Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 And so, we are lost. We are in a wilderness of our own making. We are in a wilderness that is unmapped, unknown as to extent nor to dangers and perils within. Without even a hint from previous trekkers through this wilderness and suddenly, without any map, one is certainly entitled to worry about the future. Will we ever find our way through? Will we be able to muddle through with some optimism, some light intact or are we doomed to walk forever in circles, to go nowhere other than to tire ourselves out and finally lay down and submit to the fate we have bequeathed to ourselves. Ironic and well earned.

We entered this wilderness via our own stubbornness and stupidity. We entered this wilderness sans preparation, without knowledge.   Instead of backing out, retracing our steps and finding a better path we insisted on continuing and here we are. A world grown, constantly growing, with violence. With malice of forethought. With fewer and fewer sane minds and wise heads capable and willing to persuade us to retrace our steps and find the proper track. But we refuse. 

We treat that useless, bloodstained dangerous map as the Holy Grail. It would take great courage for us to heed the words of the wise and admit that we have been wrong, so, so wrong, so dangerously wrong, so stubbornly wrong. Unfortunately, courage is in short supply. Apparently, the supply line has been cut, perhaps irreparably. 

There are many words of wisdom, words of guidance were we only to look for them and understand them. Will we remain selectively blind, unseeing of these words of guidance? Accepting these words will give us the strength and the courage to step forth and begin this slog to a good reality, to a good future. It is a slog with many tricky side trails leading nowhere, forcing us to retrace our steps and sometimes to begin again. However, we need not do this alone.

By whatever name we call our God. that God is actually one and the same. It is we mortals down here with our limited thinking, with the ossification of our brains, the shattering of our souls, and our abandonment of morality who have chosen the road of differences rather than the one of similarities. The consequential harm is upon us by our own inadequacies. 

 We are deaf to the words, to the voices of unity. We are unhearing of the call which will remind us that we are not alone, never been alone. We were, are, and will continue to be the engineers of our loneliness and our sense of abandonment. We are the ones. We are the ones to blame for these waves of violence wreaking horror and terror throughout the world. We are the ones, and no one else. We are the ones who refused to see what has been plainly placed in front of us for all the millennia of our existence. It is with great irony that the more we advanced in technology, in literature, in awareness of the world around us, we actually retreated in spirituality and acceptance of our limitations and reveled in our misplaced pride and lack of morality. We - no one else.    

Instead of commonalities that quest for unity, we insist upon our differences We build fences of barbed wire and broken glass physically and figuratively. We fight because, because we really don't even know why we fight. We simply insist on continuing to become more and more enmeshed and trapped in a morass of our own making. At present it seems to be impossible to ever find our way through all of this ugly mess, through to the truth, to true peace. 

Nobody is being asked to love one another. Nobody is being asked to even like each other. The ask is that we accept each other. Accept the frailties and imperfections. Accept the inevitable errors and mistakes which will be made. But there is no necessity to solve the issues which arise via the sword. If we pay careful attention, we might hear the harmony of minds and hearts and souls. and discard the swords. Leave the bloodshed behind. Stop the tears of the bereft and the screams of the wounded.     

We have been granted all of the above though for far too long we have allowed them to be cast aside, abandoned, dormant and atrophying. Here is a passage which explains what we need to read and see, hear and feel in our deepest crevices of our souls. Here are the words from Deuteronomy 32:10 which perhaps might give us a little encouragement, comfort and courage to forge new/old paths and repair old/new grievances. Maybe. Worth a try. Find the cartographers.     

In Deuteronomy 32:10, we find these words. 

 "He found him in a desert land. and in the howling waste of a wilderness. He encircled him. He cared for him. He guarded him as the pupil of his eye.”

See the words. Read the words. Hear the words. Feel the words.

 Create a new map.


Yitzy, this is the time when we could have used. your wisdom, your instinctive understanding of the positive way to walk through life. Perhaps you can send down some words of wisdom, some words. of persuasion which will find reception even in the most hardened heart and hearts. Worth a try, sweetie. Definitely worth a try. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.


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