Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 Rest in peace. How appropriate to use a dead language from a long deceased, dead empire as we stand here, the day after the day democracy died. That is to be the sum of the consequences of the decision made by the corrupt Supreme Court yesterday. Actually, it would be more correct to say that over the past few years, intensifying at an ever-increasing speed over the most recent weeks and days, the long-range plan of the extreme conservatives, of the foes of true democracy, has won. 

Democracy is to be dismantled in all but name only. “These here United States of America” will be gone. Or rather united via a turmoil such as we never expected to reach. But we have. The most corrupt Supreme Court in our history as a nation, along with the corrupted incompetent partisan system of the lower courts of the nation have brought this country not to its knees, but to its death.  

The day democracy died. The day the Age of America as an "empire", as a world force, as an ideal, as a life lived, as an attempt to improve the condition of humanity - dead. DEAD. DEAD! In all but name only the enemies of this nation have succeeded. The worst enemies, those who bored from within, the boll weevils of the American dream, their efforts have paid off., their darkest dreams realized, as that corrupt Supreme Court stamped immune on the forehead of Trump. He will, along with other such "presidents" of the future, have free reign - to commit any and all dastardly deeds, to violate each and every law as fits their needs and desires. The Court has deemed them immune. They are deemed above the law. The ideal and idea of America is shattered to pieces barely able to be glued together in some semblance of totality.

Rest in peace. I don't think so. I think we are now entering one of the worst periods in our history. Perhaps the last chapter in our history. There is a slight chance that we can still run the race, jump the hurdles in our path, but it will demand great effort. Do we yet have the courage, the impetus, the determination to the degree necessary if we are indeed to reform this nation, to return us to a place from whence we can step forward into the future. A good future. 

I don't know. I don't know that anyone knows. But if we do not try, if we simply resign ourselves to this ugliness, we are canceling the world as we know it and leaving an uncertain future for our kids. Definitely a legacy highly undesirable. Highly shameful. And before that future. you'll have a reality of the despot, of the cruel dictator of a heart of stone and a blackened soul. You cannot allow this to take place. We cannot allow this to come to fruition. Every step we take now must have the aim of restoring our democracy, our America. Every vote must be cast with that in mind.

The voices of the ages call out to us. Washington. Lincoln. Jefferson. Roosevelt. Kennedy. Dole. Bush. All the common people, all the everyday heroes. All beseeching us to do what we must to stand strong. To be firm. To be determined. To remain intact as America.

No, no resting in peace. Not until and unless the job is done.


Yitzy, Sweet boy how could you possibly understand this ugliness? 

Only think of, feel, our loving arms and our hugs.

 Always and forever. Always and forever.  





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