Monday, August 26, 2024


  Not a typo nor a misspelling. It is a simple question which belies the confusion trailing behind. It is with a deep sigh of resignation and hopelessness with yet another app mysteriously joining the already overloaded screen pages of computers and phones. The already numerous ones already challenging you welcome yet another to the fold. End result? A longing glance at the bar or fond memories of one's old flip phones, so small, so easy to work, with nary a challenge to your cognitive status.  

One begins to question one's sanity. How the heck did that get here? It was not here yesterday - or was it? It might have been the app poltergeist striking when you were not paying attention. More likely, it was those pesky units called children and grandchildren who so erroneously think the old folks will be so much better off with the new app and the next and the next three ad infinitum. Then the 'best' part - the frustration expressed by these 'do-gooders', demanding, "Why didn't you look at your phone or check what's app, or messages, Instagram, disappearing photos, dms - whatever those are! And mind you, all the while you know for sure, that one of those snarky ladies, Siri or Alexa, are laughing at you, constantly challenging you. 

Ah, for the good old days of those heavy black Bakelite dial phones of two twisted cords,   guaranteed to knot up within five minutes of installation. The hunt for privacy as you stretched those cords to their limits and then beyond. As you knew, just knew that the rest of the family was listening in, paying close attention to every word and discussing what might have been the response on the other side of that call. It was the frantic gestures by the parents indicating that three minutes were up and were you going to pay the extravagant costs of overtalking!? Oh, those gestures of knife across throat, ominous warnings to hang up NOW! Or face the consequences. Hmmm, a tad tarnished these memories of old.

Even so, life definitely seemed less confusing, less entangled in complicated knots defying solutions. Lines were clearly drawn, and one knew where one stood. Consequences were clear. and carried out. One learned to think before acting, to follow the thread through to the end. Spontaneous hugs or family giggles were plentiful, and rooms shared with siblings fostered close relationships for life.   Best of all, we all lived close together, family nearby, rather than scattered among several cities and states, even countries. 

Life was, if not golden, at least simpler. Decision making was easier. TV? Channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. I still use those numbers today even though they do not apply in Florida! Habits are hard to break. TV late night binging? Nope, for at 11 or midnight the flag waved onscreen as the national anthem was played and then ...static, until 6AM when programming returned with cartoons for the kids. And we kids - we were mesmerized with that little round screen hidden behind closed doors of that heavy wood cabinet and the miracles it brought right into our living room. Wow! Of course, not to forget when the TV repairman came to the house with his giant bag of tools and racks of mysterious glass tubes. It was fascinating, especially if we were allowed to 'help'.

Oh well, all good things must come to an end. And here I end today's posting. Too much to do. Too many questions to answer. For example, is there anything to watch tonight? Or is it all reruns or game shows? What about all the streaming possibilities? Which do we get again? Which remote and where the hell are they? Or maybe let's play that new cognitive challenging game we just bought on Amazon. Oh, no? Your brain is too tired? Okay, maybe tomorrow. I'll read the book I finally wrangled from the library on its rather challenging ever-changing website, bugs and all. Or maybe we should pre-open the items we need for tomorrow's meals as it is nigh unto impossible to open food packages, any packages these days, other than the ones coming battered and bruised via shipping services. Even with fragile plastered all over. What is the menu for tomorrow? 

Wait! The phone. Where is it? How did it get there? You must have put it there. Better answer before the calls to emergency services as to why we haven't answered and are we okay? After all, the last conversation ended at least ten minutes ago. Which one is it now? 

But then again would we want it any other way?


Memories are good; creating new ones is even better.    



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