Monday, July 8, 2024


  Oh, questions I have many but answers I have none. So today I list my questions, or at least some of them and perhaps someone out there will read these queries and actually have an answer. A truthful answer. One that makes sense.  But hope remains weak and besieged.  Perhaps some questions are to remain unanswered as a permanent state of being.

So, to begin. Why is Harvard making anti-Arab bias a part of the task of the antisemitism probe committee and how to deal with that problem.

In fact, why are there claims of rampant incidents of Islamophobia when all protests- hate and violence- are directed in one direction - against Jews in any form whatsoever. Anti-Arab- few and far between.

Why is the war in Gaza called Israel's war? Who began it with a vicious attack on civilians on Oct 7? On a day of holiness and worship. a peaceful Saturday morning.  

Who was it who k Kidnapped innocent civilians and brutal. and brutally. killed them during captivity. Where are the outraged cries of the world? So caring for others. but only silence reigns in this moment.    

Whose leader has openly stated that the more dead Gazans, the better off he is. the more power Hamas has, is granted, by the world. The lies, the tears  a'plenty. but only directed for the Gazans. who   joined the raid with glee in the attack, cheered and jeered at the parade of captives. Held them as prisoners in their own homes. Allowed their homes to be used as tunnel shafts, exits and entrances. and refused to rebel against the corruption of Hamas. Thus they are complicit in their own death and tragedy.     

Where are the outrage voices of the world? Why is Israel the one constantly being under pressure. To concede, to give in to the point of existential danger.  And to no avail for where are their people.  A deal is aways scuppered as Hamas changes the parameters and conditions making it impossible to carry on. And so, our people die. As usual.

Where are the voices in the world when it comes to our hostages? Perhaps only 40 remaining alive of the hundred 20 who remained. And that is a big question in itself. Where is the anger of the world when it comes to the Bibas family? How have they forgotten that awful picture of that terrified mother holding on to her 2 little boys? Now, Hamas says they will return the Bibas boys at the exchange in a new ceasefire deal. Where have they been till now? Are they alive? How do we trust them? And when? When will there be a new ceasefire agreement?  e.

  The world remains silent as Sinwar and Hamas use the deaths of civilians, of their own civilians. callously. Why is the world silent unseeing.

Where is the understanding of the world? As our civilians are evacuated for nine months already to save their lives. The northern communities are silent other than the sounds of roaring fires and exploding bombs sent over by Hezbollah. The South remains with great ruins. Remnants of October 7. The world takes no notice. as usual. 

The world demands a cease fire and pressures Israel to commit. to terms of great existential danger. The world forgets who broke a permanent ceasefire on October 7 as they have done before several times. Always leading to bloodshed.

Back home at the ranch, other questions raise their ugly heads. Why? and wherefore, as the United States, a powerful United States of America, come down to this situation where two old folks are running for president. What? should be an elder statesman. The other should be in jail, already convicted and awaiting more convictions. One is a man who does not mean harm albeit he might be mistaken at times. The other is a man of evil. No heart, no soul. Only a deep dark black hole whose miserable evil depths have not yet been plumbed completely.        

Those who have the power to shut that man down. to insist that we have a true election, not a mockery of it, to be shamed before the world. Well, they are silent. Or they speak out in defense of that monster because they are chickens and cower before him. They are no different than those and who cowered before Hitler or Putin or Stalin or any dictator.    

Why has it taken so long for the infamous evil Project 2025 to gain attention? It contains within a plan to subvert this nation and turn it into an authoritarian ruled nation. The ruler. to be a man sick of mind. Black of soul and heart. and his cowardly enablers.  

Why and wherefore has this all come to be? How the hell did we allow the country to sink to such depths? Why did some even push it there? 

Is there any chance of a sane election here with a reasonable choice? I highly doubt it, certainly not at this point in time. What is upon us? To screw our courage to the sticking point and vote not for the lesser of two evils, for one is not evil, simply not as able as he used to be. That is the one, like him, like it, or not, for whom we have to vote. The other option is not an option. 

Why are people whining re expenses when for most, visibly so, consumption has actually risen. Yes, prices have risen, but so have salaries. What has gone wild is the cost of keeping a roof over one's head. The way to deal with that is to control the greed of too many and to enact laws   which will actually help. When the cost of shelter is reduced monies will be freed up to purchase better health care, better foods, better clothing.     Who needs to correct this? The same cowardly legislators and perhaps it would not be a bad idea to check into their records and see who among them actually owns realty. 

Why has the Supreme Court, in fact, the entire justice system for the most part, become a cesspool of ignorance, of greed, of corruption? The highest judges of the nation form a 'gang of six' whose intent is clear - back up Trump, back up Project 2025 and screw the rest of the Americans. Screw the world. Legislators could take care of this problem, but once again, their chicken feathers abound. Their morality absent. 

Where is America today and where is she headed? If anybody can answer that question with any realistic sense of any possible chance of a better future than it appears to be right now. Speak up. Now.  


Yitzy, sweet boy, I haven't spoken with you for some time on the blog. Topics have been so ugly. I don't wish to associate you with them. But I guess you see all from above, do you not? Sorry for that. Wish we down here did better.  

In the meanwhile, as usual, keep us as close to you as we keep you to us. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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