Monday, September 30, 2024


 I can hear the iconic tune now as I think of the title and its painfully exquisite match to current times. Should I look for the younger handsome Clint Eastwood to appear as well?  Quite doubtful, but there is no doubt that when this movie was released awaiting it was a different America. That nation, though always abounding with different outlooks and thoughts, was ONE. 

Basic goals, basic truths and reliance on a Supreme Court free of taint, and ugly stinking partisanship and corrupt ethics which sanctioned bribery, on a political system with creaks and squeals, but eminently working well, and a national spine strong enough to tolerate extreme differences and discuss other, saner differences without constant explosions of rage and various accusations.  Our Constitution was not subjected to jeers and insults, nor suggested to be discarded. 

America was a 'united states' at that time, glaringly differing from today, Present day presents a plethora of very loosely connected groups of states rather than that coalition of closely 'united states' forming the political entity known, true to title as The United States of America. Left behind - a growing gap, many gaps which negatively highlight the vast spread of opinions in today's very shaky nation. Extremes now dominate, crushing means and medians of moderation and a growing population of those fearing for our survival as America, the reality and the dream. Now it is endangered and besieged by its own population.

The truth is that we have enabled our own destruction. We have allowed the mentally unbalanced, severely challenged intellectually deficient to grab a stranglehold on the reins of national control. The traitor at the head of it all and the wimps who blindly or shortsightedly follow as automatons incapable of independent thought, mouth platitudes rife with lies and outrageous accusations more applicable to themselves than their ostensible targets. Violence, hate, oh so righteous indignation and a nation gone to Hell, in several handbaskets of deep, inescapable depth.  

That is the bad, and now to the ugly tainted with an overlay of the bad - the state of the world as represented by World vs. Israel.   When a vicious patron of hate and violence, of bloody murder, of rape and bestialities, is taken out in as surgical an attack as possible, where is the support for those who have eliminated a scourge of humanity? Cowards who hide beneath the shelter of civilians, albeit complicit civilians, that term used loosely, who use their own children as shields, they are unbelievably touted as saviors of humanity, as blessed with a religious passion, and martyrs to a cause blessed by a rather perverse Allah. Definitely ugly, in never ending ugliness. The worst of it all is the ugliness these creatures bring to the table, sit clampy by as they campaign for more evil, more bloodshed, more deaths and use of the hostages and their tormented families as pawns in a deadly game of chess with no good outcome possible. That is the sad bad and ugly truth.

There is so much ugliness in this world, so much that is evil, needlessly, as it is so easy to avoid with just a bit of willpower. But we humans tend to the wrong side of the track do we not. Tomorrow, albeit a tad later in the day as it is travel time again, more of the ugly and the good and even some of the rather funny. 

In the meanwhile, safe travel for all and a Happy, Healthy New Year of Peace and Happiness, Prosperity and Humanity. We are short of those commodities right now so let us seek to replenish them properly and productively. 


Yitzy, we hope and pray that you are now in a perpetual beautiful world with only goodness and shared joy. Remember us down here, for we are in need of those things. Desperately so.   Meanwhile, Shana Tova, my sweet little boy, A blessed privilege to have you as my grandson, though way too short in this world. So much better to hug our real boy than merely remember only - that grin, that goodness, that joy and purity.  

Once, there was a Yitzy, real, physical, and now-now, the tears still well up, and your matzevah, the monument, reminds us of what we have lost.

Once, there was a Yitzy, real, loved and beloved.


Deep within our very souls -

Always and forever. Always and forever.  

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