Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 There is no doubt about it. Actually, there is doubt about it. I used to be able to say comfortably that the truth will out. To lie is certainly morally wrong. However, many people do not place great weight on the moral aspect. Therefore, one must approach the question as a bottom-line issue. If there is no long-term positive effect as a result of the lie, and upon further analysis and following the thread of the lie and its consequences are red line, debit rather than asset -why lie? Onto that add the fact that when the lie is exposed, well, one could join with Chicken Little and watch the sky fall.  There is trouble more than they would have been if the truth had been acknowledged in the first place. In cold calculations, a lie is not worth its inevitable bad ending.

 Unfortunately, our world today has chosen as motto and guide to life this: he who lies the best is the best. He who has the loudest voice, the most abrasive baying of an ass, wins the day.  Worse, the more outrageous the lie, the larger the number of those who buy into it. Those who need to belong, join the crowd and cede their 'selves' to the head liar, generally a demagogue wannabe. Not to forget those who know better but need to believe there is a way out of the current woes, whatever they are.  The liar is given credit for the good and is Teflon for the bad. 

That is the theory of government, of politics, of finance, even of education, of any field one can think of, even into the field of AI. Try as I might to understand the philosophy behind this, its attraction to those who join in, it continues to evade me.    And I simply cannot get into any kind of understanding with it. Apparently, no one looks to the bottom line and sees the truth or, worse, sees it but continues on for his own purposes or advantage. What is good for all is set aside as selfish desires of or for the individual emerge as the driving force. Whatever harm ensues from these selfish drives is cast aside, a matter of no account.

These days, rife with the rampant power of lies, of egregious falsehoods, it is nigh unto impossible to get two people to agree on what the truth is and where the lie begins. In fact, the deep intrusion into society of these lies, weakens any possible civil and civic discussion, most assuredly not a good way to run society, and most certainly not a great way to run the world.  The result is obvious. One has only to look around at the state of the world today and know the truth. But then again, that which should be obvious is denied, has become nonexistent. 

Most definitely it is the end of trust. It is an onset or a continuation of a spiral of distrust, mistrust, of any positive method of communication. Fiery and frustrated opponents take to violence to put forth their ideas and goals. No one hears anymore and the end result is violent speech morphing into violent action, to bloodshed. Finally - war. Lies are so enmeshed, embedded within the fabric of society that the enemies of good are perceived as the purveyors of good as they wage war upon those who oppose them.  Worse, they present themselves to society as the men in white hats.

We have now arrived at our present, driven by much of the past, and by nefarious plans for the future. From time immemorial, most adherents of the Muslim faith hated those of the Judaic faith. Why?? It matters not as the end result is the same and the excuses just as invalid as any other. Hence they have waged war against the Jewish people. Forever. And plan to do so until they have vanquished them entirely. Their religious leaders, the imams, exhort them from the pulpit to wage war upon the Jew. And so they have done. The Koran calls upon them to kill the Jews, to champion genocide of the Jews, even unto becoming allies with Hitler. Most certainly the Jewish nation was to be prevented at all costs from returning to and building up their ancient homeland - the land, the state, of Israel. The charters of their numerous terrorist groups proudly and loudly shout of their commitment to the end of Israel, Judenrein, from the river to the sea, and beyond, to all Jews of the world. Even allying themselves with Hitler and his crazed plan to exterminate every single Jew on the surface of this planet.

The terrorist groups, even as they wallow in the blood of the Jews, of their children, of the raped women, of the slaughtered men, have convinced the rest of the world that they are not terrorists, but rather "militants” No, they are not. They are not. They are terrorists. They are worse than animals. They are the beasts of the horror tales of humanity. And they must be fought until they have no more energy to continue. Their evil plans buried alongside them.

However, the defenders of this world, the state of Israel, constantly puts its life on the line, the life of its civilians, the lives of all who live within.  All to defeat the forces of those who would destroy and dominate over all. They have subverted, inverted, long recognized truths. The nation which begins a war cannot deny its crime and must be defeated. Nor can it dictate the terms of war, or terms of surrender.   

These terrorists have followed in the footsteps of all the terrorist groups preceding them and have exceeded them in brutality.  With lies of life, lies which consume their very souls along with the souls of the duped and the violent and the haters. It is as if they never, ever, met the truth and certainly would break out in massive rashes should they ever have to confront and state the truth, to acknowledge truth, to acknowledge the evil within their plans, to acknowledge the lies that they have put forth so as to block any chance of making peace.

Liars who invade. Liars, who wage war against civilians, against infants and children and women. Liars who demand victory, even as their ranks are hemorrhaging and their own civilians are turning on them, tired of being their victims. Lies re imminent famine. Never was there in the first place. Lies of those who are alive or dead. Lies about the safety of hostages and then their murder.  Lies of desire for ceasefire even as they violate terms and refuse to concede any at all. Lies about lies. Lies about unconditional surrender - obviously meant for Israel as they then rocketed Haifa, her suburbs, her civilians. Lies about wanting peace as Sinwar resurrects the horror of the Intifada of suicide bombings meant only for slaughter of civilians even as he and Hezbollah acknowledge their exhaustion. The world? It continues on its path of ignorance and willful denial. As they ignore truths and swallow the lies.  

"The statement on Tuesday from Columbia University Apartheid Divest also included an explicit call for violence."

" ...violence is the only path forward"

“Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.” 

"Why leave out that Israel is surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it? Why leave out that Israel deals with terror groups that want to eliminate it?'

 A CBS journalist taken to task for asking that question of a supporter of Hamas in this conflict.  

The fact that  Hamas broke a 'permanent" ceasefire on October  7.

That Hezbollah blatantly broke the 'permanent' ceasefire on the border area of Lebanon and Israel.

Who are the liars? Who are their supporters?

Who are the  speakers of truth? Who stands with and supports them in their lonely, embattled situation?


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