Monday, September 9, 2024


Tuesday. An ordinary day, always sandwiched between Monday, the beginning of the work week and Wednesday, the hump of the work week. It also brings to mind Tuesday's child. In Jewish custom, it is a blessed day for celebrations for on that day's Creation G-d said twice "it was good". Double blessed. We sure could use more of that blessedness these days. For sure, any sane person, anyone with any hope of the survival of American democracy, of a better result for Israel needs to be worried about Tuesday and pay special attention to it. 

Why? Because Tuesday is the first debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.  Comparison is there for the doing. The obvious concern is whether both of them will be able to set aside their obvious differences and focus on what should be shared goals? Policies which are of benefit to the United States as a whole rather than to an individual class or worse, individual people. The point should be made that we are a law-abiding sane nation, desperately in need of fine tuning re gun policy. both should desire and state that desire, that politicians with sense in their head should agree to ban AR-15 semi assault and assault rifles. Even in a society where guns are valued or felt to be needed, there is no need for a semi assault or assault rifle unless you are going hunting for man! Definitely so, and it is about time that we put a sudden end forever to the slaughter of our children in schools, where they should be safe, not targets and dead. Yes, parents have responsibility in denying access to these guns to their children but so do legislators who create the opportunities for this access. Perhaps we need to place them on trial as well for they have the power - and he duty - to   vote to ban these weapons along with stern and strict policies and hold to them.

We are enjoined in the Bible to not place an obstacle in the path of someone who is blind. That is all blindness. Obviously, one does not place a rock in the path of a blind person hoping to see him/her trip and fall. We also are not to place a temptation in front of those who will find it difficult, if not impossible, to resist, and so causing them to 'trip and fall'. Thus, we are not to allow easy access to guns and their awful potential for great harm, to be within reach of those who have concerning and relevant issues. Certainly not within reach for children who have no concept of the permanence of death, for themselves and for their victims.     

And so, this Tuesday, tomorrow night, here in the United States and around the world, we will be sitting with nervous stomachs, bad headaches, and jumpy legs. What is going to be the final result of the night's activity? The debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Mics muted so Trump cannot fall prey to his own stupidity. However, he can shout and gesture. and even violate her personal space in an attempt to physically intimidate her.    Will he take to heart the lessons and admonitions of those who prepped him and control himself? Is that even possible?  I don't know, but I know what I hope.  

On the other hand, we have a woman who has been personally attacked, her entire identity questioned by the man she is going to debate for the fate of the world. This is the burden that is upon her shoulders. No live audience but billions of eyes and ears and hopes and dreams will be the stake at hand. I hope Trump shoves both his feet in his mouth. But I don't know. I hope so.  Will Kamala Harris withstand the pressure and remain composed while striking hard. These are all things that I do not know. I hope so.  

Kamala Harris is not the perfect candidate but then again, is there ever such a one? No. Some are better than others But certainly we have had some losers as well. Some have been inspiring while others showed signs of dementia while in office.  Donald Trump entered this campaign with a demented demonic soul and personality and has no moral fiber and is a convicted felon. 

 There are many, many questions. What will be with American democracy? What will be the attitude of the president towards Israel and her continued existence. Will the government succumb to the growing anti Semitism ramping up and within the Democratic Party. Rabid haters. Front and center. Will treason be acknowledged?   Can there be a fix for this corrupt Supreme Court bench? Will the president do what must be done to fix the errors of the past? Will the legislative body finally look deep within and know and practice bipartisanship, working for the people rather than against them?  A pipe dream? Maybe. 

But there is more. What will be the case with Medicare and Social Security. I live in a community of 55 plus where the population divides by age and by resources. Many are totally reliant on these funds and without them, they will literally starve and/or be homeless. What is to be done? What will be done? Medicine has advanced. But what good is an advancement if one cannot afford to pay for that advancement? What are the policies re childcare and improvement of education? Will immigration be finally acknowledged as a necessary fresh blood and ideas that this nation needs and has depended upon?  Or will we continue in our denial. Most of the nation wants to feel welcome.  d parcel into both parts of this nation. We need to stop the shouting. The invective.    

America, the dream. America, the democracy for the world. America has fallen upon rough tough pitiful days. We only need to reach back and pull ourselves up by our collars and help our neighbors do the same thing. We need to remember that these are our neighbors. We need to remember that we share this earth, that we share this block in the city, that we share this small town and rural settings of America. We need to remember that there are people with differing views. But there is no reason why we cannot act civilly with them to each other. We need to be free to live as we do without harming others, without breaking society, without inducing larger, serious, deeper cracks within our foundation. 

Tuesday. Listen, think, acknowledge, and understand what is at stake. Not perfection, but the striving for the highest common denominator.      


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