As the song goes. “War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!” That is not true. There are those of this world who benefit greatly from war, or any conflict imbued with violence, physical and psychological. The death industry. The weapons industry. The profit makers and takers. The false patriots. And dear heaven above, the industry of hate grows by leaps and bounds, hale and hardy in times of wars and conflicts. The rest of the world remains wading in barely passable oceans of detritus of war and struggles to put food on the table and a roof overhead.
The once noble United States of America has tarnished. The other night, Fox - Fox! scrolled through a list, a partial list at that, of industries that will be or already are adversely affected by the crazed tariffs of Trump, Musk, et al. The man is insane. One cannot tinker with the mechanics. and the truth of the economy and think nothing will happen as a result. Wrong. So very wrong. After a relatively good January, the market has now tanked, deeply. Brutally. Trillions of funds gone, retirement funds depleted. Whoosh! Gone in the blink of an eye. Owners and managers, bosses are now scrolling through their own lists. The list of their employees. Who will go first and who will go next?
How long will his/her business remain in operation? When will midlevel executives find themselves out on the unemployed line. Emergency funds of the unions will disappear. as they try to keep their members on survivable maintainable levels. How long will the government be able to dispense funds to the unemployed of the nation? When will the entitlement funds run bone dry? Small business owners, independent workers, will go alongside as there are no customers for their products. The shelves of supermarkets will be bare for who can find fresh fruit, barred by tariffs, and who could pay the inflated cost?
Recession? Oh yes. Great Recession quite possible. Depression. Again? Lord, I hope not. And why are we in this rather precarious situation along with the rest of the world? Simple. Because of one egotistical depraved, broken mind who surrounded himself with fawners of the first degree, greedy court members who desire only to see their wallets grow along with the reach of their power over the lives of so many.
Nor do we escape acknowledgement of the role we play in allowing for the realization of this disaster. Our errors fertilized the grounds for this takeover. Certainly, the ultimate goal of this evil cabal is total usurpation of the nation's structure. The shredding of the Constitution. And the loss of all that made America -America. Destruction of a democratic nation. To turn this nation upside down and inside out. All this arising out of greed and ego. All as the basic needs of the people will go unfilled, unattainable.
Combine the effects of the tariffs from so many nations, quid pro quo with our rather preemptory arrogant actions, yet another crazed Executive Order, a dictat, from he who would be king. We will pay a big price for this insanity. There is almost nothing within this nation totally independent of foreign parts. Nor are our businesses and industries sustainable without foreign buyers. Without importing of pieces and brains. Prices will rise to the skies as costs are passed on to the consumers. And consumers will stop buying for they have no money to pay these exaggerated prices.
The ugly reality of a broken economy, not only here, but worldwide. Tariff wars have historically been failures of policy. No good, merely generating the negative: higher prices, hungry people, deep hopelessness, smuggling, hatred of others, blame a plenty. and the inevitable warfare. It doesn't work. It merely increases prices. It merely tanks the economy. It cuts jobs at geometric rates. and encourages smuggling. Simply pick up a history book or a book on economics and understand what trade wars do They kill trade. They kill people.
I am not a particular fan of math. However, I do know that one and one can sometimes add up to three and 4 and 5. It is an evil synergy which bodes no good for the population of a nation nor for the future of that nation. The mathematical equation of synergy, of hate and economic disaster, the loss of revenue from undocumented aliens who pay taxes they cannot benefit from, loss of business they provide for shopkeepers and workers. Their brain power and fresh approaches.
First and foremost, they are human beings. As important and compelling as the economic benefits they provide for this nation. Think of the empty restaurants where once you were able to eat. Think of the renovations of your homes, for there will be no workers. Think of your roof and its leak that cannot be fixed because there is no one available. What will you do with your children when the nannies disappear? Will you acquiesce to empty school buildings and illiterate children? Do you truly desire to emulate the slave owners of the past and present? Do you actually believe that all immigrants are evil, and all native-born citizens or naturalized citizens are all good? Time to grow up. time to take a wake-up pill. Understand the truth. Deny the falsehoods and inane conspiracy theories. Let in the providers, the producers, the contributors and sift out the evil.
Look out there. and see with your mind's eye, with your heart and know the truth. Are you willing to chase people down? Treat them as tainted prey of the fields? Are you willing to throw them out as trash, to ignore parents despairing and children starving. Have you forgotten that we are all people and part of the same race - Human beings. Homo Sapiens. Are you willing to rip families apart? Imprison people in yet another version of the concentration camp. Treat them as prisoners for what? For the crime of desiring a life of hope. Yes, the immigration system is broken but that is because the world is broken. People inevitably, throughout history, have voted with their feet and walked and climbed and swam and flew to places where there was hope. A possible future for their children. Instead of chasing and tormenting we need to think and fix.
Know the truth.
Know the whole truth.
Know the truth within yourself.
Think hard.
Think long.
Who are you? Who are you? Are your hearts and souls frozen? Do you wish to inflict upon others that which was inflicted upon you and yours? There is no end to that way of thinking, that way of behaving other than tragedy. Let us turn aside from the negative and turn towards the positive, find the solution.
And understand that evil and hatred, JewHatred emanates from the right as well as the left and the right-wingers are native born - and what, for that they get a free pass to abuse and Hiel and goosestep and chant slogans and threats of hate? Both extremes and yes, people in the middle, too often cloak themselves in hatred. Are you a part of that?
And know the truth. Some of our ancestors did not enter this country legally. They might have jumped ship. They might have crossed the border. They might have done many things. They might have taken somebody's papers. Yes, found pathways. So it was and so it has always been.
On the morrow.
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