Friday, November 8, 2024


  That, I am told, is either a statement of agreement or disagreement, depending on the tone in which delivered. Often times it is accompanied with a touch of combativeness and questions as to why the truth is ignored or denied. Well, we will be hearing many said or unsaid a yuh huh over the next four years and G-d forbid even longer. Will they amount to anything? Possibly, maybe, hopefully.  I do wonder though at the damage which might have been inflicted upon the body politic of this nation before this era is over. I wonder whether those now singing songs and paeans of praise for a "blessed miracle" of re-election, might be ripping clothes, donning sackcloth, and tossing ashes of regret and revelation of truths denied, over their heads. Whether those revelations will be on time to stop the perilous descent of this nation into that which it was never meant to be is up for debate. I fear it will not. 

"Our family chooses to believe in humanity. Kfir and Ariel's grandparents were brutally murdered on Oct. 7. We don't want to bury three generations. Please help us urgently save the hostages' lives. Every minute that passes could be their last"

Most probably, realistically, it is already too late for this family and for many others in an embattled Israel and the indifference of nations of the world or their venomous hatred, as they pick and choose their concerns and denials. 9-month-old Kfir, now 1, and Ariel, now 5, if alive - highly doubtful in the ugly reality we must take into account, their parents, Shiri and Yarden. Who can erase the sight of the horror and terror on the face of Shiri as she tightly clutched her two redheaded babies close as she was ripped away from life. Truly innocent civilians though the world seems ignorant of that or could care less. Such brave 'warriors' of Hamas as they wage war against infants and mothers and leave brutally murdered grandparents behind, to lay in pools of their own blood. Once again Jews slaughtered for being Jews even as the world is silent or praises the enemy and sympathizes with them for the damage and terror they have wrought upon their own.

As the war continues, as Israel is besieged, under attack on multiple fronts, targeted by many nations, in words and action, as deliberately targeted citizens die or are evacuated from their homes, where oh where are the touted promised words of Trump, a voice to be raised in defense and outright support for Isarel. I hear nothing. Only a deafening silence. The only words heard were those ordering Netanyahu to end the war before the swearing in of Trump as president. Once again, much to our detriment. Ours and the world at large. 

 Yuh huh!

Nor does the horror end there. Certainly not when words of praise for Trump issue forth from the dictatorial bloodstained mouth of Putin. Certainly not when allies realize they are being deserted, abandoned, in a blind turn to the back, to policies of isolationism and populism, which do not work. Most assuredly not so when the rights of women to control their own bodies are abrogated. Or when censorship and burning of books, of books deleted from library shelves, are encouraged, praised - the exact antithesis of what education is meant to be.

 Even more frightening is the push to return prayer, a specific Christian prayer, to the classroom. Hackles should be raised, stiff in the historic knowledge and proof that when a nation chooses a religion as a national belief, it is most painfully not good for the Jews. We have learned that fact over and over again through the millennia as Jews were slaughtered, raped, burned, forcibly converted, preyed upon, denied humanity and the right of life. No, prayer in the classroom means bloodshed and negation outside those classrooms.

Yuh huh.

Be careful what you wish for, lest it be granted.

Yuh huh.


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