Friday, August 30, 2024


 First, deep apologies. Once again, the aviation industry managed to delay me for hours.  First, it is nigh unto impossible to find a direct flight to anywhere, especially from a smaller airport such as PBI. Evidently, flying in the opposite direction from one's final destination is the way to go, like it or not.  and wow, did we begin the journey with a bang, finding the baggage system in PBI was broken. Luggage being toted around by impressed luggage shleppers, our suitcases separated and worry over their eventual journey, hoping it would coincide with ours.

The first leg was okay, a tad delayed due to luggage location, and then Boom!  Thunder and lightning -not by us but at destination. A sunlit city amid huge thunderstorms. Already delayed by an hour We were boarded, taxied, told to halt, and there we sat until told to return to gate. No flight possible. And there we sat and sat and sat and sat some more. Some passengers were lucky enough to find alternate flights and some not. We sat until after 8 when we were told to get off the plane, timed out of our seats. along with many of the flight crew. Uh oh, now what? Suddenly about 10 minutes later, we were told to hurry up. Hurry up. Back on the plane. A flight that was to have landed a bit after 4:00 PM, we were finally home to our destination, in bed at 12:45 AM. A replay of my original experience the other week in Chicago.

The crew was amazing, pilot and copilot communicating with the passengers, the flight attendants maintaining humor and calm and did their best. However. people were hungry after those long hours sitting on that plane. When one asked about vouchers as in Chicago we were told basically, nothing.

 This cannot be. Airlines charge enough to factor in such a probability. This minor gesture would go a long way to neutralize the frustration that so many passengers feel as they are nickel and dimed to death when tickets are bought. Do the right thing and it will go the right way, a long way. 

Hence my apologies. I am hoping that I will be able to write a blog on Sunday but please understand that if it is delayed it is because that is the day for the commemoration for Yitzy, my beautiful, sweet golden boy. My grandson stolen from us via cancer at the age of 13. The influence he had on so many others of all ages, of all ethnicities, of all religions was, is truly amazing and all coming together on Sunday.  

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