Friday, August 9, 2024


 I think we are now at a stage of “Nothingness".  What does that mean? Nothing. That is what we now have, in a most ugly state of permanence. We believe changes have occurred throughout the world, but essentially, we are fooling ourselves. Governments change hands - mostly via violence.   The Middle East is, as ever, in a state of violence, the pot boiling over from time to time, of varying duration, some pressure is relieved, but well, as is most true - here we go again. In fact, as one blindly jams a finger down on an atlas map, or on a spinning globe, it is a most sure bet that the finger will find an area of perpetual, ever reoccurring state of war, declared or not. Depressing. discouraging.

Hark back to the fake war pre and early WWII Europe. The integrity of nations was ignored and violated: Czechoslovakia, Sudetenland, Poland, Austria. Italy engaged in its own attempt to grow its empire and Ethiopia suffered. Barely a whisper from the Western nations. Even when an official state of war was declared, it became that fake war period. Sputtering of offense and warnings, dangerous flimsy excuses to deny reality and a dire future inevitable, policies of appeasement and denial remained soup de jour. 

 Agonies of those captive populations, particularly the Jews within and the upper levels of society, the intelligentsia, the leaders, the ones capable of resistance, and sundry other rather awfully targeted groups began to disappear. Russia deserted its 'allies' and signed a not thought through peace treaty with Nazi Germany and the world - tensely quiet. The nations of the West on tiptoe foolishly dangerously hoping to avoid the unavoidable - open warfare. 

The nothingness state of being dissolved and 'real war' began for the world at large. Neutrality was observed in the breech and 'neutral' nations - not so much, were they?  Anything ring a bell? Remind you of another reality - that of today? Yes? No? If no, think again.  

Apparently, humanity finds a comforting sense of familiarity within states of war, declared or not. The economies grow by leaps and bounds for war is a definite economic incentive. Patriotism becomes a holy must as accusations of  non-patriotism are rampant, allowing for bias and prejudice to adopt false covers.  Social mores change, become more liberal. And so life goes on, even improves in many ways, other than of course the deaths of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions of thousands. Generations are destroyed and nothing changes. In a few years, if even that long, the same old returns, disguised, barely, with differing names and supposed complaints; nevertheless, the same. Nothingness strikes again.

Are we at peace today? Are the nations of the world free from warfare? Have varying   populations of and within nations resolved their differences? Stopped killing each other? Made peace? I think not. Furthermore, leaders of nations continue to act as if all their subterfuges are unseen, unable to be recognized as such, and if seen, approved. Nothing. Again. 

Nothingness wins and we all lose - even supposed victors lose, for war has no winners, only perhaps one side with fewer losses, less damage, but is that enough? Was it worth it all? Why can we not find another path out of this anomic world rife with danger and hate? Before I hear the indignant shouts of those claiming wars are at times justified and legitimate tools of national and international interactions, yes, there are times where war is the only path open. But why must we allow, even desire, situations to boil over so, leaving only the path to waging of war the only viable path remaining. Why? 

Humanity is so advanced in so many ways in so many streams of life. On the other hand, we retain some of the most primitive emotions and actions, those promoting violence and hate and toxic activated hatred. Some of the “Protesters” who carried signs stating threatening “Whatever is necessary” are demanding approval of waging war. People who look and behave and desire and need as we do are now dehumanized, thought of as legitimate targets, all justified via tarnished primitive emotions, incentives and motivation.  Hate those who are not us. Hate those who do not agree with us. Hate those who stand in our way, who thwart our national ambitions. 

All the above is the dark side of humanity. But if we can see through that darkness, that overlay of the worst of humanity, perhaps we can perceive the truth beyond. Perhaps we can tear down and away that darkness, that which has consumed too much of the history of humanity, too much of the humanness of humanity. All allowing for the states of nothingness within the history of humanity. 

We must seek change, positive, hopeful change. Only thus will we ever be able to light that "just one candle" and keep it lit. To be able and desirous of sharing its flame of liberty, of life, of rights, for a better world - for all the people in the world. I know it sounds like a Pollyanna. I know I also sound like a Cassandra. What I am, however, is a realist. 

Even knowing all the negative emotions that are out there, I must continue to hope, even as I despair, continue to see the deterioration of humankind.   However, within that darkness remains sparks of light, wavering flames of hope. We need to discard the most powerful negatives of our narratives and replace them with narratives of understanding and acceptance.  

 To do that we must shut down the voices of hate. Shut down the politicians who feed into hate, who live upon that hate.  Reinvigorate our capabilities of empathy and understanding, along with the knowing deep within that somewhere along the line there must be a time of talk and sharing. Of   understanding, along with compromise and acceptance. If we do otherwise we must be prepared. We must know that we are playing around with weapons of war so deadly they can wipe out the world's population. Understand that we are playing deadly games of chicken, unknowing if and who will turn aside or not. The inevitable result: welcome to apocalyptic times.

To change now is difficult, yes, but to not change, to not shift gears, we are opening ourselves up to inevitably worse times. Think. Make choices. And hope. 

Dear G-d. Please hope!


Yitzy, nothing to say other than we love you. This ugliness down here is not for you nor for the other innocents taken before their time. Nor for the good people who did the best they could to improve the world in which they lived.  

Miss you, sweet boy.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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