Sunday, January 12, 2025


 What am I hearing? I am hearing the wails, the atonal shrieks of all the alley cats gathering together in the midst of all the tragedies overwhelming the world. Wailing away with ear and soul splitting volume in a false and perilous perception of victory. a pyrrhic victory at that. Though the election gave them an electoral victory, it did not, at final count, give them a plurality of voters within this nation, though they prefer to obfuscate and deny that reality.  What they have engendered is an atmosphere of fear, greed, drastic me-tooism, and an overwhelming bitter taste of detestation melded with fear. The fear of a transformation of this nation within and to its inner core.  

The new ruling class of this once great nation has now changed, if not in name, then in morals, or rather the lack of them.  Those who were in the forefront of criticism of Trump et al, and all they stood for, are now among the forefront of those kowtowing and worse in obeisance to Trump, overlooking or perhaps even thrilled that the lines to be toed are no longer in existence. All goes in this new amoral and immoral world. It is a return to corruption and greed, to nepotism and bribery, and personal aggrandizement in any and every way possible. 

All that has been achieved, all the progress made and/or in sight. will now be turfed under despite all the warnings of natural disasters and the extreme weather conditions. The powers that be, the powers that are now in control, have begun the vast operation of burying all, rescinding regulations and upending all that was positive. These stuffed brains and swollen egos will forge ahead, uncaring of ought other than the growth of their personal portfolios and yet another house to their acquisitions.  

Even more frightening is the attitude of get the hell out of my way. They bar no holds. Hold with no hindrance or obstacle in their mad dash for all that benefits them and theirs. All others are of no account other than for the purpose they serve. Once served, they can be easily discarded. Trash along the sides of the road. Accrual of personal wealth and power is the recycled mantra of the day. 

There are no leaders to whom we can appeal. No expectation of a hero come to rescue the world from the ravagers of it. No brave soul to stand up in public and ask who joins with him/her in this battle that must be fought. Before it becomes ingrained in the very being of our national and individual souls.  Left alone with no opposition only engenders an increased probability of adoption and permanence. 

Think what we have out there.  An incompetent and bribed judiciary from the ground up. From Cannon to Alito to Thomas. To lawyers within the justice system who have sold their souls for material gain and prominence. To Congress. Name one, someone, anyone, who has stuck to their guns, who has refused to give in and remains in office to combat from within. The slate is almost blank. The leaders of the world's nations are all bending over backwards, losing their balance, as they kowtow frantically to Trump, to China, to Russia, to terrorists, as they suck up to the right. A reformatted Nazi party growing again in Germany. The same in France, in Italy, in nations in the embattled South America and the continual warfare with the continent of Africa. Rather than sharing the wealth, and there is much of that, the nations each grasp for more and more and in return most nations get nothing other than the death of their citizens and the destruction of war.

 Our religious leaders are no better. At the very highest ranks there is corruption of the worst sort. There is revived talk of prejudice and hate. There is a revived vigorous atmosphere and demand of misogyny. Are women once again to be burned at the stake, drowned, thrown into prison there to die from starvation, or at the very best to be ostracized within the community should they heaven forbid, show signs of intelligence and demand to exercise that intelligence. When the so called very best. of the religious leaders - priests, reverends, pastors, rabbis, imams, monks, - all act as if they are more tightly enmeshed within the Devil's grasp rather than with the Lord what is the little guy, the little woman supposed to do? To whom can we turn for help? Just about nowhere, it seems.

People turn to the secular leader, to the leader of that special G-d blessed state. A person who was supposed to reflect all that is good and proper, to stand for the betterment and progress of humanity. The leader of the free world. And aren't we ever so proud, ever so hopeful, for that leader is our own special convicted felon sans consequences of any kind. Allowed to enter into office for which he is so obviously unfit. Donald Trump, our very own convicted felon and plural offender, a fraud, in so many was, ever so creative to that effect. so strong in his opposition to any moral driven thought and behavior, one who promises but never keeps them. I so hope with every scintilla of thought and emotion that he keeps his promise to Israel and the imprisoned captives, allowing for the destruction of Hamas, the end of this horrid war, and the return of our captives - ALL of them, the living and the already slaughtered.  

My doubts are overwhelming. One man expressed it properly though in application to another situation, yet nevertheless so apropos of our leaderless situation.

“We didn’t know when it was gonna end. That was probably the scariest thing."

We still do not know, do we?

On the morrow.

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