The two words of the title are a strong prohibition, or a strong promise meant to be kept. Words of threat or assurance, with evaluation of the sincerity factor and truth telling - or not - of the speaker of those words. Yesterday, I touched upon the topic of lies of people whose lies simply trip and drip off their tongues, accompanied with nary a serious thought of consequence. Truthfully, there is a great percentage of chance that they will not be called upon it for one reason or another. That these lies are transmitted to us from the mouths, the crooked forked tongues of supposed leaders of the nations, of leaders of the religions of the world, simply add insult to injury. Now here I am, scanning the day's news and caution myself 'never, ever ' believe in those outrageous statements. Never ever forget to do that. Check data and info sources. Never ever take the words of these people seriously, as truth, as evidence. and complete.
What is the consequence of believing some of these lies? Where are consequence of not believing these lies? Such rather iffy statements entered as truths are obvious falsehoods because the one who issued them as a promise, is one known for his lies and wild soaring imaginary statements and conclusions based on wispy clouds and quaking ground. We are told there will be hell to pay if Hamas does not commit to a truce and release all the hostages, not merely a list of some alive, and who can believe these people of lies. I dearly hope for a positive conclusion, but history tells me - nope.
The threat of Hell remains that, words, the possibility of them as truth rather hindered and watered down via reality and the other threats of waging war upon Mexico, to pay for the wall, with Canada, so as to erase "that artificial line" and annex our 51st state - not so simple nor under his control, to buy or conquer Greenland, and not to forget the war we will wage as we "retake" the Panama Canal. The reality of these threats is unreasonable and non-maintainable - so Hell? How can we believe such statements? Any chance or possibility of actuality would involve warfare and serious consequences, not to mention the breaking of many laws, but then again, this man, this convicted felon, does not respect the law, does he?!
Not to forget the promises of renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America or the plan to cancel citizenship rights via birth. Please do not feel or think or trust that you and your children will be exempt from that rule. Nope. In addition, that whole frightening plan to rule by executive power and dictate is quite frightening as is the promise - threat- to deploy regular armed services within this nation to "keep order". Uh-huh!
"Lies are not an answer.” So warned us, Lawrence, as he analyzed the most recent press conference of Trump, replete, overflowing with lies. A press conference with no one allowed to ask questions for the only microphone in the room was that right in front of Trump. He simply plowed on with his grandiose ideas, which never, ever will come to fruition. Certainly not in a democratic nation, but then again ...
However, as I look for signs of hope and trust in our leadership, not just Trump, but in Congress and the state houses, in government of all levels, the pickings are few and far between. A convicted felon and pervert running the whole shebang and people falling on their knees before him. Unbelievable and ugly as sin! Not to forget his treason against this nation and his contempt for the law.
This distrust generated by the actions of false leaders, remains in place. Evidently our current Pope has forgotten his Bible. More on that and other religious leaders -
...on the morrow.
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