Friday, September 27, 2024


Today all gloves are off. All euphemisms discarded. Pedal to the metal day. Possibly language some might find offensive but then again, much of what I write about today, and in fact, for many days, is extremely offensive to me. and to millions of others. Hence the warning. Some might be offended or have a trigger reaction from a sensitive point. If you are afraid - stop reading. If you want the plain unvarnished truth, keep on reading and give it to others to read as well. No more polite veneer. 

Time to tell the truth. What is going on? What must be addressed? The shameful truth regarding this. The quisling Jews who march with the enemy. Yes. The enemy. When someone wishes to see you dead, like it or not, politically correct or not, acknowledge it and speak openly about it or not, hide one's head in the sand or not, speaking clearly and openly or not- Time for truth, the plain unvarnished possibly offensive truth. If probed or irritated, well so be it. Perhaps if the Jews of the world, any righteous person of the world, during the years between 1933 to 1945 even beyond, even unto today had believed the unbelievable, we might never have had to discuss that ugly phenomenon known as The Holocaust.  

Too little, too late and millions were brutally slaughtered. Thinking that the same impetus towards violence, the same damned acidic Hate is gone, banished, vanquished, exiled, from this world - well, think again. It. Is. Not. In fact, it is in a state of rampant growth, revitalization, rehabilitation, an accepted part of society, even a recommended activity.  In your face chants and signs for the destruction of any and all Jews beginning with.   the Jews of Israel and denial of that state and then onward Christain soldier, those who have partaken. deeply of the juice of hate, even as it drips from the mouth of one who, along with his followers, has pulled the wool over too many eyes. World Jewry then becomes the openly stated target.  

People, the world. is **** **** There is no denying it. There is no disguising it. Once again, this hatred which cannot and should not be combined with any other prejudices is alive and well. Worse, its blight has spread, bringing a twisted interpretation of religious or spiritual warfare to the fore.  “If God is already on your side theologically, it’s not a far leap to say he should be on your side politically. " His blatant laying blame on Jews if he loses is thus: “Trump doubled down on his longstanding pattern of scapegoating Jews,”   “Make no mistake: This is a clear and flagrant instruction to his fanatical base of extremists to target Jews with retributive violence if he should lose.”   

It is ever ongoing. If we turn our heads away from the truth, if we deny what our eyes see and our ears hear, we are merely becoming complicit in our own destruction. And that is the truth. It can't happen here, you say. But it already is. Look around. See the reality. See and understand the damage done to the battle against Anti Semitism, JewHatred, when   conflated with others, most specifically with Islamophobia. It sidelines the truth, import and gravity of antisemitism, belittles and sidelines it. At the same time, it validates those mobs, as if they have a righteous cause as they too are ostensibly combating a prejudice. That prejudice, its incidents, can be counted on your toes and fingers and still have leftovers.  Hidden within the disguising voices is the truth. Antisemitism is alive and well, powerful, strident and already has shed blood in its cause.

A Jew is one who acknowledges a connection to Jewishness or Judaism. It is not a matter of observance, a matter of rites, but rather a matter of the soul. It is a matter of acknowledgement that even if one does not feel that piece of connection, others will be very, very happy to remind you of it. Those Jews who stand, and march and chant and call for their own deaths along with the people who want them there, to flaunt them, are most dangerous fools. There is nothing redeeming about them. Be they morons or have other intentions, to disappear themselves into the mobs and thus be "safe" - they will fail, and they deserve to fail. And there is no mercy for them. None at all. They deserve none. 

Who is an epitome of such a Jew? Bernie Sanders. He is currently a piece of trash. He never ignores a circumstance where and when he can now go off against Israel and portray himself as a “neutral statesman” That is most definitely not what he is, for he is a traitor to all who came before him, to that chain of the millennia, as he acquiesces in his own negation. He calls for sanctions of Israel, for denying it arms to defend itself. When the last bullet is gone, when the last stone is thrown what will he then say? Gee, I never thought this would happen. He is a damn fool. He needs to be retired. He has joined the ranks of the too numerous aged heads in politics bereft of the power of clear thought. 

Nor is being a Jew merely doing good, for so we are enjoined. Yes, we should all do good, and we should do it for all people. However, like it or not our brethren, your brothers and sisters, deserve to be first online for your help. There are many instances where people stood aside because they were not involved or so they thought only to find themselves well invested in the ugliness of it all. If we do not stand up for ourselves, we cannot stand up for others. And in fact, anything we do for others will be dismissed as an aberration. 

The acuity of our peril in the world of today is sharp and cuts deep. Print media, the airwaves, are filled with articles about antisemitism on the campus. Threats to synagogues and Jewish institutions worldwide. Threats to Jewish individuals. The hate is blinding and pervasive. It cannot be denied, try as one might. The goal of supporters of the murdering terrorists of Hamas as they demand to hold blasphemous demonstrations on Oct7 at the University of Maryland where there are in fact many Jews attending, to stain, to defile the memory of those martyrs killed, slaughtered, burned, beheaded, raped on October 7, terming it righteous and deserving of repetition, NO! this is not right. This is not freedom of speech. This is marching down the Main Street in any Jewish neighborhood calling for their removal and terming it holy. It is not free speech. It is hate speech with a clear intent of insult, lies, and violence.   

When Bret Stephens and Thomas Friedman merge in opinion pieces, desperately worried about the future of the state of Israel, this is a matter of great concern. While I barely ever agree with Thomas Friedman and often agree with Brett Stephens who should be President, I do agree with their despair, with their concern. Will Israel survive? How should it do it? Will the world allow it to do what it must? Will there in fact be a future for the land of Israel. and for the people, the nation. Their fears are echoed within many.  Why is Israel denied the right to fight for itself, to defend itself, and quite frankly, why must it always have to do such? Any other nation in such a position would not be asked, will not be encouraged, even demanded of, to give in to those demands of existential deep peril. 

 What would you do? The answer is you fight. The answer is you defend yourself. The answer is you ensure there is no repetition. Screw the world, I say. Find new paths to create our own provisions for our own defense. Demand. demand recognition. as a nation with its own integrity. Force an agreement that we have a right to have a Jewish nation, even as there are Muslim nations, even Christians and Catholic ones. Screw all of you out there who for your own purposes, your own self-denial, choose not to see truth. Or see truth through a distorted mirror.    Unable to recognize it and know the truth. The truth that we have known throughout the ages is that while. there are always those of the righteous bent, they are fewer than those who wish us harm. For every Zola there is a Trump, a Sanders, a Tlaib. We first and foremost must stand for ourselves. There are too few people joining our shield walls. WE are the ones who must be "good for the Jews". We must be better with public relations and with dispensing of truths.  We must walk together, for if we do not, we will be picked off in single manner. We must all get on board the same boat.  NOW! We must not be part of our own destruction.     Do not be part of our own destruction. Your own demise.  


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