Tuesday, January 21, 2025


No, I did not watch that obscene twisting and distortion of a once proud democratic tradition. I could not watch a man who represents all that is anathema to me not hear the words he glibly spouts with ugly tongue and ugly soul, (along with ugly face). Clearly seen through a thin veneer, is the truth. The is no loyalty within this man. There is no inspiration other than to fear and corruption. There is no trusting his words and promises other than to know that his ugliest proposals will come true, enabled by his flying monkey minions of danger and horror. 

Any promises made with some redeemable presence will be lost, fade away, be forever consigned to the box of American discards of its national soul. Deeply striated and antagonistic classes of society will emerge, bolder and darker than ever. Our leaders will prove to be false in every way possible, will betray us, leave us in the fields for the wild beasts to finish off, and lo and behold, these beasts are us. Safety and sanity are outmoded words of no current meaning or status, garnering only snickers and sneers. 

How can I believe this? I counter with "how can it not be known?" It has been public knowledge for years, and those who scoffed will now see that which they have enabled. Nor can we look to religion to be our savior. For. it too has been corrupted. This demented evil old man who shouted, gathered Christian support, spouted their truisms, did take his sacred oath with hand on Bible. 

Why should he, for belief in a true faith, by any name, means generosity, compassion, honesty, morals and principles of eternal format and practice. No, no room at this inn for anything resembling such precepts. In actuality there is no truth to this man, no depth plumbed and unplumbed which does not lead to greed, narcissism, falsehoods and power-hungry thick veins running through his corrupt soul.    of rule. and to cancel not merrily culture, but America in every aspect of what America was. is. always meant to be. 

Canel culture? Bah, humbug! Cancel America is more like it.   

 The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of this nation, are spit upon, demeaned and discounted. Already the safety ropes and nets for those seeking asylum, a constant plank in the platform of America, though somewhat worm eaten at times, has been cut. Plans to engage in fascistic raids of workplace, school, homes and streets are already in place and in motion. ProJet 2025, alive and well, sickeningly so.   

"Papieren, bitte?" Papers, please! Now soon to be rampant in our streets and buildings. Now in English as armed soldiers of the standing army, illegal under our Constitution, will enforce those misguided crooked rules, buy into the fascistic nation, and we will scurry through the streets hoping we go unnoticed. We already have ceded much to that man and his coterie of evil, much we once held dear, sacred and eternal, now discarded and exchanged for the 'virtues' of greed and power, the driving mantra, the more the better.  

Elon Musk raises his right hand, stiff armed, palm down and echoes of Hitler grow ever stronger and clearer, the Proud Boys leaders and The Tribe, glory in its revival and in the pardoning of their most violent leaders of Jan 6. An abomination to all.  Western nations once our allies look with great concern and uncertainty into the. future as America abdicates its responsibilities and conventional ties On the other hand, the fascist and authoritarianist governments wallow in Trump's reflection and now twisted images and tropes of once enemies of ours, now engaging in economic warfare and a complete new Cold War, now presented to us as allies. Danger to the nth degree.      

Make no mistake about this. The war is on, the war between democracy and progress of it should vs.  fascism and authoritarianism which has consistently harmed humanity through the centuries.

Where do we now turn for guidance and leadership? Throughout the generations truncated searches for truth were cut short, challenged and beaten. False leadership presented to us in cloaks   of disguise, their true nature hidden deep within. An almost complete severing of old ties holding humanity together as we now emphasize the differences rather than the similarities. As we allow Project 2025, once denied, to forge forward. Brought to us by full sponsorship of Trump et al.


Truth. We must continue to deepen the depths and breadth of the search for true leaders. True leadership. To find religious leaders truly imbued with Faith. Remember that outer strictures of a religion, no matter the name given to the religion, we must stop this dangerous competition and animosity between and among us. For we are all to face the same destination, the same future on this very embattled planet of ours. 

The political sphere has failed in its responsibilities, gravely so. Can we look to the religious world, one of supposed holiness, to be that which we need? Who will be the ones to teach people how to cut the hampering strings and ropes of competition and enmity. Who will gain our trust and our loyalty and deserve it. Enmity and comity. Two sides of the same coin. We must choose the side with no image of Trump, the self-appointed Emperor of the New Ugly World. 

If not religion, then what? Faith alone, without the trappings of Religion?

Maybe. Could be.

But carefully. Perhaps cynically as well. 

On the morrow. I hope. 

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