Monday, July 1, 2024


 Perhaps God does. I'm not too sure about that. I think we, the world, are in a state of turmoil the likes of which we have not seen for. many, many a year. Frankly, I believe some might call it even worse in many ways and levels than pre-WWII. The Anti Semitism of today is visible. more virulent, and even more governmentally approved, out in the open and encouraged, accepted and praised. 

Worse is that inevitable coterie of foolish Jews who cannot see past the rhetoric of the ugly words their haters espouse. They spout their oh so self-righteous words of self-effacement and apology where none are due; in fact, it is rather the opposite. In joining the calls for their own destruction, they are pushed forward to the front of the lines to be used as visible examples of the "truth" of their mob mates. They pat themselves on their backs as to how "progressive" they are, even as they are being used to bolster and perpetuate the oldest hatred of the world. 

Virginia, yesterday, I would have answered your question as to the existence and reality of Santa with a resounding "No, sorry, sweetie, but it does not". In fact, the very concept of Santa, what it represents, is in dire immediate need of an input of energy, an infusion of revival and refreshment. 

On the other hand, Virginia, perhaps despite all that we see, perhaps, just perhaps, there is that Santa remaining, a faint echo of the words and sentiments of "joy to the world" in inclusive intent. Of all. For all. The message and moral code of a true faith, no matter its presentation. 

Goodness and humanity transcend all lines of differentiation and unites all within the bounds and bonds of humanity. That Santa whose existence is challenged is actually a modern visualization of the moral values of good people. It is the core of the Torah as related to a seeker of truth by Hillel, a great Rabbi and scholar of ancient Israel. "Love your neighbor as you love thyself" and all the rest is commentary and explanative detail. 

If only the world would remember that and internalize that concept - truly, completely, rather than in the present presentation of hypocritical espousing of and reality disposing of.  In that world Virginia, there is no Santa. But in that other world, that possible world, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa". The world of today swings back and forth. Positive and negative forces pushing against each other with a line in between. At times one side controls that line and at other times, the opposing force is the controller.  Which side will prevail is up to us and the answer to your question, yes or no, well, that is up to us, to humanity, to our recognition and acceptance of a shared humanity, of shared goals meant to be achieved in equity and justice. How far we are from that goal at present, a sad truth indeed. 

Yesterday in the midst of a sea of gray yesterdays and todays and tomorrows there was a glimmering of light, a possibility of a yes answer. Attending a performance of Mamma Mia, (the best production I have seen of it, and I have seen many,) the theater was packed. This audience who came for relief in a time of stress and confusion, shared laughter with all. We clapped and roared at the same moments. We shared many moments and gone for those moments were the differences which separated us. Caught in the midst of a most frightening time, we forgot it all, and felt only a shared feeling of happiness, brief, but reminding us that our commonalities remain intact.

 Upon us is a responsibility, the task to dig deep, deep down, past the overlayers, those layers of ugliness and obfuscation and return the shared qualities, the virtues, the truths, to the light. I was reassured of their continued existence, their survival beneath the crushing pressures of reality, that there was a continued existence of life remaining even beneath all the pressure above.

These days I often wear T shirts reminding all of the remaining hostages held within the depravity of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. I wear the dog tags and my symbols of Judaism. It reminds all that we must stand together, that we must remember the dead and the dying and the living. And that we MUST act.      Yesterday numerous people among that crowd came over to me to compliment me and remark upon the shirt, to join in wishes that the situation would be settled quickly and positively, that no such thing ever, ever take place again. Jew and non-Jew, child, adult, elderly. It mattered not.

A refreshing breeze. Can we build on that breeze? Turn it into a gale of hope and assistance, truth and justice and humanity. Can we? Will we? Do we want to? I think yesterday told me that yes, we wish to. We can, and hopefully we will, but it will take much hard work, much sweat, many tears and many errors will be made. But we must persevere for the alternative is not really one that we would choose. Would that we all wake up to this. Would that we turn out all the crooks and incompetents within our governments, from our legislatures, from our corrupt courts. Return to true justice and adherence to our true values, here in America and present in all true faiths. If we are to do so, we had better do so soon for the sands of time flow swiftly.

We own the capability. do we also own the desire to fulfill that capability? It is within our power.  Is it within our will? 


Yitzy, I have left you out from the past few postings. I did not wish to associate you with such ugliness. However, yesterday there was a bit of light, so once again, sweet boy, we love you, miss you.

Always and forever. Always and forever.  




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