Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Lord in heaven, but here is yet another term introduced into the lexicon of daily life and here I am again, saying, "What? Talk English!" It definitely is proof to the pudding that life's   parameters and priorities have undergone a major change, a transition which is ongoing and contributing to the growing lack of shared understood language and priorities and the consequential improbability of making deals, pacts treaties, anything which requires a mutually shared understanding and interpretation. Each paragraph is interpreted differently according to the comprehension of the separate parties, and not to forget the inevitable kibitzers who have no purpose at any negotiations other than to complicate matters, and we have an ever-ongoing mess with no end in sight, no cure for the problem, only a plethora of more verbiage and hot air.   

What is SMIshing you ask? Here is a dictionary definition of it.

"the fraudulent practice of sending text messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers:"

The same old, same old, only this time it uses text messages rather than emails. They are carefully formulated to lure you into opening and responding and boom!! Your life goes to hell. 

So why write about this term in my blog particularly when I am not a fan of all this technological gobbledygook and its negative effect upon society, and the means to communicate with each other, not at each other. Why? Because the world has been involved, caught up in a massive smishing attack - of text messages, written, spoken, thought. The results? Just look around.

What is the meaning of victory or defeat? How do we assign the term victor? How do we ensure equity in response? How do we ensure that the negotiation will finalize with proper attribution and demands of responsibility, tasks, logic, and consequences of firm promise - or threat, if necessary?  Most negotiating takes place within and/or because of a fraught situation. So, how does one communicate with the parties involved if the parties do not show up at the negotiations. Most important, how does one deal with gross misunderstanding, with or without intent, and the utter crazed determination of the instigator to gain all objectives, as if he is the wronged one.  

Headline: "US has “sense of urgency” after killing of American."

Headline: "Hamas threats complicate negotiations."

Headline: "Pro Palestinian protesters returned to Columbia." (Read that as pro murderers.)

Headline: "Can campuses get a grip on anti 


Comment: "Biden said he doesn't think Netanyahu is doing enough to secure a truce."

Comment: "if Hamas is able to reconstitute there will be many more Israeli hostages and mass murders of Israeli civilians and we will be back to square one."

Comment: "Captives should not be ransomed at the cost of creating more of them." (Common sense, one would think.)

Comment: “There was some progress on last week but is difficult and requires Hamas to engage on it. Otherwise you just can’t move forward,” 

Comment:. release in the first phase of some 800 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, including some serving life sentences, the official said. They would be released for the remaining female, elderly and wounded or sick hostages, which was believed to be around 30.

Comment: From me. How does one go about finding a point of sensibility, of accommodation, of understanding in a world gone mad?

How, in fact, can the treaty be said to be 90% complete, and the only two sticking points remaining are the issues concerning the Philadelphia Corridor and all that it entails and the release of the hostages. From the approximately 155 kidnapped hostages left behind after the first release, which was not even completed as agreed to, all that is left for a first release  is " remaining female, elderly and wounded or sick hostages, which was believed to be around 30!!!!!" How exactly is the bargaining for these lives legitimate? 800 beasts with blood on their hands in exchange for 30 live captives. If there even remain such a number and with no provision for the supervision of the remaining hostages. Even the idea that there are remaining hostages is anathema. What is the world thinking? Or is it? not? Is it simply reacting like Pavlov's dog to the incentives and cues for more vicious and somehow entitled anti semitism ramped up on pure cocaine and crack.

Why are these most recent slain victims considered to be an impetus to a Johnny come lately response from the United States and other countries rather than to the continuous horror of victims being slaughtered. It went on before these victims were slain, and it will continue. In fact, it has become an openly stated policy that should there be rescuers approaching, the guards of these captives should kill them.     

As for the reaction of the United States because there was a dual citizen killed, heart shattering to the brave parents, there have been other dual American Israeli citizens killed, at least three others, if not more. Why the difference now? Because it is so open, so blatant? It's a little too late, America. Left behind, ignored, are the aforementioned dual American Israeli citizens as well as those from other countries - Argentina, England. Thailand. Germany. No visits from the IRC or embassy staffers.  Out of sight out of mind   and back to the old grind of what more can we give to Hamas? What can we give to satiate their insane demands? What can we give them to enable them to replay, yet another attack only this time even larger, more brutal and then yet more concessions from the world. It never changes.

It is confusing. I believe I still have a modicum of sense and intelligence and yet I cannot understand this entire mode of behavior. How does an invader of another country, demanding its excision, morph into the role of victim. The confessed killer of fellow Gazans. It all makes not a dent in the views of the "negotiators". The world ignores all the wrongs of the world, the bloody wars, Putin and Ukraine, etc. These stories get a paragraph or two, maybe even an article of some length. And then it's back to the same old emphasis. The intransigence of Israel as she refuses to collaborate in her own demise.  

This situation is tied up in a fantastically huge Gordian knot encompassing within itself more guardian knots. To get past these knots one must   slice open the huge knot with a sword. But that sword must be free to swing openly, smoothly and arrive at the point at which it is aimed. The sword of Israel has been handicapped unfairly and grossly hampered by the attempts and demands of outside nations to conduct the war brought to Israel. Not of its making. nor of any desire. How do we trust an entity who lies and makes no bones about it - the death of Israel and all Jews as its goal, openly stated, for all to see and hear. The sinner gets the rewards here, evidently his deal with the Devil has taken precedence this time around. Much to the shame of the world. 

Now? For now, the world needs eternal ignorance and demands that we treat our stolen citizens as trading cards, as things. X number of us for X number of beasts with blood dripping from their hands.   But then again, why not for we are merely Jews.   Where the hell are all of you out there? Nowhere, other than perhaps responding to the smishing attempts of Hamas.  

But of course, there are so many more important things to talk of. After all, there is an election, campaigns ongoing. It will determine the course of the world. Even with that level of importance the The news media concentrate on oh, so much more important topics. No meat on the bone, merely mostly, surface reporting.  

What do we hear of? Not of the madness, the insanity of Trump. We hear of the most important things within this campaign like the tempo of Kamala Harris's speech. wherein she dropped into the cadence of a black preacher. Sorry, but not seeing anything wrong in that as we all sometimes adapt and adopt new pronunciations to make our point. Or, of course, we have even the most important topic - the use of the word unburdened. So? It's a word A legitimate word. It means not having burdens placed upon us. It means getting rid of the burdens of the past which are preventing us from moving into a positive present and a wonderful future. 

We must unburden ourselves from the toxic emissions of JewHatred. We must unburden ourselves from the wrong prescription of eyeglasses which blind our eyes to truths so open, so clear.   Perhaps we need a component of AI with no emotion, only inputs of truths. Lies will be spit out, of no consequence. Perhaps we could then eliminate the. crooked paths and the low road approaches now grossly apparent in the behavior of the world and in the attitudes and dealings with Hamas. In their inability, or desired inability to tamp down the rampant dangerous anti semitism on campuses of universities.  

I really do not think that this is what God intended His creations to be. I truly don't. Do you?  

Smishing. Smashing. Always violence. Real and implied. So tiring. So depressing.


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