Tuesday, February 25, 2025


The title is a statement made in answer to a question asked of a Border employee, one of the several thousand sent to contain, divert, arrest and. imprison, men, women and children, the supposed  'great hordes of the unwashed uncivilized criminal types determined to take over the nation, to steal  your home, your job your food from your table, and crush your children beneath their broken shoes.       Well, they are not there, hence, that whole lotta' nothin'! is actually something - the billions of dollars being wasted even as Musk and as Muskrats continue to use a cleaver on the government and its employees. 

But never mind the truth. That is just a waste of time. In fact, it is contrary to the nefarious goals, plots and plans of Trump and Trumpians, ever goaded on by the twisted mind of Musk and the activities of his MuskRats. All situated on a very wobbly platform which now is the target of those who are newly enlightened and understand that the beneficiaries of these perverted orders are the high percentage mates of pursed mouth Trump, his annoying children, the power-hungry crazed Musk determined to protect their privileged entitled status. To flit between multiple homes while the rest of us struggle to keep that roof over our heads and leak free. While our children wear last year's coats, too small and they spend thousands upon one outfit. While we feed ourselves pasta and they dine in fancy restaurants.   

No, it is not that great horde (invisible for the most part currently) wishing to impose further restrictions upon your lifestyle and that of your family. It is those who see only power and wealth heaped just ahead of them. Who salivate and need to dive headfirst into that pile and crush anyone and anything standing in their way. Legality. Bah humbug. Compassion. What's that? To keep the nation intact as a democracy? Not important. And on they gallop "bayonets fixed", for they are indeed "charging again". Just ask Steve Bannon. 

Unfortunately, as perhaps nothing is happening at the border, a whole lot of something is happening within the rest of the United States and in the rest of the world. Trump, his acolytes, the classmates of devils in training, Musk and the puppet strings by which he controls Trump in his self-assumed position as unelected president of the USA, have overturned a world order slowly learning the value of cooperation and its maintenance. Together they stood to defeat the malevolent ambitions of Putin, now the BFF of Trump.  Yes, often they erred but corrected themselves.   

Unfortunately, our nation under Trump, as he fed his desires to indeed hear the shout: "Long live the King! spread evil seeds of dissension. These seeds grew strong deep destructive chaos inducing roots   into the heart of multiple nations and shaded the plans of ambitious flying monkeys, ever so eager to cull favor from Trump and Musk. Or succumbed to his fear inducing manner and words. Trump, his flying monkeys, along with the terrified who bought into it Are all ever so busy now. Once again enmeshing the world in a process, repeating history from which we never learn, other than to compete in stupidity and cupidity. Thus, we are in the process once again, employing tariff wars, trade wars in attempts of domination rather than cooperation, which inevitably leads to war. Ever bloodier, ever more destructive, and ever more useless. Yet we never learn, do we?        

We all allowed this to take place. To loom frighteningly in our future. A near future at that. Most probably in conjunction with an authoritarian government built upon the ruins of a once wonderful democracy. Those who did not look ahead, who did not see the consequences, were blindsided indeed, inevitably enabling the current situation and what is to follow. Did they not see nor wish to see the consequences awaiting prime opportunities? Or did they think they had a protective immunity to any unfortunate consequences? 

They were wrong, quite wrong. And we who saw through did not fight hard enough. Long enough. Effectively enough. Ot believed that clear vision would triumph. It did not. And here we all are, arguing amongst ourselves rather than uniting quickly into a cohesive unit willing and able to take back our country. To correct their posture, to stop kneeling and to stand tall. To use the courts and combat illegalities. To refuse to cooperate with that and those who are our enemies. To take back our nation and avoid any more days like J-6. To reform our corrupted weakened judiciary. To turn aside corrupted cowardly legislators and find those who are true patriots. Who wish to see our nation back. No, not back, but better and striving to be even more. 

Now we have this - massive teardown of our structure. Illegal firings and confusion. Invasion of privacy. Vets targeted in these mass firings as many are federal employees. Yep, this is America today.  

And aren't we proud!

All of these, top to bottom, are being attacked and diminished.  

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

 Federal Emergency Management Agency: 

  Internal Revenue Service:       Federal Aviation Administration

   TSA:                         Office of Personnel Management:  

     Office of Community Planning and Development

       Department of Defense

       Health agencies:          Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

 Department of Energy

Department of Education:      General Services Administration 

Department of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Forest Service         National Nuclear Safety Administration

Small Business Administration

Fired officials, including inspector generals

Units within the larger unit

 Incompetent, ignorant, morally twisted. cabinet members.

Interference with every aspect of life.

This nation and its people are in trouble. Today. Time is short. We cannot wait for.

On the morrow.



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