What does the title mean? From whence and from whom, did it derive? These words came from the rabbi of a fire consumed synagogue and home. With the evacuation orders in the face of an all-consuming mad dash fire, he says he grabbed up documents and some clothing and left behind what some call “just things” but they are so not 'just things'. What are they? They are the items of Judaica present in so many Jewish homes which define them as such, define their history and tradition carried with them on thousands of years. No matter where and no matter when.
These items represent in many cases the remnants of a history and a tradition now gone, through neglect, erroneous thinking, or destruction via hatred intense and insane. The menorah hidden and retrieved by a Holocaust survivor, the last of a family. It is the kiddush cup handed down through the generations. It is the candelabra for Shabbat candles, rescued and taken with them as they emigrated, voluntarily or via force. Those 'things' are forever items, traditions of a nation, a history of a people, never to be replaced.
Is there meaning behind this tragedy of LA? Is there a lesson to be learned? Have we lost the meaning and recognition of the importance of some 'just things'? Have they lost the idea, the skill to "think forever"? Can we not differentiate anymore between what is truly important and what not? what not.
The importance of "think forever" is relevant no matter its origin or field. What is necessary and most important is the necessity to have those capable of carrying out the think forever directive and train of thought. It might be as simple and uncomplicated, affecting one home, or one small institution, or as complicated as larger entities are affected, even to the status of nation or nations. It is the butterfly effect. It is the knowledge that has been long known, that "no man is an island". Unfortunately, we have not internalized that sentiment and here we are, the worse off for it.
And here we are right back at the beginning, at the foundation. of all that is going wrong and has gone wrong in the world of today. And that of yesterday, and G-d help us, headed right there in the future. We have ignored the necessities of a cleverness. imbued with humanity, of an intellectual with knowledge and understanding of the similarities of humanity and respectful of the differences. We need leaders who are not there for the money and the power, but for the idea and the practice of public service.
These are extremely far and few between these days. It is hard put to actually name one. I can name not a one, certainly not off the bat. Not political or cleric. In fact, all of our leaders have failed us in our moments of crises, as people die from situations mankind has created and from indifference to the tragedy of others. We strayed far from the importance of a leadership who know how to think forever, to follow the thread through and understand the connection between what was, what is and what might be if we do not change our ways. and improve our thinking process, and for Heaven's sakes find and elect and nurture those who can provide this. A critical component of this idea is. to make sure we have an electorate capable of careful and keen thought and understanding, those able to discern the real from the fake, the true from the false.
People often turn to the religious aspect of life when facing disaster. In LA and surrounding areas, the churches, the synagogues, all the houses of worship were crowded. But truthfully this crowding is a temporary state of being for once the crisis is over or being attended to, they empty once again. Why?
A huge factor. is a distrust we have of or for our religious leaders and elders. They are supposed to be better than we are. To represent the best of humanity. To have a deep and abiding faith in the Lord. To provide a path back to God if we have strayed off that path. It matters not the religion, or the name of the god chosen to be worshiped for one day, humanity will actually smarten up, wise up to the fact that all those gods are the same. The one God. How so abysmally wrong was all the bloodshed and warfare waged in the name of religion and the name of G-d. One day, still so far away.
Clerics and religious personnel have failed us. Not a religion is exempt. The current Pope in his world travels always remembers one thing: to call out against Israel. In constant diatribe re the war, accusing Israel of instigation, dismissing the horror of Oct 7 and all that followed, ignoring or dismissive of the fate of our kidnapped hostages, their brutal treatment, and the blasphemous holding of the bodies of those slain by them, even from 2014!
So, Mr. Pope, evidently you have forgotten much. You forget that your faith arose from Judaism and. indeed carries on with many of the adoptions, including some of your very own garments. Additionally, understand the warning of "he who throws stones", Pope, the glass of your house is shattering via its own actions and misdeeds. Corruption and immorality, the invalidating of precepts of trust violated, are rampant, from top to bottom. Look at the reality. of a faith. The church going broke because restitution must be paid to the sexually abused - and to the continued abuse. Look to the empty churches, the shortage of parish priests and ask why?
Pope. Your glass is shattering. Look to the ugly pas of the Church. From the first moment that it declared itself free of Judaism, it pushed hatred against Jews, causing them great harm. Great slaughter. Great enemy from the ignorant people of the church who faithfully partook of the annual pogroms at Easter and Christmas, encouraged by their priests. The vows of chastity and poverty blatantly observed in the breech and antisemitism rampant and approved. Constant attacks at Jews and Judaism, slaughter by the millions over the centuries, the acquiescence to and creation of horrendous accusations such as blood libel, the cause of the Black Plague and other woes, denied rights and professions, and all blessed by the Holy Popes over the centuries. All heightened by the sermons of the priests and the teaching nuns in parochial schools. Please do not forget. the Pope of World War Two who could not bring himself to call out against the Holocaust of the Jews.
Add to that the persecution of your own who condemned the corrupt practices and the hypocrisy, those of true faith. No, Mr., Pope, heed the words of your own Bible. You point out the splinter in your neighbor's eye. Take care of the plank within yours. I hear those planks clicking and clacking.
Not to say that other religions are immune to accusations, a full set of hypocrisy, of clerics not up to the task or unwilling to fulfill their responsibilities. Perhaps what is most similar in religions are the faults and vices within. It is all that which often causes one to seek, to delve, to think, and to formulate their faith and to understand the connection of faith and religion for they are not the same.
Think how much troubles and woes could have been averted, positive actions taking place, if only our leaders had known and practiced the "think forever" mantra. And taught it to their flocks.
On the morrow.
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