Friday, September 6, 2024


 If at first, you don't succeed then try, try, try again. It is a rule of life without which one cannot really even hope to be the best, to do the best that one can. Today, not satisfied that I have conveyed the true feeling of loneliness and the growth of a siege mentality that is now present in most Jews, other than those who are self-deluding, I will try yet again. There were many of the above type in various countries of Europe pre-1933 and look how well that worked out for them! Today, we know better than to fall into a false sense of safety- other than those who wish not to see nor accept reality. 

Today, most of us are walking around with   shoulders up about our ears. Hackles are raised along with a raised level of paranoia. For indeed, there are those out to get us. Need proof? Simply walk by or run by a protest. Hear the rather frightening and intense invective. Read the placards. Check out the physical gestures and imperatives. Yes, paranoia is indeed justified today,

Today many Jews are concerned as to where their place is. Where can they be safe? Where is their home? Once I thought I had a home here, in America, fifth generation with three more after me. Today, Jews are concerned, rightfully so. Unable to state unequivocally anymore that here is their home, they look elsewhere and often choose Israel as their alternative, the cherished ancient homeland an integral part of Judaism.     

America today is a society of deep divide. The topic of the war in Gaza has become top of the fold material for papers and lead story for the media. But what do they know of the truth? And what do they put forward as the truth. The divide is great between the two sides and the question is how far apart are they? How deep is that rift? It's unclear.  

There are two sides with extremists on both sides of the divide and many, many voices in between. It is the voices of middle which are drowned out by the strident voices of the extremists, particularly those of the Anti-Israel contingent. Their minds and hearts are almost demonic in their intensity. They speak openly of the desire to excise Israel from existence and all Jews to follow suit. There is no problem with the plan to follow as Hitler laid it all out for them. And slavishly they follow. Isolate. Dehumanize. Expand the   'justification' for that Hate. Suggest "solutions" to the 'problem'. Demonize and ramp up the invective and the boundaries of methodology in incremental manner. It worked quite well, unfortunately and appears to be following suit in our time.

The voices of extremists on the other side are no less strident, though not as many nor quite as relevant to the audience they seek and need -the people in the middle. Instead, these voices in the middle call out in a plea that the people of the world pay attention, know the truth and accept the truth. To end this old as time hate.

 It is like spitting in the wind. Why? Well, while there are so many voices in the middle which would be supportive, the tragedy is that most of these same voices are unaware, unknowing, of the details. When questioned about their viewpoints, there is often a puzzled look and a need for more information. The burning issues for us are not   burning for them. When they hear the information, they are generally sympathetic. While that is most gratifying and reassuring, it is not enough to totally assuage the fear. And why is that? Because generally, most people who are not concerned, or so they think, will follow along with the attitude of "not my problem. I will stay out of it." They are tired of the protesters. But will not confront them. Who needs to invite trouble? There's enough to go around without that. But too many of the people here are the strident hateful voices, particularly of those Jews who know not what they do. The turnips who love their newfound fame, their chic trend. of 2024. They rile up university campuses Block traffic and the ignorant succumb to a fun 'trendy' activity and freedom to mask up and be someone other than one they have always been.  They shout with support for murderers, rapists, child killers, the scum of humanity. 

It is perhaps the fault of Israel or the Jewish organizations here and around the world. Their outreach is lacking. It goes to the members of the organizations, preaching to the converted, but the middle voices are the ones needing the information, the truth.    

There is a man far, far greater than I, who can explain the resultant feeling that I do. Bernard-Henri Levy has written a book entitled Israel Alone.  He hits the whole idea on the nose. as he uses Jew and Israel almost interchangeably. In that he is most correct for try as they might, try as a world might, one cannot separate Jew, Judaism, Israel, Zionism from each other. Anyone who says otherwise is merely trying to fool himself or others.       

We are alone. There are none who will keep by our side, take our position as correct - even as they know so, for it is simply not politically expedient. And so, try, try, try again. I hope this goes at least a bit of a way to giving you a sense of understanding. as to why I, and so many others feel alone. Isolated. In what was my native country. Is it today? Doubt rises. 


Yitzy, sweet boy, at least you are not alone and are welcome, cherished, and held dear within the arms of the family who have gone before. You are forevermore safe and warm. That is a bit of comfort to us even as we miss you so.      

Always and forever. Always and forever.  

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