I wonder at times how we remain sane. In fact, are we sane? How could we possibly answer that in positive manner when to be sane in this world is a blatant oxymoronic impossibility. In fact, it is probably a wiser, saner move to declare oneself lost in a living nightmare or wondering if one has been transported somehow into another dimension. One of horror, one of ugly repetitions of history which long ago should have been banished, declared extinct.
However, the above is escapist thinking. It is denial of reality. In fact, it is a living toxic reality. All the hot air balloons of the talking heads round the globe, all the posturing and the blustering can neither erase nor hide the fact that once again the world is complicit, up to its miserable neck, in the encouragement and enabling of a JewHatred not seen in such proportion, with such venom, since the end of World War Two. In fact, if one has the eyes and mind of a seer, it is easy enough to peer into the future and see the consequences if left unstopped, unaddressed, allowed to proceed further. Unchecked, with no application of brakes. At all.
Frankly, that future is now the present -and getting worse.
The hypocrisy of the world is nauseating. Words of lies and ugliness exuding globules of hate and murderous intent. Actions that take those words up a notch, two notches, 10 notches. The result is inevitable. It is Amsterdam. It is a modern pogrom. In a supposedly civilized knows better Western nation. It is not “reminiscent" of a dark time but is actually realization of that dark time. It is the dark time. Repackaged. Today. 2024. As the year draws to a close, we can anticipate not only nothing better, but in fact much worse. No, once again, ever again, it is not a good time to be a Jew.
Well, **** you all. May you and your vehicles of hate, your filthy minds, your bloodlust be turned upon you. May you reap what you have sown. May you drown in the ugly swamp of your own creation. May you be the fulfillment of the maxim of warning: Those who live by the sword die by the sword. I will applaud those deaths. I will applaud those consequences. And if there are those who consider this wrong, well, you know where you belong.
The anniversary of November 9th, 1938, of Kristallnacht, was “celebrated” by vicious murderers, by those who belie their claims that their religion is one of peace. It is definitely not so. Muslim and Uber drivers. Squads of motorcycle hoodlums imitative of the Hamas attack of October 7. “Jew Hunts”. The comments of world leaders are woefully underwhelming, useless and meaningless for there is no power of action behind those words. There is no belief in their ugliness, for in fact, the world leaders are the ones who encouraged this tumor upon the soul of the world. One cannot pick and choose in decrying hate. One cannot pick and choose in combating the ugliness of the world. In fact, in truth, one must stand tall against all of that similar same ugliness which has plagued humanity since time began It is more than time that we finally reach our potential and discard the ugliness of the beasts. It is more than time that we cast aside the defects within humanity and highlight instead all that is good. All that is to be treasured. All the potentiality.
At least the Dutch king. had the honesty, the balls, to state the truth. His nation failed its citizens of Jewish extraction. 75 to 80% of the prewar Jewish population was obliterated. Basically, the only remaining Jews of the Netherlands were those who were hidden amongst the precious few Righteous Gentiles. And even in that and those acts of goodness there were thorns for so many of the infants, the little children never returned to their people. Never were told they were Jewish, never were found by surviving parents. And so King of the Dutch, yes, you are failing your Jewish citizens and visitors. You are failing those who know and want better. And you are no different than the majority, if not all of the nations of the world. At least you spoke up, even though just a tad slow and late! Your police are allowed to opt out of protecting Jewish people from harm! Unthinkable. Yet there it is. Your political leaders have failed once again. And the masses walking in hate, in shrill voice calling for blood of Jews, are equally as guilty. Where are the rest of the world leaders? Where indeed is Donald J Trump. The newly reelected president, the convicted felon, the sexual pervert, the man who refuses to sign a morals letter. The man who pledged to Abbaas his support- this is the man to champion Israel?
On Remembrance Day in England ugly words and signs defaced Jewish institutions. On the eve of commemoration of the horror of Nov. 9,1938, Qatar hangs up its bloodstained kaffiyeh and casts out Hamas from Doha. Too little too late. Should have been done months ago. Years ago. All in the name of hate. All in the name of bloodlust.
