Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Quite a bit actually. In fact, so important are words today that people are scouring them, changing definitions. Be it with clear intent or accidental we are so confused that we actually do not know what we are saying. So confusing is the "newspeak" that the results might appear to be comical in their intensity, misplaced usage and questionable intent.   However, when one looks past that thin surface veneer of just go along with it, be woke, be unwoke, one then ventures into areas of smoke and fog, of clear danger.  

All things carried to an extreme carry a taint of unreasonableness, of resistance to truth. It means that meaningful discussion, and the ability or even mere desire to at least hear something from the viewpoints of others and engage in relevant practical discussion is glaring in its absence. Society now is rife with extremists and their words. The result is a rabid enmity, an inability to talk with each other rather than spit venom at each other. It is two sides standing and raging at each on the other side of a divide, using language of invective misinterpretations calibrated to hurt and sting. Stones. Bricks. Guns. Rampart violence and havoc reigns. 

And here we are on Tuesday. Yes. that Tuesday. Debate Tuesday. The Tuesday which can lead the way to a positive future or cause that ground to fall away beneath our feet. The choice, the most important decision is up to us. Do we know enough to discern and separate the chaff from the trash, the moronic from the truth. We had better, for inability to do so can prove to be catastrophic. WE must do all we can to turn aside from a path leading to tragedy and dissolution of a nation - ours. 

Nasty people of nasty intent and nefarious motives have always known the power of the word. They know how it can sway even reluctant people to do things which they never could have imagined they would. And yet they do, those nice police so helpful, so kind turning on a dime, morphing into Battalion 101, slaughtering Jews by the thousands. It will be your neighbor taking you off to your fate.

Make no error - it can happen here, is already happening and we are at a particularly fraught with danger period. When various arenas of expression are denied or canceled due to a person's belief of any sort - it is happening. Thís Tuesday, last Tuesday, every Tuesday to come unless we become more proactive and make wise possibly difficult choices and decisions. When laws must be promulgated and enacted and discussions take place re the protection of Jews, well. smell the smoke, folks. Do not engage in blind denial. Look back.   See the rapid intensification. When people buy into a statement that Haitian immigrants will eat your cat, why would there be any hesitation at believing accusations of blood libel against Jews.  b   or claims of genocide by Israel as it fights for its very life, its existence as a nation with its own integrity not to be violated or trashed or denied.     

How does this happen? It happens because we twist and turn and torture words until they mean all that is the total and complete opposite of what they wish to convey. It becomes or leads to a path of impassable conditions, impossible to repair or to serve as a place for transportation and positive movement. its disrepair is far too advanced. Unfortunately, unless we look deep within ourselves, our souls, within our individual and national persona, we will find ourselves well advanced into that road.  

Where do we go? When a UN organ wastes Time in discussing. the trauma inherent in using words such as Lumberjack or midwife or Brotherhood. Well, that activity speaks for itself, does it not? Why and wherefore do we waste precious time in efforts to actually confuse the entire picture even more than it already is. Why do we seek trouble where there is none?  Why do we insist on turning nonissues into issues, all the while neglecting those which are calling out with voices of great desperation to be addressed, to be remedied.  waste. Where do we go? Beats me and many others as well.     

We had better understand what to do in the immediacy of the danger we face. Because today is Tuesday. tonight. There will be no moments of grace, of respite, of strategic retreats and rewarding. returns. Truths must be clear, distinct, and transparent. Today, Tuesday, is the day when we must open our eyes and open our minds and open our ears to see and hear and know of the dense web of evil, of lies, of inhumanity already well developed around us. 

Much of the poison and negativity of this world emerges from the unfortunately, rather rich soil of Trump, pre poisoned before release to the consumers waiting at the door. It is a world of severe unbalanced distribution of wealth. It is a world where the middle class and the lower economic class will be forced to forage for the bare minimums to maintain life. No more ladders to climb to success for the lower rungs will have been permanently removed and burned.

 It is a situation of extremis for American democracy, and we must do as we must even if the alternative is not to our specific liking nor meeting all of our demands. We must do as we must and take the better choice. We determine that choice by examining the potential candidates. What does their past behavior tell us? What is their record? How do they speak of others? Where and how have their voice has been raised in the past? And where do they say they will raise them in the future? Can we trust them? Do we know that they indeed have an honesty streak well enmeshed within their soul? Do they act as as adults or remain stunted as children who have never grown up.     

Am I over exaggerating? Could be. Maybe. I don't think so. Open threats to bodily take off after opponents, to disappear them into prisons of no return, a man who fancies himself as a dictator, is guilty of narcissism and gross inhumanity - this is not a person who should be chosen come the Tuesday of Election Day.  

As a Jew, as a woman, as an American, as a Zionist I struggle with many different concerns, some at odds with others. Which choice does not threaten my freedom? Nor try to censor my thoughts or my choice of reading material. Which choice espouses Big Brotherhood? The choice becomes ever clearer. One side has possibilities of light and the other only a darkness impenetrable, ever intensifying.  Use this Tuesday to know, to learn, to understand, to point you in the absolute necessity of making a   clear choice.

“Tuesday child is full of Grace. It has elegance, poise. Kindness. We need to create that Tuesday's child. Hear the voice of a true Tuesday's child. I remember that child. We must return that child to prominence in our national makeup.

Last chance to get aboard the proper Tuesday train.  Wars of words of violence and hate must abate, if not disappear. Not so difficult if we actually try.    We might even like it. 

Tuesday. Words and their ultimate power. 

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