Monday, August 19, 2024


G-d has obviously refrained from shedding His Grace upon us, the people of America. In fact, we can easily enlarge that circle of deprived and contain within the remainder of earth's population. Such an achievement! We should all be not so proud. Is there, are there, any ideas as to how to successfully mend the situation, if not to a tee, then perhaps to a point where we stop the hands of the midnight clock? If no sun, then at least a lightening of the skies? 

We have come so far so fast even as we deny the proof before our eyes. Yes, we have come far. But have we gone too far? Not far enough? Are we turning our backs on that progress, returning to deeper darkness and abnegation of all that we have achieved? Sometimes it seems as if we are eagerly returning to the slime from which we crawled or to the dust from which we were made. 

Worse, are we so confused that we actually know not where we are, where we must go and how to get there? Our GPS and our Waze are malfunctioning as is the internal monitor within each and every one of us. We roam in circles of confusion and uncertainty with every so often a false prophet of direction rising above the swampy waters only to disappear into the depths again, leaving behind a slime trail of further infusion of concern and confusion. How do we deal with the new wounds, ameliorate or lessen the havoc raised?

There are two words in Hebrew easily translated into English, though much is lost in the translation. These two words are first cousins. Yay-ush - despair, and halevai, if only. These two words derived from a state of anguish of the soul so deep, so dark, so all-encompassing that its only outlet is the stream of heartfelt longings of the world of halevai, if only. If only we could change it all. If only we could go back and change time. Change events. Change humanity. If only. Unfortunately becoming clearer and clearer, is the realization that perhaps we are way past the point of no return, red lines crossed miles back, unnoticed, with all U-turns or k-turns or any reversals denied. No wiggle room remains, and we have done it all by ourselves to ourselves. And aren't we proud.

Yesterday it seemed as if a miracle was on the edge of achieving reality - an end to the war in Gaza, the return of the remaining living hostages, as pitifully few as they most probably are and a start on the release of the remains of those killed within captivity. A huge "Halevai" was sent heavenward - and by this morning it has crash-landed, dead on arrival.

Much of the blame, plentiful. and abundant, can be generously shared among many. Sinwar and his band of murderous beasts. Iran. Hezbollah. Voices of jingoism and hate. Revived JewHatred. The entitled. Nefarious Moslem professors with an agenda of violence. Educators who bring shame to a noble and vital profession. Incompetent American leaders. Deranged American leaders. Weak leaders of Europe. Petty dictators of Third World nations subjected to bloody purgings ever ongoing. Haters who thrust the blame of war on the invaded rather than on the perpetrators. Willfully blind citizens who refuse the truth and buy heavily into the false. 

In fact, it is a deliberate preponderance of Evil that has overpowered the world.  And yes, folks, Evil is real: it is even tangible in places of great violence. Take a trip to a now empty gas chamber, or the killing field of Nova, or the bloodstained beds of children slaughtered by grown men and there you will feel the Evil, now deep within the very atoms of these sites. Evil is real and Evil is here. Whether it stays or goes - up to us. You. Me. Everyone.  

The world reacted to this invasion of evil with a great deal of waffling. Truth, reality, empathy all was set aside, tossed aside, discarded. Instead. the victims, the invaded, the butchered. whose last moments of agony cry out from the blood-soaked grounds they lay upon, to avenge, to remember them, to make it so it never happens again, cried out to be heard. What did the nations of the world voice? Did they call out justifiable anger? Did they send words of powerful condemnation? No. We heard instead words calling for restraint. Very few words of sympathy and they disintegrated almost instantaneously. Demanding, harsh voices calling for ceding victory to the beasts, all the while spewing forth false empty words of sympathy and    understanding, of support, so conditional that it was almost useless, as those words gave succor to the enemy and thus allowed the war to go on rather than having the defeated instigators and murderers concede defeat. Instead. we received horrendous videos of Captives, bloody, frightened, threatened, tortured and dead.  

The nations of the world turned cold shoulders to Israel. The leaders of the world did the same. Their responsibility denied. The necessity of serving truth and honor, rather than filth, was an antiquated state of mind, almost extinct, within Congress and the political leaders of the United States forsook their role as leaders of the moral and the right, of   justice. The nations of the world followed suit with barely a word heard. in opposition. What was heard? The raucous hateful voices of the protesters urged on by professional instigators. Hatred infused into many of those spouting hate with mother's milk. Just a jolly good time had by all - otter than the targets of those pro-murdering Hamas.

The opening of universities once again alongside the busy beaver work over the summer and the arrogance of university committees sure they had solved the problem by rewriting old rules in other terms merely rephrasing the same old, same old, and a list of consequences useless if not enforced - amounting to - got it! A hill of beans.      

 America. Americans. We must make a choice. And the choice is ours. The consequences of that choice will fall upon many, so think carefully. Think wisely. And choose. Make your voice heard.  Choose leaders who are honorable, moral, and know the honor of public service. Tolerate no corruption, no obfuscation of the truth as do so many of our top officials today in all branches of the government. Silence the voices of the beasts. No one will do this for us. WE must do it ourselves. We need to take up the cudgels of the right, of justice, of humanity and do it now.

America which should have led the fight to combat this glaringly evil situation was caught within its own throes of agony as false prophets vied for positions at the head of government. Students on campus were co-opted by professors with agendas, by outsiders who stalked among them and captured by their own sheer stupidity and moments of feeling of liberation, from all rules and regulations.  As do many adults, who know better.  Waffling and huge amounts of hot air amount to not even a hill of beans, merely adding amounts.

Poor leaders have done us wrong even as we allowed them to do so. Hatred was okay, the rescinding of rights was okay. Shutting the borders to others was okay. Isolationism and populism were okay. Incompetent deranged leaders were okay. Banning of books and increased censoring were okay as well. Cut of the flow of ideas. And we wonder why this nation, this world, is in such a mess! Beans galore.

I came across this term the other day.  "Doom loop." I believe we are now enmeshed in such a thing. Round and round and round we go and actually, going nowhere. What we do gin up via this useless movement are ever larger hills of beans now challenging the mountains. That loop must be cracked open and that deep intense despair, its yay-ush must be thrust aside, break its hold upon us. Happier notes must be found and sung, loud and strong. These notes will transform the minor scale notes of Halevai into major scale notes conveying faith that we can so do.

 Halevai. If only.    





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