Sunday, August 25, 2024


Truthfully, truth to tell, I am so tired of the consistent destructive bias present in every aspect and form of the media. From outright questioning and/or the denial of anything pro-Israel, to outright seeking and encouragement of harm to Israel, it is a highly troublesome and troubling phenomenon. Always, statistics and data as stated by Israeli authorities, are attached to words insinuating doubt and uncertainty as to the veracity of such data, particularly when that data conveys any kind of support for Israel. Worse is the reversal of facts into 'truths' never even ever having been in proximity to real undeniable irrefutable truths.  

A blatant example of the above is the rapid turnover of October 7 from an attack upon Israel to an attack waged by Israel upon its own people, thus creating a cause allowing them to invade Gaza and wreak havoc on those 'poor innocent civilians'. The world bought it all, lock, stock and barrel and continues to decorate and enhance these lies, shouting their 'truth' which is most definitely not truth to tell. Not in any way, not in any form, not in any manifestation.

 Israel left Gaza in 2005 and within days the PA was thrown out, its agents literally banging on the gates of the border, asking Israel for refuge from their fellow 'innocent' civilians, fellow 'Palestinians', the same ones who took to the street in support of that overthrow of government. The same ones who cheered every time they heard of a successful terrorist attack upon a Jew, upon Israel. Who taught the children to hate almost from the very moment of birth and sent them to military camp at age 7. Who taught their children that it was a blessing to die while taking the lives of Jews with them. Who cheered the parade of captives dead and alive, clothed and unclothed, bloodied and hurt. Who volunteered their homes to be used for exits and entrances to tunnels. Who vied for the privilege of holding a captive within their home, to toy with at will. Who allowed arms and ammunition from bullets to rockets and launchers to be hid under their children's beds, in their living rooms.  Who allowed for their Hamas, to use their deaths, as a weapon of war, crying oh so piteously at rising numbers of casualties - deliberately placed in the path of harm by Hamas. Cold blooded, monstrous, and successful.       

Here is another truth to tell. Last night 100 jets from Israel flew over into Lebanon and bombed the crap out of military areas. It was an attempt to take preemptive action as it was disclosed that Hezbollah was ramping up to a monstrously large rocket and missile attack upon Israel. Even as they flew, the rockets had been launched. An ugly business but, truth to tell, the world will accuse Israel of increasing tension. 

Truth to tell, no matter what Israel does or says, it meets immediate refutation and denial. Evidently, in their twisted minds, providing shelter for civilians, rather than placing them in harm's way, having concern for their lives as opposed to sacrificing those lives in cold hearted, ruthless manner, is contrary to their rules of war. Evidently their idea of war with Israel is to ensure that Israel either matches body for body, wound for wound, or be far greater. So, what is the answer? Is there an answer to these barbaric trends of thoughts? Truth to tell, I think not. I know not. 

This morning, I read an interesting article purportedly defining an answer to "what is Judaism”. The conclusion was that it is at one and the same time-or at different times, a religion, a culture, a heritage, a genetic component. And yes, within each category there are major and minor differences, endless bouts of arguments and the shaking of fists and heads, differences among the groups. However, the world must remember, as we Jews remember, when pushed against that wall, we are, bottom line, all Jews. Defined by others, truth to tell it matters not, for we will recognize our shared faith and fate, with the word "Amcha"  (your people") as our term of identification and shared family. All the differing branches, truth to tell, matters not, for the parts make up a whole.  

Truth to tell the world is replete with lies more so than truths. Truth to tell, human beings seem to have a stronger affinity to falsehood than to the value and virtue of truth. Truth to tell, that concept of truth and its necessity is bypassed, stomped upon, ignored and trashed. We expend our intelligence and time on rebutting the truth and reinforcing the lie with even more lies in number, intensity, and egregiousness.   

Truth to tell, along with all the above comes, inevitably, tied to it with Gordian knots, is the emotion and acts of hate, of hatreds of great intensity and rife with madness and ignorance.   Hatred is a visible and powerful motivation. Its dark presence is within most of us. It is the "dark passenger" of Dexter's which inhabits too large a place within too many of us. 

Truth to tell, I have a deep hatred for those who have made me hate them. That dark passenger glows within, intensified by each and every piece of falsehood, every diminishing second of survival for our hostages, every threat and act of more war, every act of national hostility, from Putin to terrorists, to Moslem nations, to nations coveting territory of others, and to crazed with grief Israelis who give way to blood revenge - it diminishes all of us.      

 Truth to tell, it is an ugly imperfect world. It is upon us to fix it and ourselves. It is a huge job, perhaps never ending one, but we must try. We must make progress. We must adopt truth and stop lying to ourselves for if we do not there is no future. How to go about doing this, achieving or meeting with any modicum of success? Beats me.   I guess we all need to begin at the beginning. With ourselves. But how does one shed the hate of those who do me, and mine, harm? How? Truth to tell I have no answer.  How then does one proceed if there is no guidance available as to direction taken or path trodden.

Truth to tell, is there any positive answer to solve this problem? I hope so. But I am more than beginning to think not so. Unless there comes along some blessed individual of great mind, heart and charisma to inspire us to follow him/her, and at least make a dent in the armor of hatred and its perpetration upon this besieged and broken world of ours.  

Can it be? Will it be? 

Truth to tell ....

As an aside, a brief segue to the question of what Judaism is, what is a Jew - here is an answer while not complete does go a long way in the right direction. And always with some humor, for humor is most necessary in the composition of a Jew. 

"So what is Judaism? It’s a religion. It’s a culture. It’s a heritage. It’s a box you might have to check at the doctor’s office. It’s a complicated, ancient, incredibly diverse, permeable peoplehood. And yes, it’s true that where there are two Jews, there are probably three opinions."

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