Thursday, January 23, 2025


  It is presumed that as one ages, one begins to build a private store of belief, in matters of faith or things of magic, or simply thoughts created and developed within one's mind. And heart. And soul. They are the structure of a person's life. Faith in something, anything that glues that structure together and depending upon the circumstances of one's life that glue might change enormously. Or not at all. It could weaken in one facet of faith or strengthen another. Possibly even changing places   or even trading rankings. 

 A new faith might be taken up with full and deep emotion and commitment or with a cynical turn of phrases of mind, reevaluation of what is needed to succeed and attain one's goals. It can be adopted, taken up with a passion or shrugged aside as useless with naught to do with an individual's success or failure in life. It can be relative to the life of that person and the place that individual has or aspires to fill in society, whatever the size of the relevant community. 

 It can be regarded as a minor, not very relevant piece of a person. A secular matter or toleration of a faith of sorts, paying homage to that deemed necessary, to some power, divine or otherwise, monotheistic or polytheistic.   Call it what ever name one deems appropriate or comfortable. It could even be a glue generated by self-pride, a sense of self-achievement, no interfering hand, divine or not, merely and only the feeling of "my strength, my intellignece, my efforts built what I have, and I owe naught to luck or outside intervention, secular or otherwise". 

It has long been a question of mankind. It has absorbed philosophers over the millennia. Is God.  that divine power above and over all,  actual, a true being of incomprehensible powers and beliefs of concern or lack of care for the smaller beings on the surface of this globe. Does this God have care or concern for what he deems His creations. Or are we as the playthings of a child, scattered, left scattered when playtime ends and, as does interest. 

Can we as humans exist on any kind of elevated platform of life, able to inspire ourselves, push ourselves to do better, to be better, to help others. Do we need a power above us to push and goad us, to threaten and to reward. Do we fulfill that need via our own completely not divine power? Is it a true faith of discovery, recognition and acceptance of such a One, a Being, who controls all strings of life and death, of wealth or poverty, of happiness or sadness, of health or   sickness? 

Can we truly sublimate ourselves to this mysterious Being whom no one has ever seen, and how do we deal with those who claim they in fact have seen and even conversed with that being and warn us of might be awaiting us if we do not wakeup and shakeup and get on with life, a proper and meaningful, kind and caring life, truly accepting and practicing the tenets of belief, that all are G-d's creatures and we must a accept and live that precept. Behave accordingly, and aid those who are in need, rather than condemn them to a lifetime of misery, hatred, and hopelessness. To truly accept and live by that belief, an injunction of faith. And do so STAT!!  

 Those who reject that Power, as described in the faith of the times, are too often the subjects and targets of contempt aimed directly at them with purpose in mind. Why do we not instead tell ourselves that G-d is powerful enough to handle rejection and leave the rest alone. Stop manufacturing rashes needful of scratching and relief for none of that should exist. Anyone's belief or lack of, is that person's business. Most definitely not ours.  In fact, it is when we stick our nose where they do not belong that trouble inevitably erupts.

What is critical for any being to live a good life is to believe in the inner goodness of people, their ability to reform and be mindful and watch well of the innate vices and weaknesses of humanity. Able and even willing to subjugate themselves to the rule of others whilst often cruel, in the name of some lack of self-directed virtues and the wisdom to make good and moral decisions, of confidence in themselves, of the ability to distinguish between that which is right and that which is wrong. Why is that so difficult?

 I don't know. It is quite frightening when one pays attention to the news and so many acts of violence are perpetrated upon the innocent. When so many think the way to solve or resolve a discussion or disagreement is to stab the other. It is when we resort to violence or force to opposes that violence, when grabbing their arms, hoping to gain their attention, we are chasing our own tails. We need instead to grab hold of that erroneous person, gain their attention, and wake them up. Hit them with the truth. The whole truth. Not that generated by a form of a false faith, or of false promise. 

We have gone so far from the actuality of good, of altruism, of a hopeful, supportive belief, so distant that we continue to fall prey to the simply wrong of life as we swallow the ugliness disguised by pretty clothing and false words. Doing so and choosing the temporary and the selfish, having nothing to do with morality and justice, we are creating a foundation chock-a-block with structural failure. We must resist the temptations, turn our backs to the wall and step aside from the false pictures and false promises. Oppose them and understand their actual meaning and consequences. Feel the truth of the matter and know, and acknowledge that you know, for the alternative is a doomsday certainty.  

 If we do not wake up and ASAP! we are in for a world of woe, and we will be marooned there with no faith at all to sustain us in times of danger and darkness. Look around and ask yourself if you are truly a believer in the negativity of current supposed leaders of America. Look at their policies. Look at your own history and wonder where you would be if these things had been applied to you or your family or perhaps, they actually were and think of the evil results of that. Do you actually wish to push that onto others, to see yourself as above them? 

Delve deeply within your own soul and feel the twisted wrongness of this thundering waterfall of Executive Orders. Think of the Imperial court Trump is establishing. Think how he pardons rebels wishing to overthrow this nation, beat up and even killed officers of the law, threatened people with harm, even death, were convicted of conspiracy and assault. Now free, pardoned by their leader, Trump, the fascist, once again reveling in their ability now to go and buy more guns, ever so much better to kill the opponents of their nefarious schemes. 

Do we have the stamina to withstand and push back against what is now a very real possibility, even probability, of a different America. Imagine individuals, even strangers, even made-up people. Do not engage in the huge unfathomable numbers for they defy true feeling and understanding. Think individuals. Think yourself.   

Do you have a faith to keep you steady in times of need, in times of Earth shaking, shattering events.   If not, do you need one? Can you find one? Can you rediscover the one you left behind?

Come struggle along with me in this muddy morass of a world. Our world. 

On the morrow. 

Do not forget that we now have a president violating the Constitution, the one he vowed to uphold. So much for that. Guess once a felon, always a felon, one way or the other. We now have active-duty troops running around this nation asking people for papers, grabbing them off the streets. Kidnapping them from schools. And hospitals. Not to forget either that we now have a president violating yet another amendment, Amendment 14, which places your own citizenship under gray skies, black clouds building fast. Think Hitler. Think Putin. Think Trump. Think haters. Think of yourself.

On the morrow.

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