ignorance, arrogance and deliberate sidelining of crucial issues we have cultivated and nourished the rot within. We have fed the boll weevils of our ethos and enabled the success of those with nefarious plans for the future of America - actually, the demise of America as we know it, as we hope it to be, as we expect it to be.

 Our structure of three branches of government providing for checks and balances has been undone and corruption and incompetence and even evil have woven its ways into the very fabric of our being.  Imagine, if you will, as you must, the orders of the first day of the presidency of a corrupt, convicted, weasel of a human being. One with only hate in his heart and evil as his guide, surrounded by the same ilk, the dregs of humanity. Buoyed by a Congress and a system of 'justice' headed by a most corrupt, co-opted, bribed, partisan Supreme Court which has already set the stage for horror with its egregiously improper, immoral, Constitution defiling, turn the clock back to the Stone Age decisions. And it will only go downhill from here at ever increasing pace. No hurdles to overcome, a clear pathway.

Imagine, if you will, the memo.

To: Self     From: Self  

Subject; Conduct of the nation

Day One

Defund all federal departments and fire all employees.

Set up interviews for loyalty tests and appoint only those who pass. Those who do not must be banned from any future federal employment.

Disband Congress and follow the same process as above. Reappoint those who acquiesce to the oaths. Appoint appropriate replacements for empty seats. 

De- bench all justices and judges who will not swear loyalty to Donald Trump, the Supreme President for Life of the new nation, Trumpia. Name replacements from the prepared list. 

Cancel and forbid any projects re climate change and the environment necessities. 

Cancel any and all current and planned legislation of limitations of fossil fuels. 

Legalize the provisions for gratuities, for nepotism, and for advantageous employment.  

Fine tune for installation of censorship at all levels and the repression of free speech, which will include all facets of media.

Cancel any current or future planned legislation ensuring the rights of those deemed necessary of reiteration. Remind all that 'rights' emanate ONLY from within my office. Period.

Restructure every branch of defense forces, security forces, law enforcement branches of the entire nation. ALL are accountable to me and my appointees.  

Assemble committees or individuals to check for overlooked needs and fine tuning for loopholes. 

Remind the nation that any deed, action or word that I deem to be under the umbrella of "official care" is permissible. No liability of negative consequences unless I change my mind. 

Have aides assemble lists:

Those needing to 'disappear'. All my enemies.

Appropriate women 

Individuals who value cooperation or are subject to blackmail.

Finally, buy more ketchup.

Folks is this what we want? Is this that which we will allow to happen? Please examine the choices as we go to the polls. Understand what is at stake. Yes, I wish both candidates were other than who they are. But they are not. And we must deal with the reality of it. Like it or not, we must take upon us the challenge and do the right thing. We need to remember who we are. and why we are here. No ketchup for us. No scuppering the deal that we as Americans have made with our Founders. Our predecessors. Our parents and grandparents who bravely made their way to this nation wanting and seeking the best for their children. For those who continue to come with that hope, that dream, in mind. And for us - with ourselves and with and for our children. For the future of America as America. Not Amerika. Not Trumpia.

Do Not Scupper the Deal.


Yitzy, the world has gone awry, off its axis and trembling in anticipation and understanding of imminent peril. We wish and hope that you angels up there do something to help mankind along.  

But even in the worst moments, our love for you remains as strong and as constant as ever.

Always and forever. Always. and forever.

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