Sunday, September 8, 2024


The title is not in error. It is a name of a political cartoon in the Wall Street Journal, incisive re the   current situations of the world. A recent one featured a table with several seated people all staring at another with a bag over his head. The comment: "Wheatly here is a proponent of plausible deniability.” And ain't that the truth? Too many have become a Wheatley, willfully setting ourselves up to claim plausible deniability. We claim we don't understand what is happening. We claim 'this' can't be true. We claim that right and truth will make its way through. All of that is a crock, reeking of laziness, lack of dignity and responsibility and extremely challenged leaders.  The whole situation reeks of guilt, of evil, of denial and inevitable worse to come.

There are those who decry my fear that it can and very likely, more so than ever before, happen here. Yes, in America. NO, people say: America, England, France, the modern world. We know better. We defeated it long ago, last century. NO, we did not. It is a hate as old, older than time and once again has become trendy even as it spews Death to America at the same it calls for death to Jews and excision of Israel from the atlases of the world. And the Wheatleys with bags proliferate.

Is it that we are not thinking? Will we be accused as we accused those hesitant Jews? And I am angry - at the world, at the miscreants of bestiality, and myself. Knowing what the right thing is to do and yet here I sit. Is it that this time around Israel is in a situation of extremis as well, so why bother? Will it matter if we flee to the apartment there? Who the hell knows? I sure do not. And even as we procrastinate and make excuses to ourselves, for ourselves, the situation grows worse here and round the world.  

It is growing by leaps and bounds, well-nourished via the invective of the pro murderers calling itself Pro Palestinian, actually anti Palestinian for being supportive of Hamas, the entity using all as fodder for their plans, including fellow Gazans, and the brutality and savagery of their hostage taking and keeping -and killing.  

"many of the groups have gone from calling for demonstrations and encampments to condoning the use of violence and “the total eradication of Western civilization."

- even as they deny it.

“We’re not going to synagogues and yelling slurs and being mean to people. We are here having a peaceful protest on campus."

But they lie.

They are going to synagogues, to kosher delis and harassing the patrons inside. They support those who plan to "celebrate" the anniversary of October 7 by killing "as many Jews as possible”. They are rampaging through campuses once again and why not, as the universities fall over themselves in their anxiety and eagerness to pacify the proponents of violence who remain unscathed despite their own self-definition and mission statement.

"... a series of threats they issued to Zionist Jews over the summer were not “true” threats warranting forfeiture of First Amendment protections.... a coalition of groups led by one which calls itself UWM Popular University for Palestine proclaimed in July that “we will no longer normalize genocidal extremists walking on our campus” and that “any organization or entity that supports Israel is not welcome at UWM. This includes the local extremist groups such as Hillel, Jewish Federation, etc.” “We refuse to normalize extremists and extremist groups walking around our campus. Any organization that has not separated themselves from Israel will be treated accordingly as extremist criminals. Stay tuned.”

The UWM deemed that call to violence as free speech, evidently far more important than the lives of those Jews who have now been openly threatened. Those threats have become real in many places with Jewish students and professors actually afraid to walk the campuses, to enter and remain in classrooms, to work, to teach, to learn. Columbia hired a student leader of the violent protests as a professor to teach Western civilization. So why are Jews afraid? Why am I?  Please. Reread. What would be the situation with a few twerks, hypothetically, of course, if mobs of screaming, threatening, harassing characters would call for the death of another ethnic group? Think the response will be the same? Don't be foolish. JewHatred is condoned. Trendy and eternal. Unlike others.

There are many more Wheately situations.   Who is responsible for the plight of the 2 stranded astronauts months overstaying their planned stay with no answer in sight. No one is responsible No one has a clue. A movie in real life with no screenwriter available for a positive ending.    

More? The Wheatleys of America? Millions of them. Who see but do not see the utter insanity, the utter broken brain of Trump as he rants and raves. as he rambles in his speech, never responding to what he is being asked. He threatens all who oppose him. 

"WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again," he wrote.WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again," he wrote.

  Continue reading

He continued, “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country,” Trump wrote."

And this is normal? A practically illiterate definitely psychotic and demented old and physically challenged person with a severe absence of any moral fiber, a sexual pervert, a convicted felon with more trials to come, a traitor to his nation -why are there Wheatleys, particularly when among those   are otherwise bright, intelligent, discerning people, Boggles the mind, indeed. 

Being a weekly has become an international phenomenon including within Israel, where they. protest in the hundreds of thousands, shouting, pleading for the release of the hostages Only they have the address incorrect. Hamas kills and Israel is blamed. Hamas changes the conditions on the proposed ceasefire and Israel is blamed. It makes no sense. It is absolutely not logical. It is contrary to revealed truth. And yet the Wheatleys, so deeply enmeshed in their search for plausible deniability.  thrive and function. Israel is chastised. Demands are made of her and Israel turns itself inside out in order to placate those who will not be placated.

 Hamas has convinced the world that right is on their side. They have brainwashed those who should know better. LGBTQ+ cry out against Israel for an enemy who would gladly hang them from a tree or a construction crane. Women stand there and rail at Israel and Jews even as women are demeaned defaced, threatened, challenged and erased by those whom they champion with their calls.  

The Wheatleys of the world. are winning. Those who yet have a remaining functioning brain must stand up to the lies and fight them. Shoot those lies down. Replace them with the truths that we know. No more denial No more plausible deniability. We must all play our role, do our share and more. There is no more time. If you continue to resist this truth, I refer you back to the top and reread. Along with the many articles and voices who are warning us.  





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