Thursday, January 9, 2025


 It is normal. reaction or feeling to think of yesterday, not specifically yesterday's yesterday, but yesterday as in the past. As the time when things were better, at the time when optimism certainly trounced pessimism. When we breathed, there was a fresh air, invigorating, but today that is, if not gone, then fading away at rapid pace. The 'tomorrow' is a concept, a tense. upon which we look with great trepidation and fierce concern. Pessimism is the rule of day until such time when someone kicks us in the rear and tells us to get back on track; however, the effect of that kick is not truly long lasting. We become squished between yesterday and tomorrow all the while and our today has very little wiggle room within. Nor much support upon which we can lean, and trust that better days are coming. 

Certainly, we should be able to look. around, up, down, sideways. and find some one, some body. willing and capable of remedying our woes. Yet there are none and the ones we present as such we oh so wrongly perceive as one of almost godlike perception and perfection. All errors are upon the shoulders of others. We, the people, forget our founding documents. We forget our right to a free, safe, loyal, trustworthy cohort of leaders. and it has now become almost routine, the demand that one had better believe 150 % in the one presented to us   as human perfecto. Criticism is verboten, independent thought anathema, approaching nonexistent. And hope diminishes, begins to vanish, ever smaller in our rear-view mirror and our eyes look upon dreary days for the present and the tomorrow. Paul McCartney sang longingly for his "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now they're here to stay, oh I believe in yesterday."

Why do these feelings, this situation, continue to exist? Perhaps it is because we refuse to take a clear-eyed view of the truth of yesterday. Yes, it was good. Yes. it appeared to be a better world, perhaps because we were younger and did not see clearly or have such a wide view. But there existed things, thoughts, rules, laws, concepts and actions that were manifestly not so good. We had to correct them. In so correcting, we often made mistakes. Some were glaringly wrong. For every two steps forward at times there were 5 steps backward, and negative feelings would have a spur of growth. The slog back was more difficult the second time around. At times those correctional slogs were deemed almost impossible and nearly defeated us.

These blemishes of humanity too often gave rise to particular ugliness within humanity. Those who sang of better times were drowned out by those who praised the blunders of the past and worked for their return. Unfortunately, the leaders of these views, both sides, too often veered to excess and gave rise once again to the seemingly genetic flaw of humans - to be unable to see neither the trees nor the forest, thus condemning humanity to constant conflict, combat, defeat, and everlasting anger.

 What have we done? What have we allowed? Yes, we allowed it, enabled it for we elected these faulty leaders, voted them into office, or stood back, even cheered as they usurped these positions of power. We ignored their flaws. and gave them the keys to the kingdoms of individuals and nation. Now? Well, here we are. And here we will stay, until and unless we get our acts together, work together, share and think together, repair together, reattain the glories of the past even as we thrust aside its   dangerous aspects, its perilous concepts poised ever ready to return. 

We need leaders. Worthy of our trust. Leaders who have earned our trust. Leaders who do not demand to be thought of as perfect, for they know they are not. Leaders who know how to lead and bring out the best of and in their followers. We, the followers. need to dust off our minds. We need to oil the cogs of the machinery of thought and understanding. Of the better side of humanity. Without that ingredient there will not be the positive effects of a good leader. No one can lead or perform effectively in a vacuum, devoid of cooperation ad willingness to work together, to achieve, to sacrifice, to justice, a society which advances, treading over the evils of yesterday as we pick out the best of it. Sans that willingness, there will never, ever, be true reformation in permanent status, only the piecemeal inadequate unstable versions we have had throughout the history of humanity.  

We have always sought but never fully gained   entrance to that world, our efforts frustrated, trashed, by dangerous people and their followers who only wish to be led, easier, rather than to think and evaluate for themselves. Time for us to seek our best. To fulfill the promise of humanity and to do that we must, absolutely must find those who will enable those capable of leading us to that goal.  If not, we will certainly not be at our best and nothing will ever change. At least for the better. Never.    

Those who remain in the darkness of yesterday and refuse the sunlight possible today, in the long morrows ahead, are inimical to the progress of humanity. We need to change, to perfect our eyesight and find those who carry the lenses we need, those beneficial to all. 

Where are those leaders? Do they ever exist? Are they extinct? Look around at those we have chosen as our leaders, both secular and religious. Look, Think. Think again. 

And on the morrow - more.     

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