Today's world is a roil and a boil. So much so, so high is the heat, that we cannot distinguish and separate one bubble from another, one cause from the other nor one consequence from another. All seemed to be intermeshed with a resultant synergy completely negative in outcome and even present circumstances. It is a most troubling and frightening prediction of what we face in the future and what is contributing to that negativity in the world of today.
Who will be able to resist this future, prevent its reality? For the life of me, I do not know. Which generation will have the brain power, the keen eyesight, the open ears and minds to understand what has been happening to this country and the courage to overcome the "fear" factor under whose tenet Trump operates, openly stating it, advocating for the power of fear and his use of it for his nefarious purposes. It will be a hard row to plow. The crop not necessarily going to be at the level and the quantity that we wish, and indeed need, so desperately.
The world today is one of increasingly sharp-edged corners. Nary a piece of padding. nor a rounded edge to be found. Nothing to provide some relief to those walking the increasingly treacherous paths of life. Hope, a dream of an America as she was intended to be, as she should continue to be, grows ever dimmer and elusive. America has not lost its soul - yet.
The people of America need to avoid the Kool-Aid of Reverend Jones and take the clear and clean waters of truth, honor, justice, and democracy, of rights for all, of fair society, of cooperation rather than enmity. Not a perfect world, but one ever striving to get closer to that goal. Wake up and remember the truth of America, the dream of America, and demand it. Take it back. True possibility? Unknown. But if we abandon the gestalt of the world of Hamilton, then we are lost, perhaps deservedly so.
However, campaigns and policies need leaders to inspire, to lead, to think, to plan. Where are the leaders? Certainly not in Washington. Certainly not among the cowering cowards of Congress. Certainly not within the masses of billionaire techies who have chosen and accepted their 30 pieces of silver and sold out the rest of the nation. Nor are they among those who deny climate change, its horrendous speed of disintegration, even as the world is now clearly in constant combat to overcome its awful consequences. As it both floods and dries out the nation. As it freezes or boils the people of the world.
They would not be found in the state houses and legislatures of the nation. No, for they adhere to the corrupt and crooked practices of our leader, G-d help us, who has chosen to ally ourselves with three other nations of the worst levels of humanity. Who are those nations? Iran. Libya. Yemen. Joined with them in denying the Paris Accord, humanity's last hope to keep a viable world. Joined with them even as we wage war against them for other criminal misdeeds and actions they commit. What are we thinking? We, who elected this man back into office. We, who have allowed him to nominate and push through, employing fear to place his most grossly unfit people into offices that are supposed to protect this nation. Help it grow. Smooth out the wrinkles. Yet these are the very ones who will not do so, and in fact, under orders, will do exactly the opposite. Creating and causing more wrinkles, destroying that which has been beneficial.
Shall we turn to our leaders in the religious world? Well, let's see. We have those of the Christian world such as Vance, who believe that we in America are living in a Christian nation, tolerating other religions who must always walk a fine line. Never 100% sure of a permanent welcome. Nor the right to remain as citizens of America.
We have those pastors who support the crazed violence of the Proud Boys and The Tribe. We have the leaders of the Catholic Church, whose top leader, the Pope, has constantly condemned Israel. Yet acclaimed as a leader for Peace. Coulda' fooled me. We have rabbis joining with those on lines calling for the demise of Israel and all world Jewry. Leaders of Buddhism and Hinduism have forsaken, pushed aside, kicked aside, their principles of nonviolence and engage in open warfare with each other and other enemies of their thinking. We have imams who preach hate, destruction. from the pulpits. Arousing fevers of war and hatred among their congregations.
We have those people who are supposed to represent and demonstrate how to edge closer to the perfection of the Lord, of whatever name. How close we can get to God, to His perfection. Now they are "kofer b'kol" hostile and renegade to all that they should be and represent. Vigorously thrusting aside all that they are supposed to be. adherents of and for. It is so wrong in so many ways. Their congregations are bereft of shepherd. Bereft of hope.
Huge buildings purportedly for worship are erected, built with no faith within, no true religion in the pews. Pastor or Priest, or Rabbi or Imam or Lama strut their feathers, flaunt their success, even as their failure becomes more and more apparent. They mingle with the political world and climb up. those dirty, filthy ladders of moral degradation and decay and are visibly smug and self-satisfied, oh so proud of that success.
Where is the place to turn for aid and comfort? Where is the place they can trust? The people they can trust to help direct their prayers accordingly? How to phrase requests and need for hope and answers? To find answers. and encouragement and hope. Where can they find reinforcement of their dream of a better world? A true possibility of actually achieving that goal or edging ever closer to it.
The answers are difficult if ever even to be answered with confidence. How are we supposed to be able, clever enough, to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong in the religions we espouse. Is it that our religions that have gone amiss, strayed from their purposes and goals? Has religion turned into Religion, with true meanings weakened and faith disappeared? In fact, what has happened to faith? Much of professed faith has also gone awry and has become Faith, no humbleness, no acknowledgement of place and purpose to be found.
Damned if I know, though I have begun my journey of introspection and strive to find a cohesive school of thought incorporating former thinking and beliefs, a strong tradition, along with a reassessment and melding of the new and the old, the pure and the somewhat tainted, though perhaps the taints and stains belong on false leaders and upon my imperfections in understanding. Still, I most try, if only for myself and my inner comfort.
More ...On the morrow.
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