In my blog postings I have written openly, clearly, firmly, and declared my opinions and thoughts out in the open. No hedging. No softening of words upon the election of a man who poses a clear and present danger to the continuation of this nation as it is and as it is supposed to be. No pussyfooting around or softening of the words as many opinion writers did perhaps in a futile attempt to soften the blow of the truth of the occurrences, but it cannot work. The truth must always be told, even more important to do so in national politics, international policies and their implementation.
In fact, perhaps my words have become even stronger as I stare deeply into the cataclysmic multiple changes wrought upon this nation by this out of control dangerously demented man and his coterie of approval, wealth and power-seeking crew. All attempts via clear unclouded vision to see into the future - immediate, short, or long term merely increases the concern. Even should Trump lose his office by any of the legal possibilities, what follows?
Vance and his approval of direct political descendants of Naziism - in Dachau yet? As Christian theology twisted out of context dominates? Or do Musk and his MuskRats shred the flimsy see through curtain and practice their chicanery and nefarious goals in the open? Where do we go at that point? Where will we stand as a nation, as a people? Or will we discard standing for kneeling at the feet of a dictator who rules through fear and punishment, via a society shattered, with informing on others the chief way in which to guarantee safety and promotion. Then what?
Then what?
Yes, presently Trump is supportive of Israel, though his latest statement is yet another of his nebulous Teflon seeking comments for he states he will be content to “sit or stand back. and wait". His words - not mine. Yes, at present he has allowed the flow of arms and ammunition into Israel so desperately in need of such. But then again, we all know the Trump who turns his back swiftly, on a dime, and calls upon the wheels of that bus already slick with the remains of those who came before. Those who fell victim to those wheels as they displeased this self-declared King. Only this time taking Israel as his chosen victim. And then perhaps the rest of us? Choose your prediction.
Possible. Probable. Inevitable.
Then what?
Read the following and upon completion perhaps review your choice. It boils down to this. Will we remain and even improve upon our reputation and contributions to mankind, or will we kneel in failure? Will we become a blip, a paragraph or two in a chapter on once great and now failed nations, joining the ranks of Rome and Greece and Babylonia and the Assyrians and the Hans and the Nazis or will we earn a chapter, or several chapters? Will we withstand and conquer the perils awaiting us? Will we remember with every molecule of our existence that we are Americans first, last and always. Not Democratic or Republican or Independent or Green or any such title which drives the sword of disunity ever deeper into the heart of our nation. Be open to viewpoints even if from the mouths of so-called opponents, for as the Lubavitcher Rebbe Yosef Yitzchok told the Bolsheviks, "There is a bit of bad in the good and a bit of the good in the bad." Take the good - always and remember to heed the warning of Lincoln. That a nation divided cannot stand for very long.
We are that nation. Only this time, we are divided into more than two, for we have divided into multiples of clashing competitive sects. If we succumb to this trend, well, then the perennial question.
Then what?
-5, -7, -13 ...the new polls re Trump's supporters - Descending as we speak. As people realize and feel the deleterious and harmful effects upon their lives via his crazed, massive number of Executive Orders. Lesson learned: be careful what you vote for. If there is a next time.
'Slipping into the clutches of an authoritarian': Trump's potential defiance of Supreme Court could lead to a full-blown constitutional crisis."
Repetitions of massive numbers of faithful, hardworking employees of the Federal Government being fired illegally, senselessly, placing our nation in grave danger. Imminent danger. Causing great discord within Departments. Glorifying incompetence. Generating fear and despair.
The illegal intrusion of demented children drilling into every aspect of an American's life as they garner unimaginable amounts of private information affecting each and every one of us. MuskRats at work. Trump, the puppet, dancing to the perverted illegal power-hungry Musk, his puppet master.
"Really hunting us down" says an immigrant in Boston, as the Government chases down immigrants well enmeshed in the national economy, contributing to the Social Security, filling out needs. Kidnapping people off the streets. Separating parents from children. A heedless, uncaring, cruel government. What separates them - us - from those who chased down runaway slaves. Or those who hunted down Jews to kill. Or those who killed Huguenots in France. Or the Ku Klux Klan who burned crosses. Or any group that hunted another.
Who are we in allowing this and even partaking in it?
A world stood still in the face of the horror emerging from those dank, dark airless tunnels of Hamas. In the battered bruised bodies of 'feared brave warriors' of 9 months and of 4 years as their captors, their kidnappers, their murderers manually strangulated them. And did the same to the mother. Was she forced to watch? Not unthinkable for these are beasts devoid of every touch of humanity. Devils released to wreak their harm and horror. And the world, stood still.
“I think they know exactly what they’re doing and they know exactly what’s going to happen, ”I believe that this administration, in less than 30 days is in the midst of a massive collapse and particularly a collapse in public opinion,”
New York University historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, who is an expert on authoritarian movements and leaders, tells the Times that Trump's willingness to repeat falsehoods constantly without any regard for their veracity makes him "one of the most skilled propagandists in history."
Hunter College historian Benjamin Carter Hett, meanwhile, told Baker that there was a direct link between Trump's campaign of lies and the sort of propaganda that Nazis used to gain power nearly 100 years ago.
"Exactly the same kind of thing happened in the very diverse and lively German press of the 1920s and 1930s,"
'A whole lot of people are going to be really hurt by what is happening, what is coming our way. And even if they are of different persuasion, we need to call upon our empathy and listen with our hearts and welcome them into our tent. Because we are going to need a big tent to resist successfully what is coming at us.”
So - who are we and then what? What do we do when we must make a choice, when we know ourselves and the truth about us.
What then? When? Will it be too late
On the morrow.
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