Sunday, September 29, 2024


 The most recent posting here laid out thoughts in language open and clearly pulling no punches. But there is more to it than that. Social niceties are wonderful and generally keep the pot from boiling over, at least too many times. However, there are times one must use the steam of that pot to clear one's head, smell that coffee and face reality as it is rather than as what we would rather imagine it to be. Only via realistic thinking along with more hopeful plans and possibilities, can we achieve at least a modicum of success. Only with persistence can we overcome resistance and denial.

For a while, and still, there are many among us who fear for the literal continued existence of Israel, certainly in any realistically viable format. It is spoken of in whispered conversations, almost with an overtone of shame that one could think and give voice to such thoughts. We worry that speaking it aloud will bring it about. There are too many ways to bring such a terrifying picture to fruition, especially should the nations of the world actually come out with open endemic antisemitism   and desert Israel in the false name of "Humanity and Justice", invoking the language of the liars to justify, as if, their moral turpitude and crooked, blackened souls. 

Throughout history the population of the world has generally preferred Jews to remain in subordinate position. A few examples should be available to discount claims of prejudice and smooth sailing ahead. But not so. Manifestly not so any longer. Israel had the nerve, the traditional chutzpah, which enabled it to live and even to thrive over the millennia. Time and again it has come from behind, from eras of severe persecution and plans of extermination, local and world Jewry within those plans. Jews in general and Israel in particular, have survived, overcome and even thrived.

 Unfortunately, with the good has come evil and the scourge of ramped up JewHatred. Personally, and many agree, I believe this reality is the planned result and motivation of a campaign of hate and calls for death, fronted, backed by Iran in its maniacal hatred for Jews and demands to literally finish Hitler's plans. Their cash has enabled this campaign, the tweaking of plans, the distribution of supplies, advice and commands, and the ensnaring of the deluded, the pathetic and the evil. In fact, an almost permanent source of replenishment of the ranks. 

Perhaps the one positive outcome of this nastiness is the uncovering of the planted professors and 'students' who encouraged and coaxed and coddled as necessary - and here is today's reality.  Administrators were, are, either acquiescent willingly or had the wool pulled over their eyes or were simply hoodwinked and certainly dumb, dangerously so, and lacking in the fulfillment of their responsibility towards truth and all students. Certainly, a clear following of the threads was absent, perhaps willfully so. The self-denial and   accompanying obfuscation continue unabated with plans for salt in the wound hate filled demonstrations on the day of Horror - Oct7.

Shaking your head now and tsk tsking my thoughts? Think again. No, paranoid maybe, but for a reason. As the various heads of Medusa were   eliminated, Iran now turns to its favorite pack of dog of war - Unit 910, the Black Unit, the Shadow Unit, with a repertoire of ugliness and blood- 

" ...high-profile attacks, including the bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992 and the Jewish community center in Argentina in 1994. In 2012, it carried out a suicide bombing on a bus carrying Israeli tourists in Burgas, Bulgaria.

The unit has maintained strict secrecy in its operations, relying on local Shiite networks and criminal organizations worldwide. Operatives, who have undergone rigorous security training and have often held foreign citizenships, have operated under civilian cover and exploited connections with Hezbollah supporters and foreign governments for logistical and operational purposes. "

Paranoid, yes, but there it is. Not imagination. Fact. 

And yet, Israel goes on, perseveres, refusing to cede or rollover. Its life or death is not left to those who care not a whit for righteousness or historical truth and imperatives, but rather only for political advantage. To think otherwise is to partake of the juice of denial and suicidal future. 

So -shall we, will we, can we? Do what? Dance. Again. With joy and trust and faith. With hope. With courage. My answer -Yes, resounding YES! The horror of Nova, of blood-soaked streets of communities of Israel, always to be remembered, mourned, the horrendous captivity of our hostages - we have received a painful reminder of where we have gone wrong. We forgot alertness, buying into a false pride. We disbelieved our eyes and ears, and tragedy resulted. Once again Israel, Jews paid dearly for errors of judgment-and the world-well, look around and see where it is and where it should be. 

We reveled in our own pool of arrogance and forgot the One Above. We ignored the past, ruined the present and gravely imperiled the future. The young, the elderly, the innocent died for our errors even as we enabled the hate of our enemies to grow in power and effect. 

But - none of that excuses the enemy and its atrocities and its hate. None. Nothing.    

The people of Israel spontaneously danced and sang as news spread. An enemy gone down. And we will continue to dance, in the streets, in the synagogues, in future Novas. We will dance and sing and rejoice - if we internalize the lessons of this awful ear. If we take them to heart and keep them alive. Be alert, remember who we are, where we were, and NOW. Be ourselves in the best way possible. Stop the public demeaning and weakening disputes. The word must see us united, a family unbreakable, inseparable, strong and firm. To do less is to do damage to our very selves.

Yes, dance again we will, with faith and renewed hope. So we have been told and so we have believed, been assured. 

In the words of Yeshayahu, Isaiah - 

"The people who walked in darkness, have seen a great light." 

Amen, v'amen.


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