And the world complies. Jewish students at DePaul University are bloodied. Violent protest continues unchecked and unpunished. Squeaks and squawks of "free speech". are not nearly thick enough, strong enough to hide the truth. Words and speech of hate may not shelter under their own lies.
Perhaps the time has come to throw in the towel, give up, to accept the uselessness of protest and discard as useless any hope that the decency innate within mankind can actually surface and live. However, when one looks around the world today, a world in turmoil, hope is difficult. We have allowed brutality to reign. Allowed wars to kill, to shred families, to create famines and death. We have allowed brutal dictators to gain and remain in office and wreak their worst.
Instead of working together to create solutions to worldwide issues, we come up with oh so much better a plan. We ignore. We facilitate. We stand guard at the borders of our nations and throw back into the sea those who are fleeing persecution. Those who see no hope for their families, for their children in their native lands and seek it elsewhere. Just as our ancestors did, just as we do.
2023. A horrid year, a horrid decade. A year of denial. Israel denied historical validity and integrity as a nation. Its legitimacy questioned and denied. The Jewish people are chased and hunted throughout the world, including right here in good old America. Is there any light? Is there any hope of seeing through the darkness now beshrouding the world? Can America reassume its role as an example to follow??
Actually, we have resumed a historical role, but that of the isolationist, of the indifferent and even proponent and supporter of some of the woes of the world. Rampant slaughter in civil and territorial wars. Families targeted and children stolen. Those in immediate peril and drowning in hopelessness. And once again, under Trump, America is to lock down the house, foregoing business boosts immigrants provide to small dying towns, deny America the labor it needs, and the fresh ideas to continue the tradition of contributions to America by immigrants. The American salad in a mixing bowl, the entirety better than its single parts. Now the government is planning for mass deportation of millions upon millions of people - infants. babies, children, teens, adults, the elderly. Americans. It is a replication of a shameful America. Those who exuded hate, managed to pass laws violating the American promise to the "Tempest tossed" of the world. An ugliness of the soul. Unable to throw out people as quickly as we imagine, we will need camps. Families torn apart, forced labor to earn their keep and starvation rations along with epidemics through the filth and inadequate sanitation What the hell are we planning? What have we become? Are there so many haters among us?
Will we? Can we become those people? Is that what we wish ourselves to be? Is that what you think you can be? Want to be?
Work for a sane immigration policy, for an integration of immigrants into our society, which many have done. We can separate the good from the bad, keeping criminals out. Refresh and reinvigorate our nation. Most of us are or descended from the Tempest Tost. Those lucky enough to land upon the shores where they were welcomed by a torch held high.
Who are we? Are we to become all our potentiality or are we to sink to the deepest levels, to become the drags of the barrels of humanity. If we are to fix this world we need all hands on deck. We need to remember what it means to be American.
As for the Jewish people, my people, we must stand tall and proud. Do not allow the haters to win. This hatred apparently has no end and no beginning; it simply is. Ugly as it is. We need to support our country of citizenship. We need to support morals and upright leaders. And we need to carry the banner of Israel throughout the world and vanquish the haters and the hatred. All hatred. All bias and hatred. And we must be alert. There is no choice. Nobody knows where it started. Nobody knows where it is ending, even if there is indeed an end, Hence, we must live in a reality and make the best of that reality.
So people, the time has come to turn ourselves inside out, understand and acknowledge exactly who we are in truth and deed. Can we access all that is good and positive within us. Can we share the blessings that the Lord has given us with others? Can we be strong together as we must be to weather all that we face. The time has come for acknowledgement of reality and the necessity to deal with reality as it is. Not as we dream it to be. If we have dreams, we must work hard to make them doable dreams and not nightmares.
Time indeed, folks. Past time. Now.
Be proud.
Be safe.
Be strong.
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