Wednesday, September 11, 2024


  'But we (referring to the insurrectionists) didn't do -- this group of people that have been treated so badly," Trump said.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, ..."

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,..."

Three statements concerning we - meaning a group of people. The first statement comes from the mouth of Trump during last night's debate. The second line is the opening from the Declaration of Independence and is an inclusive we rather than an exclusive one. The third statement is from the Constitution of the United States of America. Again, inclusive and rather bold in its statement. Peruse those statements carefully and understand what they imply, their bold statement and meaning and what they carry forward through the decades and centuries of the existence of this nation. Now, if you please, place them in order of sanity, importance and relevance. Which are people friendly and which not?  

Statement one is frightening. Right down to the marrow in one's bones. It is when Trump in yet another moment of madness included himself within the raging and ranting mobs on January 6th. These insurrectionists, rebels, rioters. revolutionaries, believed they had the right to violently and illegally overthrow this nation's government, so assured by the words of the president himself. A traitor. The we of his statement is a we that is inclusive of himself and the rioters and exclusive of all else, all those who do not agree with him, his tactics, his philosophy, nothing about him. Unbelievably running again for president, he has openly allied himself with the enemies of the state and denounced himself as a traitor. with a smirk of smugness.  Last night, he reiterated the same sentiments, that same policy, as he said statement number one. Certainly, there is nothing within his remarks last night that pertained to domestic tranquility or justice. Or indeed of anything positive.

Add to that statement the absolute insanity as he ranted re illegal immigrants who apparently are feasting nightly on our dogs and cats, and he predicted that possibly we would be next. How    moronic, how insane, how hate inspiring. Perhaps there is life on Mars, and he is an example of such. It is as good as any excuse or reasoning as to why this man is the way he is or why some people refuse to see the truth and understand that he has not a streak of violence, not a streak of hate, but is totally composed of those two elements. He is one of the most dangerous elements to the continued existence of the United States of America, at least as it is constituted today via the words of the statements two and three. Us, not him, nor his people. WE.

 Kamala Harris stood there with open eyes, wide with amazement. His statements were either outrageous or dangerous and how she did not lose control and shout out or laugh was amazing. It was truly mind over matter. Trump's characteristic squint of hate and intimidation had no effect upon Kamala Harris.  She stood her ground, took much of his, even as she did not always answer with specific details. Then again - her broad strokes were informative of direction and motivation, while more details will be forthcoming upon election.  

I am still concerned re her policy with Israel, but I do not believe she will walk away from it.  I do think that she understands that doing so would mean yet another 6 million gone. Details which have emerged, not surprisingly, from the ugly dark dank evil tunnels of Hamas clearly draw an ugly picture of their intent from the beginning. The fate of the hostages was clear. The exposed collaboration of Egypt and Qatar in preventing Hamas from displaying videos of child hostages was a clear indication of their implicit and complicit shared guilt in the horror of October 7, even as those two nations were the "negotiators" for a ceasefire deal. Perhaps that is why or one reason why almost every mention of the need for ceasefire always had one gap. No mention of the hostages.

 I believe Kamala Harris understands the implications of the various proposals re the war in Gaza. Yes, she does often mention 'humanitarian' issues and yes, there are many thousands dead. Among those dead are some who are actually “innocent civilians”, but I believe the majority are Hamas terrorists and their collaborators and enablers. On them I have no pity.

In any case it is incumbent upon us to remember and to remind the world of the facts. Who began this war. Who placed the relatively few 'innocent' civilians in danger. Who invaded whom? Who slaughtered and rampaged and behaved as beasts. Who starved their hostages until they were replicas of Holocaust victims? Who behaved as did the Nazis as they frantically killed their prisoners as   rescuers neared? 

It was not Israel who began this war. It is not Israel who placed these civilians in danger. It is not Israel who dug those tunnels with stolen money and funds and material. It is Israel who is defending its citizens. It is Israel fighting an existential war, a war arising out of an evil conspiracy, spearheaded by Iran. (And personally, I believe Russia too.)

Kamala Harris I believe represents the proper "We the people". I do not believe Trump even has any kind of a minimal understanding of that concept and imperative. To borrow a phrase, Trump was a dope last night. As usual. And he certainly was roped by Kamala. Kudos to her. Thumbs down to him.


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