Monday, October 14, 2024


These days we live in a dichotomous world. One world where there are random acts of kindness and understanding, sometimes from the most unexpected quarters. On the other hand, we live in a world, the same physical world, with people who are cruel and nasty, who perpetrate and perpetuate violence and hate, who cheer on violators of humanity. Which is the world that is dominant? I believe that varies in time, though if we understand history, it is the world of cruelty and inhumanity which is the most prevalent dominator. Apparently, it takes far less energy to initiate such a world, far less than it takes to envision, build. and support a world of peace. Construction always takes second place to the visceral immediate trills of pleasure enabled by or via destruction.  

This morning, in the wee hours, I finally had the time to peruse various news postings. I had missed a terrible report of a massive attack by drones within Israel, the awful mass casualty numbers, yet more dead, more young lives tossed out and away just as they should be flourishing and contributing.   I had to seek hard, sift through so many reports, to find mention of that attack. Nary a word of sympathy. Merely more of the "Israel says" reporting. Tunnels unseen or discounted. 

Also ignored is the truth of the presentation of the futility and worse, the collaboration of the UN “peacekeepers” who do not keep peace, who do not repel enemy soldiers, who do not to keep the area between the border with Israel and the Litani River clear of "militants”, as directed within the "permanent ceasefire", with Lebanon and Hezbollah. Worked oh so well, did it not? As well as the "permanent ceasefire" with Hamas, which Hamas violated on October 7. Great partners for peace, correct?! That violent dominant world again.

Present also were views of vigils held throughout the days since October 7. On that very day of murderous obscenity Israel became the oppressor rather than the oppressed. The invader, rather than the invaded. The slaughterer rather than the slaughtered. Twisted history at work again. Yet again the world bought into the violence and hate, willingly and enthusiastically.  Once again, the world shifted on its axis and tilted more to that dominant world of violence and hate.

Most shocking to me and many others was to see co-opted Jews join in the chorus of hate and violence, and the death of their own brothers and sisters. Who thought perhaps to exempt themselves from similar fate, foolishly, dangerously deluding themselves with thoughts of exemption as targets of the hate and a shared fate. History yet again.     

 In contrast to those arenas of violence and hate, were the vigils of the counter protests calling for peace, for return of the hostages dead and alive, for a ceasefire which was truly meant and enforceable.  To an end of these cycles of bloodshed. Once again, the world tilts even more towards validation of violence, the dominant trait of an ugly hostile world. Once again, another loss chalked up for humanity. Prayers and hopes trashed, even as the rite of Yizkor is invaded, tainted by their very presence. Demanding that mourning Jews not remember their own dead, their own slaughtered martyrs of the millennia, and remember only   Palestinian dead. For sure, as soon as they mourn those they killed. And concede their complicity and guilt. And a return of our people.  

Oddly, in this very hostile world in which we dwell there are also random acts of kindness, threads of peace and care. Yesterday I was the recipient of these random acts of kindness from absolute strangers. People who gained nothing from helping me. They did not answer vocal calls for help as there were none, but who perceived a need and simply reached out to help someone they thought needed it. And I did. JFK yesterday was a horror, poorly planned, two opposing streams of people burdened with luggage, children, elderly, pets and language barriers, needing to know where to go and how to get there. Time deadlines to make flights shortening and the security lines long. 

Given erroneous information Gerry ran ahead. I trailed behind. Slow, not so steady, trying to propel myself and two carry-ons along with me. Suddenly an arm reached out and took my them from me and asked me where I needed to go. A woman, a stranger who perceived the need and answered the unvoiced call. My gratitude was profound. As was our appreciation of an agent who did not make me walk all the way and id'ed and validated me, gave us the boarding passes and sent us on our way. Nary a wheelchair in sight. Oy! However, at security a wonderful TSA agent called me to cut the line. The TSA agent who simply extended her arm to help me up and down into the machine, something I haven't done for years. A pusher who took one of the wheelchairs he was pushing, handed the rest    to other pushers and insisted on taking us to our gate, talking of the need for more kindness and G-d in this world. Amen to that. The flight attendant who extended her arm to me and walked me to my seat. The man who extended his hand to help me balance on the plane. The pusher in PBI who scolded a woman insistently asking me for opiates or "pain killers". The elderly woman who decided she was going to help me find a seat and sit! as I waited for pickup. Never mind, I did not want to sit. It was the thought that counted. Yes, yesterday there were many random acts of kindness. A good feeling in a very difficult day in a very difficult time. All from spontaneous acts of kindness, nothing great just there at moments needed. 

So. A dichotomous world. Even as we despair at the events of the day, we can also take heart. Is there a possibility to meld together all the goodness, the righteousness, the kindness to be found within human beings and build a better world. A world with thoughts of community overcoming thoughts of disunity and extreme nationalism. 

Is there any hope of peace? Will there come that time when we indeed do beat swords into plowshares? Today a dream but maybe, maybe ...    If not - whose fault?  Is it the fault of G-d who refuses to send us a little aid, a few hints to reach that point? Or is it our fault? Do not all of us or enough of us wish to give up those swords and   walk upon the rather more difficult track of creating peace? Perhaps when we are tired, all of us so tired of sacrificing our young to the greedy gods of war and their servants on this earth. Probably a combination of both causes.

I have no answers, only hopes and dreams.

The answer to the title question is up to us. I hope we choose the correct one.


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