Sunday, July 7, 2024


   Or with visually impaired eyes. Or with a heart of stone. It does not really matter for at the end of the process, as it is today the outcome is dangerously the same. Existentially threatening to our republic, to the ethos of that Republic and to the individuals within, for what comes through is a very, very dangerous existential threat, with great collateral damage to the world as well. 

While in modern times, it has been very clear that some, too many and of growing number of the conservatives in the political realm have gone off, over the cliff with their extremely backward and lockstep thinking. However, there remained a rather feeble, undernourished hope that perhaps, just maybe, these conservatives would understand that loyalty to party never overrules loyalty to nation. Instead, we have a pitched battle between old style moderate Republicans and the crazed former outliers, now become the GOP elite and policy makers. Corrupt, fascistic odor emanating from their list of demands and plans, they smack of danger to our nation and to what it means. 

A time fraught with danger, with a world fractured and at each other's throats, these new 'conservative' fascists forget loyalty to the nation and its inhabitants. Instead, they pledged loyalty to a party an organization and a leader. This misplaced loyalty is bad enough and is compounded by a strong misplaced loyalty to one leader. Even more so is the peril to freedom and democracy, to our national heritage and thought, when that leader demands complete, total, unthinking loyalty. More trouble than ever when that leader is immoral, clearly demented, a liar who has never met the truth, a convicted felon and an inciter of rebellion and treason and rants re awful desires of revenge and retribution along with mass deportations. Extreme trouble in fact when that supposed leader rules by fear, threats and intimidation. 

When and where did we go wrong as a nation, as a people? Why did we agree with the coopting of our thinking processes, our independence? How have we enabled and/or looked away from our deep, ever faster decline and allowed for a situation where this once great nation has only two old folks to compete for the most powerful office of all. One genuinely means well but is hampered by the waning strength of the elderly. The other is simply WRONG from any and every aspect. And yet terrifyingly so there is a chance he might yet achieve a second term of office. 

What will happen should he succeed?  The dismantling of our republic. The destruction. of democracy. The shredding of the Constitution. The corruption of the defense forces and the justice system. A highly possible war of the world again. What the hell are we doing? Furthermore, how have we allowed a private highly conservative in its new negative representation, the Heritage Foundation, to gain control of the reins of power should fascistic demented Trump wiggle his nasty way into office. They have already done much damage through their campaign called Project 2025.

The Heritage Foundation published a thick tome presenting Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project. It is a strict, offensive, and far out conservative effort to ensure their platform to be that of the second Trump Presidency or any GOP candidate for that matter.  "the way for an effective conservative Administration," is its ambition, its picture of a future no longer America but rather that of Amerika.

Here are a few of its provisions and demands. Some quite advanced, long time in the making and effecting, in place already, ongoing and unfortunately too successful. For example, the revision of the entire justice system from top to bottom. It is basically a bold program to twist the meaning of the word justice, enabled to do so as each open judgeship is filled with an adherent of the new 'conservative' outlook. Witness the likes of Cannon, Thomas, Alito, etc., etc., etc.  and their recent decisions, granting the President, any President, total immunity, to be above the law, a violation of our Constitution, a knife in the back for the Founders of this nation, an installation of a monarchy notably turned down by Washington.

 There are many other similarly shocking plans and guidelines within that notorious plan book. Shall we count the ways we are going to be shafted? Let's list but a few. This rather ambitious ugly program follows immediately upon the footsteps of the Mandate for Leadership the Conservative Promise, a 922-page tome of treason, A plan to turn back the clock, so far and so fast it might well break. And break us as well. An egregious lie promising 'reform' and better lives, even as rights hard won are simply canceled. Gone.

The book Project 2025, all 900 destructive pages in five sections, proposes nothing less than the dismantling of our nation, the trashing of its democratic traditions. Denial of Rights. and the legitimization of the whims of the president. Harsh and shocking denial of rights for federal workers and all workers and consumers.  

A horror beyond belief. And yet, there it is in black and white for all to see and ignore, denied by too many. Scoffed at by those who say "Not here. We are not the countries of lawlessness and rebellion and myriad dictators. I refer you back to January 6, 2020.  Never say never. Not anymore. It is happening, has already happened to too much of a degree and will continue to happen unless we wake up before we are living in a real nightmare of permanent disposition.   The information and plans are out there. Below is a brief summary of some of the important tenets. As for the details, seek them, read them, know them.    The Mandate and Project 2025 are two parts of one whole. 

Four principles of the mandate:

  • Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
  • Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
  • Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
  • Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty

  More of what a Trump or clone Presidency would entail: 

 Abolishment of the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration,"

 "Abolishment of the Department of Education and the Gender Policy Council," 

   "Suggests a pro-life task force within the Department of Health and Human Services "to ensure that all of the department’s divisions seek to use their authority to promote the life and health of women and their unborn children."  

  "Proposes to defund the Department of Justice, criminalize pornography, and place the Executive Branch of the U.S. Federal Government in the control of the president."

 "Includes reshaping the powers of the executive branch, gutting small government agencies" 

Read. Think. Inform yourself, Know the truth of the underlying principles and proposed actions. All is not as it is written and make an informed decision. Brain on track. Eyes wide open. Choose a future.


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