Wednesday, July 3, 2024


  Nothing can stop the ticking of the clock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. The fate of the world, the fate of the individual. Everything and everyone are subject to the passing of time. It is what we do with that time that determines the parameters of our lives. and the parameters of our contributions. to the world. Many, however, can count that time via the evil they have perpetrated upon this world with the consequences of that evil echoing down the ages perhaps until   eternity. It cannot be denied, nor change the reality it birthed. Nor its consequences, as much as we wish it would for the good, the innocent, the do nothings and the enablers reap these consequences. No emergency exit, no amelioration past a certain point. It is as it is and as it will be. Merely a question of when. When.

How did we reach that point? Make no mistake about it, that point is right here. Front and center. One can possibly convince oneself that there remains a space between us and that point, maybe, I hope so. But I also know that without due process and procedure, without a deep and candid dive, a true introspective evaluation of ourselves, nothing   with stop our downslope ride to that point, stop its inevitability. Unless we understand its exigency and we jump right on it. Talk, yes, but action, a great deal of determined action. Understand what is at stake and ACT! DO SOMETHING!

Now we can figure out where are the sites of these critical "whens"? When must that be undertaken and where do we start? 

The when is NOW. Right Now. Always begin the attacks on the Enemy closest to home. Unfortunately, in our times, these times, that enemy is truly close - actually within us. The most dangerous enemy of all. This enemy knows us, knows how to combat us and any attempt to revise the situation. In truth, the enemy is us. 

Over the past few years, we have enabled the destruction of a system of democracy, a system enabled by the participation of all or at least most. Along with that is the understanding that to serve the nation is to stand on the highest level of humanity. Today we have enabled incompetent deluded, even demented, even criminal leaders. They now stand on the very steps of the highest levels. Their impending election to office. brings to mind only situations of no good, rife with fear, for no longer will the rules be the same or of equal treatment. An elite of poisoned souls will rule, place themselves above the law and will favor corruption, bribery, nepotism, sexual perverts, the evil and the greedy, the incompetent and the selfish to rise to the top of that scummy pond.  

Censorship. Denial of opportunity. Misinformation. Disinformation. Big Brother mentality. Usage of AI to interfere in our lives. Disregard for the disabled, the homeless, the hungry families. The neglected children. Our corrupted system of justice. The rising angst, fear and hostility of a nation. The loss of a dream that was America. Our hostility to immigrants though we ourselves were immigrants. That we have a deep need of their labor and the taxes they pay. The infusion of fresh and inventive minds. Not to forget the absolutely insane denial of climate change and an ever more hostile environment. Remember that old line. “It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature.” 

 When did we allow or encourage the lowest common denominator to serve as our lawgivers and why did we do that? Is it too late to change, to re-formulate our society? When can we find the time? If we can find the time? When and where can we find the energy and the will to do so?  Do we have the time and the distance to find an adequate 'when'? way. Beats me.

Here's another question. Where will we all be by this time next year? Rather frightening thought is it not?   


Yitzy, I am at the point. where I believe the only way out is to have an intervention by some kind soul, with influence to wake up the Good Lord and remind Him that His creations are in need of aid again. We certainly are not perfect, and a helping hand is not too much to ask, is it?     

The one thing I know for sure is that I, we, will always remember you, love you, and treasure those memories.

 Always and forever.  Always. and forever.

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