Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Or words stuffed with hot air producing nothing other than discomfort and mistrust. Practical aid and ideas as to how to minimize the blockades and find a path through or around or over or even under are scarcer than hen's teeth. Moreover, when ideas sent forth are revealed as facades for "nothing doing", all previous failed thoughts and suggestions morph into hills of beans. Lots of hot air and noxious gases emanating from the sudden appearance of hills of beans attached to the rocks and hard places, further impediments to viable solutions and cooperative action. The uselessness of proposals is revealed, some accidental while others were meant to sabotage efforts and delay, delay, delay. Result- deepening despair and hopelessness. 

Unfortunately, too often, these supposedly minor irritations are deemed, insignificant, easily surmountable, merely "a hill of beans". However, when push comes to shove another reality emerges from those same hills. These once thought to be minor impediments, discounted and devalued, suddenly become crucial to a successful negotiation. It happens when one side has not understood that that particular hill of beans is dear to the hearts of others and only with an acceptable resolution can other issues be addressed, resolved and reach a final and successful close. The dial goes back to reset. 

One of the major factors of success of bean hill sabotage is when it is well known, via bitter experience, that what is promised or proposed, even laid out with details and presented as ironclad actually remains as empty promises yet again.      Consequently, we now have once more an insurmountable hill of beans. Yet again the drafting tables, the endless fruitless negotiation meetings, even as a war continues, or an environment permanently damaged, or a trade treaty crucial but missing, never materializes

Take the hard situation. of the current state of affairs in the Middle East. Will there ever be a time of peace? A time of recognition that it is better to begin a journey with a trusted friend rather than with an enemy. Will there ever be a generation of leaders wise and strong enough to lead their respective nations to a true peace and prosperity?  One wise person put it this way. “There will be peace in the Middle East when the sons of Ishmael accept and recognize the sons of Isaac.”  In such a time there will be no more scenes of death and horror as loved one are butchered or taken hostage, left to die within captivity or remains traded for murderers with hands dripping with the blood of others they have slaughtered. 

This whole scene is one of the hills of beans that the nations of the world do not see or deny seeing. There is a huge denial of its importance. and relevance to the people of Israel, to Jews around the world. We mourn with the families and rejoice with the few who are lucky to have their loved ones returned. We hope and pray that there will be more alive than only 30 and in good condition. We watch the news, all media, for any such good news of a return and we wait with bated breath for the return of the young women, for the survival of the Bibas babies. Are we optimistic? Not really, but we hope this hill of beans, so heedlessly designated as such by the nations of the world will be recognized as a huge heap of giant, immoveable boulders - unless the proper approach is taken.  

There are many more hills of beans of consequence.  In fact, there is a rather large grouping now staging a comeback, with hills of greater height and width. If unaddressed or incompetently addressed, these hills of beans threaten to develop into a new range of huge and immoveable boulders obstructing the passage to a civil and peaceful society. These are the rather toxic and threatening "protests" on campuses and the tangible fear it causes in the targets of these orchestrated hate fests. 

Contrary to those who present these encampments and the population within as mere hijinks of an idealistic youth, admittedly perhaps over the top are most dangerously wrong and way underestimating of the damage they do and of the powers driving these violent activities. Using a rather holey blanket of the right to free speech, these well-organized national and international campaigns of hate and isolation use that blanket to obfuscate the truth.  It is a campaign of hatred and violence, rising to the point of instigation and incitement of violence, targeting specifically one group - any and all having connection to Judaism, Jews, Israel and any movements supportive of the reality and truth of Zionism. Its historical imperative is denied, downplayed, declared a lie and deserving of extermination. The only good Jew for these criminal instigators and their followers are those who deny their Judaism, deny the right of Jews to have a Jewish nation and stand among those who call for their inevitable demise, for they too, are Jews. 

Last year University authorities sat by and allowed this small pile of insignificant beans to become a foothill of beans. almost as high and as deep as a mountain of boulders. Ignored and downplayed was the “coming out” of the professors who heretofore had quietly, slowly, with malice aforethought, to build a coterie of hatemongers, to build an organization claiming spontaneity, even as the clearly organized campaign of hate and exclusion, isolation of Jews, rolled out with identical chants, the same invective and posters, the same growth of violence, the same tents - all the same, with identical timing. The same everything. Spontaneous? Absolutely not. 

Campus authorities were caught with their pants down and colluded, knowingly, or passively and/or incompetently with the hateful goals of these campus disruptors. These gangsters chose to revive in a big way, societally approved, the ancient trope of virulent JewHatred. Violence grew, and open exclusion and persecution of Jews became ever more prominent.

Fed by the nonthinkers who reveled in tolerated freedom, the true organizers wallowed in their obscene success and over the summer they have drawn plans for a continuance of further lawbreaking and hatred with announcements of these plans. And why not, as they had gotten off scot-free of all consequences, received praise from people in power, denied the butchery of Hamas, and touted their victories at every opportunity. The universities are spouting the same words of no weight as they are expected to be as weak and wimpy at enforcement of rules and regulations, along with the eminently useless "committees" who are excellent consumers of drinks and food at these meetings but useful plans? Never.  

And so here we are again. When will the first tent be opened on campus? When will the first shouts be heard? When will Jewish students once again be threatened and hurt? Pretty damn soon, I would say. A bunch of hills of beans allowed to turn. into a full-scale mountain range. Replete with mammoth boulders, both immovable and capable of rolling downhill taking out all before it, in its path.  Preventable? Possibly. But have we the will to do so? You tell me. 

Unfortunately, there will be a Rocks and Hard Places IV, this one concentrating on the rather ridiculous yet extremely perilous reality that is America today. 

Have a good day.     

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