Friday, September 20, 2024


  ...and the odor is rank. Overwhelming. Rodents abound, huge rats proliferate at amazing rate. Over and above all, the miasmic smell of bitter black coffee, powerful enough to wake the olfactory system of the dead. Harking back to yesterday's posting, the truth shall be indeed set one free. No more obfuscation, no more denial. Out there. Plain as day. The world not only has abandoned the Jews but has also ramped up their active very public participation in and approval of their erasure. This comes as no surprise to the Jews in general; they merely ask the question - why now? What has changed? Why does it feel different, and not in a good way. 

The answers and all the corollaries are clear as day. Undeniable. In fact, it reenforces yesterday's post. Certainly, the truth shall set you free, but that truth is a double-edged sword. That truth encourages haters to act out, to do their worst and receive praise. At the same time, it reminds Israel, all of world Jewry that once again, yet again, that we   stand alone on the battlefields of the world. Buoyed by the Righteous who stand with us, we nevertheless must know the truth - our enemies are strong and very active, empowered by the world to slake their bloodthirst, and their numbers are far more than ours, even if the Righteous stand with us, shoulder to shoulder.  

 Perhaps now some people will look into the mirror and see the truth. The mirror will immediately answer the question as to exactly who is the ugliest on Earth? The truth of that answer will need to be internalized, accepted, and acted upon. Bottom line, who is that person in the mirror?  Is it one who can accept that he has been wrong and now has the courage to repent, to atone, to face the pain that might result from those efforts. Or is that reflection one who would rather wallow along with the rats. swimming in that bitter coffee. Overwhelmed by its odor and continue to weigh in on the wrong side.

 Am I antisemitic? How far does my antisemitism   go? What am I willing to do to indulge it? Or can I   stop and understand what my words and the words of others have done, what hate have they perpetrated and perpetuated? Is it permanent or is   repair of resultant actions possible? How to undertake such a mission?  

Today's reality cannot be denied. It is out there for all to see. The end result: Israel has no right to exist. No right for self-defense. Their only right is to wage war against its own self. To make Judenrein their home, to wage war on their own. And then, to fall upon their sword. All in the name of supposed justice but actually in the name of virulent hate. It is demanded of Israel that it accept itself as a pariah among nations, as a criminal nation. It is to deny history and heritage and vigorously accept these designations and cooperate in its own destruction. The General Assembly of the bloodstained United Nations has so voted and given in a time limit of one-year by which all should be over and done. One year to commit mass suicide - as a nation, as a people. The Security Council will be asked to actively vote for and agree to send in troops to assist. Picture the horror!! Perhaps Jews are paranoid, but they are paranoid for a reason. And there it is. 

The only way out is the suggested repatriation back to their former homelands in Europe. Back to the lands which spewed them out. Which cooperated with the goals of Hitler and his Final Solution. Or to return to the lands of Arabia, where they had been demonized and dehumanized and exiled with barely the clothes on their backs or had to sneak out as did the Jews of Ethiopia. No, the truth is that the land of Israel is where we are all welcome and though we might fight, we fight as members of the same family and family is family.     Always so. One family. And we will not cooperate in our own demise.  

All who wish to join in this wonderful joy of destruction of Israel and all that it has been, the history and heritage, just jump in. No restrictions, no corrections allowed. No limits or boundaries re the promulgation of vicious and dangerous lies meant to erase Jewry. Wikipedia has just about out- done itself and aren't they proud and oh so protective with no corrections allowed. Following. is their new mis definition of Zionism, the attempt to assassinate the idea and concept of a nation of Jews and the horrid, skewed definition of Zionism. Then compare it to the former definition and do you feel the chill on your back yet. If not, why not?     Outraged yet? What and who are you waiting for?   New definition:  “an ethno-cultural nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed for the establishment of a Jewish state through the colonization of a land outside of Europe” that “eventually” decided to establish a Jewish state “in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible.” 

In fact, it goes further than that in a brazen attempt to totally destroy any idea of a people known as Jews.  “the origins of Ashkenazi Jews were not known.” It cites a source that claims, “The Ashkenazi Jew is the most dubious Jew, the Jew whose historical and genealogical roots … are most difficult to see and perhaps thus to believe.” The entry also cites another source that claims that "the initial origins of the Ashkenazi Jews who began the Zionist movement in turn-of-the-century Europe remain highly debated and enigmatic."  

Here is the original definition of Zionism: "the national movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel.”

What is to be done now? The answers are many. The possibilities are many. Which will prove fruitful? Way beyond my pay grade. However, it is not the time to self-segregate, for it simply makes it easier for our enemies to find us. We cannot remain silent for silence is implicit complicity. We cannot go out and physically attack, but we can physically train and arm and be prepared for the possibility of attacks upon us. It is not unrealistic. We need to improve our presence on social media, to be more powerful, more expressive. Simply put, we need to BE. We need to stand firm. We have the right to exist. Peacefully. Prosperously. To be able to sleep in our beds knowing that our families are safe. To know that we have legitimacy as a nation, in our own land, with a right to self-defense. A right to take the war to those who initiated it. We must develop a thick skin so as to allow all the insane   attacks upon us simply bounce off and carry no import for us. We. must do as we must do for no one else will. And if they do so, they will do so for only a short time. So it has been and so it usually is. Always knowing that there are that few righteous who will do what should be done till at great risk to themselves.

So, the UN be damned, them and their ridiculous resolutions. Damn them for their bias. They can legislate and vote all they want. But Israel will not negate itself. Will not make its own country Judenrein. It will not act as your Judenrat  and send you victims. We will stand firm against all destroyers and place our faith in the hands of the One who has tested and tried us, but who has kept us alive through the millennia.  

The rats are afoot. Their odor is rank. It is difficult to smell and drink that bitter coffee. But truth can be very bitter. And we must accept that truth for only with truth, within truth, is our survival.

Welcome to the world of 2024.



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