Thursday, October 10, 2024


 Is that what it was? According to CBS News, it was, but according to reality, no, it was not. CBS betrayed the honor code of journalism No more, no less than any other media form of presentation or denial of presentation over the past year and certainly over many years prior to that.

"This is a highly charged and complex issue ... this goes way beyond one interview, one comment, one story," Roark continued, telling staff "this is about preserving the legacy of neutrality and objectivity that is CBS News."

Where do we go from here? Is there in fact, anywhere to go? Are we to sing again in full-throated voice "land of the free, home of the brave" without choking? Can we force it through our teeth even as our eyes flood with tears, as we stand tall and determined, as we feel the weight of a 200 per cent rise over the past year of acts and incidents of vicious antisemitism, of vivid clear JewHatred? 10,000 ' incidents' and those are the ones reported and acknowledged, the tip of a bloodstained iceberg of hate.   

Are we to hide ourselves, to seek out attics, holes in the ground? Closets, in which to hide from those who wish to kill us.? Scrub the streets with toothbrushes and line up for the trains and the gas chambers? To acquiesce to the acts of brutal terrorists as they throw our babies in the air and spit them on bayonets or smash their heads against the wall or violate the women, or force us all to endure forced labor, slavery, to be victims of medical experiments. 

No, there was no mistake about it. It is as clear as day. The chant is clear “kill the Jews. Kill the Jews” Rhythmically chanted. Insanely spewing out from the poisoned mouths and tongues from the rotting hearts and souls of those who advocate for our death. Always and forever from time immemorial - to kill the Jews. Always and forever to kill the Jews, to do the worst one can. And then go way beyond previous records and results. No mistake about it. 

The chant is clear. The intent is clear. The desired outcome is clear. Only the willfully blind and deaf and unthinking, the murderers, can ignore it. Can refuse to see the truth. Along with those who wallow and bathe themselves in oceans of hate and blood. Who perpetrate terror and slaughter and butchery, most preferably upon innocent civilians, and then hide themselves deep in dank dark tunnels built with money stolen from their fellow citizens of Gaza in order to build their kingdom of terror. Into those tunnels of terror and death, the hostages were dragged. and killed and starved and tortured and raped, brutalized in every which way you can think. And there they remain with their guards who are cowardly, cowering from the results of their own crimes against humanity, against their own people whom they held as shields against their own deaths. and the world - Well, **** them. 

Make no mistake about it. The world is complicit in. the actions of this terrorism, their words and their lack of action to condemn this horror and demand the release of the hostages - all of them and immediately. No parceling them out as packages. And where are the nations of the world? Why are they not placing special emphasis on their own citizens being held prisoner? Where are those little Bibas baby boys? And what is the fate of their parents? 

The underlying motivation of their acts and words are also clear, cover them up as they try. Oh yes, for sure, Israel has the right to defend herself, but only via sticks and stones. Real arms? Well, they are to be embargoed. As for waging war, defeating those "innocent".” civilians - No weapons, no forces please. No tanks, please. Send in just a few soldiers of Israel into a massive population who've been raised and bred to be their enemies. Expect them to extract the hostage or the enemy. Without damage. Without collateral damage, including their own deaths. If not, so much the better. If the only damage is the death of those pesky Israeli Jews, well, so much the better. So lovely to see the cooperation between the terrorists of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, with the support of Iran and Hezbollah, now free to espouse their own faults and chasms within their own society and freely revel in the expression and encouragement of Anti Semitism within their own nation. Oh, oops. Forgot the hostages. No problem, a self-solving one as they will die anyway in their ever-ongoing imprisonment, amid hopelessness. Sunk into despair. A world of pain daily inflicted upon them.

And now we come full circle back to the first paragraphs, back to CBS. Suddenly CBS comes so over the top there. So indignant as they also righteously claimed the journalist. was biased, daring to ask such a question. Actually, his question was par for the course as all talk shows and interviews ask deep questions of their guests. That is their job. However, here there was a difference. Here the journalist went against the mode of the day where one was to pose questions worded so as to be antagonistic to the Jewish aspect of these protests, and for supporters of murder. He did not. 

   " ...why does Ta-Nehisi Coates leave out so much? Why leave out that Israel surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it?" and went through a list of events in regard to the Israel-Hamas war."...    And so now we come full circle back. to the first paragraphs, to CBS. In fact, so blatantly present in Colt's new book. was the bias and the weeping for the poor Palestinians. This journalist would have been derelict in his duties if he had not asked the questions he did.

"He asked Coates, "is it because you just don't believe that Israel in any condition has a right to exist?"

   The claim of Coates as to why he wrote the book was this:

"because our history and "who we believe is human" or "who we don't believe is human" i

 And guess where Jews fit in according to Coates and his adherents.  'Nuff' said?

Can't happen here? Oh, yes, it can. The two nations of the world held up as civilized and advanced, Germany and Austria, beginning in 1933, proved otherwise. Their citizens joyfully, enthusiastically, joined in with the debasement and planned extermination of their Jewish citizens. Protesters were few and scarce. As for the rest of the world, well, the under the surface, and perhaps not so under the surface, feeling was let them take care    of that problem. Let them take care of the Jews. It will help our own war effort. Cold blooded and true. 

Not so easy these days. We know. We are prepared. Our eyes are open to the truth. As for those foolish Jews who think they should and can march with the people who are in fact calling for their demise, well, reality and truth will catch up to you very soon. Whether you want it or not. 

In the language of the Borg - "Resistance is futile."

Not our resistance, but yours, to the truth, to your hate, to your plans. Suck that bit up into your guts and fetid polluted souls.  

Am Yisrael chai. Lanetzach.

The nation and people of Israel live. 


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