Friday, October 11, 2024


  ...WE HOPE. Certainly, I do. What will come out? The truth. And again, we hope. Are we sure? No. We have hit upon spots of light, we thought and then they quickly dimmed. But perhaps now we will be lucky. In the name of truth, mea culpa, for the lateness of this posting as I overslept after a late night for a good cause. In any case, why the optimism this morning, hopefully not to be dimmed by this afternoon? The demand by the National Women's Law Action Center Fund to reopen. the investigation re Kavanaugh, and the “investigation” done -more truthfully not done - by the FBI with regard to the complaints that were submitted concerning the abominable, even possibly criminal behavior of then candidate Brett Kavanaugh for instatement as a Supreme Court Justice.  Little did we know then how corrupt and sans ethics that court was to be, how false it was and is to justice, to honesty, to righteousness in its most positive presentation. 

We now have the eternal question raised. Who policies the police? Who actually oversees all investigations, all decisions, all results as they are presented. Once, at that moment in time, we thought maybe, just maybe, Washington would hitch up its pants and be better than it has been. Particularly during the era of Trump and MAGA. However, we were disappointed. Once again.

The FBI investigated and dismissed allegations about Kavanaugh’s behavior 27 years after a similar-looking phalanx of men in dark suits dismissed Anita Hill’s reports of sexual harassment by now-Justice Clarence Thomas."

 Does it ever end? Are women forever to be silenced? Discounted, demeaned? Pushed aside? Is the world to be dominated by those who continue to use sexual assault as a weapon of war, as a weapon of power, be it as an individual or as a nation? Shall we constantly be under the lashing false tongues of those who supposedly abhor sexual assault even as they themselves implicitly and/or complicitly aid in years of a flourishing of that brutality?  The time has come to vanquish it. Destroy it. Extirpate by its roots from the thinking of anyone.

Will there be an opening, a reopening, of the investigation that was not performed by the FBI, of its rampant falsehood? In fact, why don't we tie it together with a reinvestigation of Clarence Thomas? Rid the Supreme Court of at least two perverts. Two pathetic puppets of Trump and  MAGA  and any other backward philosophy to be discarded? Will the truth out? Lord, I certainly hope so. I pray so. A lesson to all future thinking about it, for a deep reversal of current thought re sexual attacks and attackers. May we finally be able to live in a cleaner friendlier world. In a society where one's gender does not say open season on me all the time, wherever, whenever.

Unfortunately, we are also witnessing the outing of the always there ever denied bias against Israel to be found well rooted within American broadcasting. Always questioning the claims of the Israelis rightfulness and their impressive gigantic efforts to avoid collateral damage even as the foe magnified it, placing their own citizens in mortal danger. The egregious lies of Hamas and Hezbollah, of Iran, were accepted as words from Sinai and the words and proof of the Israelis discarded as trash. The blazing differences between the two sides were dimmed and never applied. Nor was the very distinct differences between the protesters of the world. One group calls for more bloodshed, for killing the Jews, for making Judenrein the land from the river to the sea. From attacking world Jewry, reveling in bloodshed and violence, attacking the other side. That other side   called for peace. They called for the return of their family members. It calls for return of the dead bodies. It asks for peace. It asks for justice. It did not ask for violence in any way, shape, manner, or form. And yet who gets the positive publicity and who not?

And what is this truth that underlies all? This brutal reality emerging now from the fog of hate and lies?  News staff have been instructed not to mention Jerusalem, for that might prove to be 'controversial'. People might think that Jerusalem is actually part of Israel!  Well, here's a piece of news for you. Wake up and smell the coffee. Jerusalem is part of Israel. So it has been and so it will always be. That is the truth the world must absorb. Jerusalem, the city that contains peace within its name, has been a battlefield over the millennia, yet, its truth is that it has always been the heart of Judaism and cannot be severed from it. Our history, and the history of the world has taught us that much. Jerusalem is a constant in the prayers, the thoughts, the essays, the writings, the philosophy, the actions, anything you could think of. The very essence of Jews and Judaism; to deny it is anathema, equivalent to withdrawal of the major support of the Jewish people. That is genocide, plain and simple, for it is a total denial of our right to exist. 

This is the same old ugly strain of Antisemitism, of toxic JewHatred which has always been with us. CBS journalists are now the first to be outed as being taken to task if they even should so much as intimate that there is right on the side of Israel, justice on the side of Israel. CBS has now become an important outed cooperating partner of the ugliness so rampant within the BBC and the British Press. 

Clearly seen is the growing inclination of the noisy people of America and the world to kowtow before Iranian threats. Will we never learn? We never seem to grasp that appeasement does not work, that it merely puts off that which will inevitably come even more powerful than it was before. Obviously, we do not. There is now a rather more vocal thought, frightening, that it might be better to sacrifice Israel and in fact all Jews rather than face facts and force Iran to back down.  Strike fast and first and rid the world of a probable, very possible,  destroyer of humanity, of this planet.   

Will truth out finally, inevitably? I believe so. I have to believe so. I have to believe there remains goodness in the world. Last night I had validation.   It is wonderful when a teacher learns from a student, can be proud of that student and take heart in the fact that perhaps you had a contributing role. Last night I had such an experience. I took pleasure in the words of his lesson, his deep love and knowledge of Judaism, and a wonderful manner of transmitting it to his audience, And the wonderful, blessed transformation or growth of that adorable, rambunctious, chattering little boy into a true man of Israel.  On a crowning touch was being blessed by him. being validated by my efforts. It is rare to see such a culminative validation of one's life's work. He shone bright with goodness and brilliance. And I shepped nachus, took joy in his achievements, an educational child, one of many who have made me proud. 

These feelings are so much better than the hate which is rife around the world today. I wonder why more of us do not try to find these positive choice feelings rather than engage in the demonic toxic hatred actually being forced upon us. It is a tragedy in so many ways. For me, I hate those who have made me become a hater. I. hate its powerful pervasiveness and promulgation of negativity, so contrary to building a positive life. No one benefits   and in fact, all lose by it. Why can't we have an understanding of that? Why can't we understand the lessons of history, that we must stand together for the right and the just. We must not crawl away in shame when we receive a threat. The time has come to be united, strong in resistance to evil. To acknowledge the presence and power of Evil. Pure Evil.

Will we understand the truth? Will we face an awareness of yet another Yom Kippur, more times of awful threat? We all must pray for a lasting and just peace. We must pray for tolerance  and forgiveness and mean it. That is not in the Lord's hand. To all I might have offended intentionally and non-intentionally I ask for forgiveness and will do my best to reform. I probably will not succeed totally, but I will try.

For those who are praying for forgiveness on this rather solemn day of atonement I wish you an easy fast. I wish your prayers and hopes find the expressway to the ears of the Lord. And for peace to push away the violence and the hate.

May we all be safe and keep safe. May our families and friends be the same. May the Brotherhood of all people finally be recognized acknowledged and lived.

 Shana Tova. and Gamar tove. May we all have a wonderful blessed new year and an end to a rather difficult year.

Yitzy, I still miss you so.

I will return on Monday

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