Sunday, September 22, 2024


 I wonder, increasingly so, whether people are actually attuned to reality or have they shut down that approach and chosen the 'wanna' be', creating a world where nothing is as it truly is. Denial rules the day and an entire world of make believe ensues, much to the detriment of all. It is a case of grownups returning to the childhood realm of invisible friends, though with much greater negativity and resultants.

Unfortunately, we're all forced to grow up and too often come face to face with situations we would much prefer to deny. Once again, unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. A problem ignored, hidden, or approached halfheartedly generally comes back to bite us multiple times in our rear or anywhere else it desires. Wishes do not make the bad go away nor does closing one's eyes. The longer we delay, the deeper, wider, more complex the problem and solution grow.

 For almost a decade now I have been spitting into the wind trying to get the attention of those who do not want their attention gathered. The reality of Trump is minimized and sadly, even tragically, people who know better continue to commit their vote for Trump, the same man of no morals, whose character traits are just about perfect in the negative, who lies through his teeth and would not recognize the truth if it walked up and smacked him silly. Why? They admit they detest him, so why? 

They have chosen to believe in one thing he promised and desperately hope under threatening circumstances that he will continue to do so. Even though there's barely anything that he promises that are realized other than the divisive harsh words of his threats, tax cuts for the wealthy, contempt for and of women and negation of their inherent rights, and challenges to the Constitution of this nation, its very gestalt as an idea and a dream. In fact, basically the one thing he has actually achieved is to engender chaos, an inability to govern in the legislative branch, rampant corruption in the judicial system of this nation, including the Supreme Court and an urged, demanded overreaching of presumed powers of the executive branch. All adding up to, contributing to the vitriolic toxicity of American society today.

Certainly, no sane decent person should or would actually endorse this man and his ugly philosophy of life. However, there is one group of people under extreme pressure right now as mistakes of history repeat. The frightening reality is that it is due to one positive promise he made and kept, to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, where it   belongs. Other presidents promised, but never kept that promise. He did and thus, many Jews believe he will stand by Israel even as others flee or stand aside, or even take an active contributing role in yet another slaughter of Jews. 

 Kudos to him for that. However, the man is so erratic that he could just as easily get up one morning if elected, G-d forbid, and decide he hates Jews, blames them for any and all of his political problems, and consequently shuts down the embassy and puts it back in Tel Aviv. He is just the man who cannot be trusted, whose favorite activity   is to throw whomever he detests, the victim of the   day, under the wheels of that ever-present bus. A fact always at risk of a moody unbalanced man.

One worrisome fact is quickly followed by another. One of the biggest items on his agenda should he be placed back in office is the negation of the Constitution, its amendments, the very basis of America, its soul. Project 2025 lays it all out, but we need not delve within, for he damns himself in his own words. Here are a few analyses of his nefarious plans, made by those who know whereof they speak.

“Donald Trump is making many public threats to use the legal system to punish his enemies, which seems to be anyone who opposes him,” (said the former deputy attorney general) “This conduct is utterly without precedent in campaign history, threatens all of our freedoms, and violates our basic rule of law.”

“Trump’s escalating threats to pervert the criminal justice system need to be taken seriously,” (said the former justice department inspector general) “We have never had a presidential candidate state as one of his central goals mobilizing the levers of justice to punish enemies and reward friends. No one has ever been brazen enough to campaign on an agenda of retribution and retaliation.

I have been shouting about this plan of his for years; perhaps now, empowered by the voices of the knowledgeable, people will finally internalize the danger he poses to this nation in particular and to the world in general. He, his plans, his “base” have an agenda we had better take to heart and understand and take very seriously the future he envisions -an Amerika rather than America. Arrest. Imprison. Deport. Disappear. Whatever works. Any perceived opponent, real or not. For whatever. It is one point on which he remains consistent. To ignore it is to enable it. Complicitly or implicitly.

The governing of a nation demands people with at least a modicum of intelligence, common sense, and a working model of positive morality. That is not embodied within Vance who boasts he tells lies for political gain. He is not worthy of any official role. Not even that of dog catcher. Nor can we ignore words of violence spewing forth from the twisted mouths of both Republican and Democratic parties, and from both extremes - right and left.    All drink from the same contaminated pool of Hate.

When our reality includes an increased budget for arming campus police, when students sue for what should be a given - their safety on campus and equal treatment on campus, well, there's something wrong, not in Shakespeare's Denmark, but with the state of the United States of America. Simply put, we have lost our way. I am not even sure if at this point, we can re-locate it and walk upon it firmly, positively, in determined motivation to fix this nation. To return it to what it should be, was always meant to be. A nation of the world, for the world.

For those who continue to erroneously believe that Trump is the one who represents a future for Jewry, is 'good for the Jews', here are a few words which might convince you otherwise.

Claims: "wasn't treated properly by the voters who happen to be Jewish" during his 2016 and 2020 elections, adding, "If I don't win this election, and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens."

"Trump's statements were "dangerous and should be condemned by all Americans."

"Trump's comments were "extremely dangerous rhetoric, and we need everybody across the political spectrum, including any self-respecting Republicans left, to denounce this kind of rhetoric."

Hatred is the equivalent of a steaming hot iceberg. What you see is only a fraction of that which remains below the surface. We need to be aware of that fact. To ignore it, to willfully deny it, is to imperil the present and future. As more of it surfaces, Hate becomes more entrenched in society. That bodes well for no group, for no one is immune to the evil harsh consequences of Hate. It is never short of targets. 

The reality of hatred is front and center, clearly visible within that ugly heap of antisemitism, its growing ugliness overwhelming the world. Once again. Ever again.  A poison capable of regenerating over and over again. It is now endemic, a pandemic in its own right. Hate is at work when the deaths of Jews, and the destruction of their homes, their very right to exist denied -well, there is Hate.  When the UN demands that Israel self-devour - there is Hate

The only way to rid this world of this hate is to extirpate it from its roots to the top. We need to tan its hide when it does surface and resurface. Not for the third time, but for as many times as necessary to ensure its death. Harsh codes of consequence must be applied when it does appear for soft words mean nothing to it, other than encouragement to continue apace. Hatred is a strong instinct within human nature, unfortunately, and it requires deep consistent effort to finish it off for once and for all.   The sooner we accept those truths. the sooner we can begin the process. Can we commit to this arduous undertaking? Do we actually wish to do so? Given the facts on the table is there any other way other than to confront reality as it is?    

Lots of questions. Lots of problems. Not many answers. Someone out there must have an idea.


I hope. 

Reality check.

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