Thursday, August 29, 2024


Whatever the choice of the title, we never seem to be totally together, be it within groups or within    individual lives. Suddenly we find ourselves in sync, marching with a group, united, but as we look around, this is not where we wish to be. As a result, we find ourselves stepping to a different rhythm of a different drumbeat. Now you are out of sync, distinctly uncomfortable and a bit eerie. How did you arrive here? Beats you and us. You find it is not the group with which you wish to be associated   and so once again - out of sync.

These days it is more difficult than ever for an individual to find his heart's place within the many. Hence, we actually find ourselves scattering pieces, a piece of us here, a piece of us there. But as a whole? Nothing appears to be truly welcoming you in totality with warmth and a sense of belonging. Even groups once compatible, now shatter with inner strife and critical imbalances. Strident voices are raised and the beat, the sync, the unified step    are impossible to maintain. 

 In fact, we are in another pandemic, one where unity is gone, and favored are the voices of disharmony. The power, the lure, of these voices have a strong pull. Over “the noise of the madding crowd" these voices of disharmony prove to have a liberating attraction for the unsettled and the   misinformed. Are these violent raucous riots part of growing up, a rite of passage of every generation or are there more sinister motivations driving it all?  Is there any way to heed not the siren call of condoned violence, no rule?       

While the onus of the choice falls upon the one or ones making the choice, there is also the burden and responsibility of those who know better, of educators who are turncoats to a noble profession.  Those with nefarious motives ensnare the young and easily led and well, here we are once again, back at the old corral with the gate open. No restraints of any import. Something to do on a boring day, a nice day to be outside, perhaps meet a new friend or two and agitate authorities.  

 Today, authority is trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. It is an impossible task. New approaches, strong approaches with backbone must be laid in place. Explain and then carry it out. Keep the promises. Keep your words. Be clear and be of strong spine. At times there is necessity to first gain the attention and then one can teach the lesson. One cannot defeat a roaring tiger without strong determination, plans in place, and contingencies analyzed and accommodated. Backing away only highlights weaknesses and instigators are quick to capitalize on them. 

Authority caved last year to hate, to extremes of “whatever means necessary” translating to approval, even recommendation of slaughter emulating the horrific example of the beasts of Hamas of October 7. and consequences. Approval of slaughter, for bestiality. Authorities caved to hate, to extremes, to the deliberate use of fellow Gazans as weapons of war. We must not repeat this error for if so, we only strengthen the forces of anti-society, anti-unity opposed to any kind of positive sync at all. It favors the scratchy violin, the mistuned piano and the weak, soundless tuba. It is   anathema to any kind of a civilized society of humane intent. Unless we do this right this time around, well, sync and unity will be forfeit. The out of tune voice will overpower and dominate shattering harmony and joy. The new chorus will be totally out of tune, out of harmony. The state of the world today.  

The ugly stink of vitriolic Jew Hatred was heavy upon the air on the campuses of universities last semester. Unfortunately, that same rank odor once again permeates these campuses. How will the authorities react? It is a wait and see situation for it will be awful unless we do it right this time around Not too hopeful, am I? These newly rephrased rules must not be merely words on a paper, flimsy, unenforced, meaningless. We actually would have told the rioters in so many words to "have at it!" Hey, free throw. Go out and do your worst. In fact, the whole world is watching.  

 This week, the campuses opened to the same old, same old. Will the authorities hold true to their words? Will they have the moral courage they so obviously lacked last term? Or will they once again cave and allow the raucous thoughtless mobs to perpetrate the same violence and attack upon society. Will the harassment of the Jewish students, of Jewish institutions, synagogue, schools, centers, so very carefully marked out on a map given out at MIT orientation prove to be the superior side here? Will there be actual bloodlust be satisfied via the spilling of the blood of Jews, from infant to elder, a repetition of Oct7? Not impossible - not at all.  Goals are bloody, echoes of October 7,of the beasts of Hamas.

Perhaps there are some signs of light. Highly antagonistic organizations. calling out for extreme measures against Jews and anything touching upon Jews have been suspended, their accounts canceled by Meta. Canceled again as they retried. People are beginning to speak up and out against this ugliness. Jewish students, their parents, board members, alumni are beginning to coalesce, to stand firm against the haters.  And the lower strata of the educational world had better do improved jobs teaching about antisemitism, the Holocaust, and hatred overall. Biased teachers must be rejected unless reeducation is successful.

We here in the greatest nation of the world, the United States of America must do better. We are falling down on the job. We have abdicated our role as leader. As example for the good, the positive, the altruistic. We have reengaged with hatred, forgotten our true self as a nation of immigrants, benefiting from their input, from their labor, from their ideas. 

We have got to return to where we should be. We have got to remember our better side and forgo the worst. We had better be better examples to our own young. We cannot remain in this position. 

The alternative to improvement is not an alternative at all. We must. do better. Can we? Will we? Do we even want to?       


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