Friday, September 13, 2024


  The phrase of the title was said by Colbert in describing the end result of the debate with Harris.  For sure Trump received his comeuppance well deserved, but I believe the phrase was actually a bit more anticipatory than an absolute truth. The question is whether beneath that crisp outer layer was he just as roasted and toasted inside. In other words, did the debate do the job? Is there more roasting and toasting time before it can be just perfectly well-done with no more possibility of   obscene mind and body being rejuvenated? Is it truly over and done with? 

 Unfortunately, there are those who wish to revive that broken body so stiff, so boxy, along with the remnants of an already twisted mind. Their plan would be to control that broken piece of humanity, along with the already demented mind and play him as a robot controlled by his master or several masters, allowing them to impose their particular political, social, ethical, religious playbook upon the rest of the country and the world. Of his soul, there is no mention, as his was long ago atrophied and discarded. However, even in life it was extremely difficult to control his aberrant thoughts and behavior, so how much more in his after roasting and toasting experience?   

 In that wrecked old body and mind of his, is there yet more life to come? For sure.  That he received a well-deserved drubbing via the debate is all well and good, but there is life left in those ancient bones and psychotic mind. More is necessary. The playbook should definitely include those plays which will highlight his inadequacies, his dangerous excesses and minimums. Necessary as well are plans to prevent a return to Congress of the most egregiously extremist players within both parties, for they both have them aplenty. An atmosphere of Bipartisanship must be engendered, lest this country, this nation, render itself into several segments, forever to remain divided and weak. 

For me personally and as it seems to be for others, at this time my most foremost defining characteristic is that of my Jewish descent and all that it entails. The attitude of political parties across the spectrum towards this ugly growth of anti Semitism, vitriolic in both words and deeds, ramped up to JewHatred, leaves much to desired. It is to wonder how will the politicians, how will DC, approach the problem of wimped out university authorities? Who at first refuse to set out rules or claim they have rules but then do not listen to them or obey them? Or we can't crack down on free speech or is that only when referring to threats against Jews!!! 

The false flag operations of foreign bodies must be recognized and outed and dealt with promptly. Those professional activists, the network of them across this country, with threads into other countries, are professional as they coopt dumb students, who seek the latest trend. As for example, the red kaffiyah of today, rather than the black and white ones of last semester.

 Perhaps that prayer of forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do might be applicable here, but at times one must lead that horse to water and make that horse drink, like it or not, for their own sake and make them understand exactly what they are endorsing. It is death. It is true genocide.

 Proper boundaries must be set. No one should be free to call for the death of others. No one should be free to wield sticks and stones and bullets and bombs against those they have made “others”.  Period. Words and actions must be carefully titrated with appropriate consequences. No legitimizing "demands" which in essence dehumanize and creates a world of infinite possibilities of no good to nth degree. Universities must live up to their responsibility - to educate - not to enable evil to overwhelm the school and contaminate all.  Within a sane and righteous education, the truth will of necessity and desire emerge. Terrorism will be recognized as such, and its proponents and protectors and practitioners will be called out and on it.   

There is something seriously wrong with this world today. Very much so. The 'what' is wrong affects me and mine and make no mistake about it, it will affect you and yours, even if not now then pretty damn soon in the future. This kind of behavior knows no bounds, knows no restrictions and generally only grows worse as time goes by. The end generally is a brutal civil war within that. country and a permanent state of fighting along with resultant collapse of economic and social infrastructure. Disease. Hunger. Starvation. Danger beyond anything we have ever known.

We have a long way to go before we can declare ourselves and our world safe. We must not hold up a trophy of victory, nor a gold-plated medal nor even a sympathy pity trophy, for we have earned nothing at this point. Rather than grow up, we have. most unfortunately grown down. And along with our mis - development, we have dragged our children allowing them to once again believe in tropes of hate. We must do better. There is no other choice. We must.  

Not roasted or toasted enough. Not ready for the apple to be inserted. Nor for the final touches to be administered. We are on the way. But be that as it may there is more road before us and we must be very, very careful. Watch those who are traveling on this road because there remains that niggling itch within, a lack of total belief in their righteousness and sincerity. Will they adhere to the right rather than the convenient? Will power corrupt them? Will I, as a Jew, a woman, an American, a Zionist, a person, be safe?   I am worried. As you should be as well.     

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