Thursday, September 26, 2024


This is a most serious pandemic. In fact, it has appeared and reappeared numerous times throughout the history of mankind. It is seemingly impervious to any and all attempts to cure it and to prevent its return. What is this pandemic? It is that fearsome foot in mouth disease. There is no area on this earth immune to it. Its favorite targets are those who are most susceptible to it. Who? Those who are great men and/or women - though only in their own minds. 

Is it possible to recognize and isolate these disease carriers? Perhaps, but for that to happen we must grow better at seeing through the disguises hiding the rather ugly protruding feet from the mouths of dangerously foolish prattling mouths. They practice well to ensure smooth, wise appearing opinions reached after a great deal of pondering. All the better to sound wise. Unfortunately, that "wisdom" is paper thin and worse than useless for it leads people down wrong paths, through hedges and nettles guaranteeing fiercely painful wounds and blocked lines of clear sight. 

Some patently obvious examples? Not a problem. A dime a dozen. Let us begin with the Queen of Jordan. She spouts words about the “oppression.” by Israel as she ranted erroneously re a thirty-year occupation of Gaza. Whoops. There are those hooves again. Israel withdrew unilaterally. in 2005 from Gaza, leaving behind a beautifully functioning economy. A prosperous fruit and vegetable production shipped all over the world. Homes, buildings, villages, all intact. In the blink of an eye  all these structures were destroyed. And the big shots of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority built their own huge homes along the seashore. The green houses, the crops were destroyed and or plowed under. Attacked by their own selves, their own brothers the PA was driven out of Gaza. Banging on the doors of the borders for Israel for safety and refuge. As those with murderous intent were right behind, blood in their eye. Hamas democratically elected took a great lesson from Hitler, using that election to cancel any vestige of democracy and completely took over the government of Gaza. Who was the oppressor here? Ah, Queenie, any answer? Ah, no, you can't speak around that hoof, can you?

Let us turn to the United States, to Canada, to France, to Qatar, to Britain, to any nation, for all seem to have rather boldly and impertinently declared themselves partners, perhaps the managing partners, of Israel as it carries out its existential battles with multiple enemies, its self-defense responsibility and its holy mission to retrieve our battered and murdered hostages remaining in captivity within the dank tunnels of the beasts of Hamas.  Evidently the self-declared managing partners know better than Israel what is best for Israel. Or so they think. And so they demand. And so they blackmail. And so they carelessly toss away more Jewish lives.   

In aggrieved behavior and speech, they reprove Israel for the conduct of their self-defense. For sure there is the right to defend herself, but we must have absolutely zero collateral damage. Oh, never mind the calls, the leaflets, the "knocking", the myriad warnings to leave the areas. Convenient and 'heartwarming' as Israel warns civilians and the enemy terrorists as to the military plans. A great sacrifice - and tossed aside by those managing partners. Even as proof of the military rightness of the targets is proven. Fight the battles where there are no enemies, for their enemies are hiding amongst the civilians. Discount the destruction of Israeli infrastructure and the deaths and woundings of so many of her citizens. Right to defend indeed! 

Stifled by those feet in those mouths is the recollection of the failed diplomatic solutions to the constant warfare waged against Israel Time after time, these arranged ceasefires have fallen by the wayside. Until 6:30 AM on October 7th there was a "permanent” ceasefire with Gaza and Hamas. A ceasefire arranged with Hezbollah, many years ago, was that they stayed behind the Litani River, unable to do what they are doing to the civilians of Israel, right on the other side of the border. Totally violated. Useless, less than useless. Why would a diplomatic solution at this point be expected to do any better? Even as Hamas and Hezbollah claim to be victim and victor at the same time. Convenient.

This blindness and obstinacy are horrific results of foot in mouth disease. They do not go away. They don't change. They are petrified in their uselessness. And yet those managing partners persist in the same old, same old. Why not? Much easier to talk and to target an arrow for the anti Semites of the world. How else should we describe the refusal of most American media streams to allow the presentation of We Will Dance Again, the reality of the Nova Massacre on Oct7 and its reverberating echoes of ever ongoing horror.  It is on Paramount, even as all other American media, streaming and general, refused it as "too political".  Killing, slaughter, brutality, not important if it involves Israelis. It might offend some!  Britain condescended to allow it but verboten to refer to the Hamas terrorists as terrorists. Better we should lie, right!! Watch it on Paramount.  And believe-we will dance again.  

Do not think that we suffer foot in mouth disease only re the situation in the Middle East. There are many situations right here in the good old USA. Violence is called protected. Consequences are abandoned, negated, discounted, and amount to zero. The inmates are running the asylum and demand to run the outside as well. Laws must be enacted to stop the epidemic of public officials on every level taking bribes or "gratuities” a thinly disguised bribe. Clarence Thomas has accepted millions of dollars in these 'gratuities' and so have others on the bench even as they blatantly violate ethics that first year law school students know, can define and recognize. Official after official in every level of government are arrested and indicted, as they betrayed the trust of the people. What else can we expect as the once very head of this nation's government has been indicted, is a convicted felon, and incited a full-blown rebellion so as to overthrow the government. Such are the examples that we present our young and such is a result of foot in mouth disease when righteous talk cannot emerge from overstuffed mouths.  Our thoughts are cloudy as oxygen cannot fully perfuse our brain cells, blocked at the mouth by that perennial hoof. 

It is incumbent upon us to find some vaccine for this disease. If not opposed, actively combatted, it tends to spread toxicity and lies in equal volume. Looking ahead one does not perceive a rosy picture Perhaps if we try hard to find the proper artists with mouths unblocked and brain cells fully oxygenated, capable of wielding proper brushes and quality paints we can redraw the future.  

We must try. 


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