And unfortunately, the enemy has proven to be us, or more specifically, the President of the United States and those who are following in his footsteps, who swear total obedience and obeisance, a la policies of old, just about touching on the Divine Right of a king to be king and rule in unilateral manner. Not long gone but recovering quickly from its consignment to the discard piles of outdated and wrong theories especially of government.
There is essentially no daylight between his Executive Orders and the peremptory rulings of Absolute Kingship empowered by the theory of Divine Right. This demented man, this convicted felon, this financial fraud, this sexual deviant, has taken up the reins of power and control and run wildly and freely with them in hand. His blatant extremes of his first days in Office and his actions towards total control this nation and its body politic along with the electorate of the nation are ever more egregious and outrageous. Wake up and understand. Look around and KNOW where we are and how we got there.
This person, this all but self-declared king has run rampant over and around us, going from canter to gallop and what is next - "to infinity and beyond"? Can we recognize ourselves and our nation? Do we want to? We, for the most part, seem to be blithely unaware of the consequences of what has been going on, but they are there. Too close, too up front, too personal. Where have we stowed our formerly functioning brains?
When and wherefore have we become so grossly negligent and dangerous to our own survival as members of a democratic nation? We have ceded so much territory already that we now face an uphill struggle. Are we capable of, strong enough, determined enough, understanding sufficiently what must be done, how vigilant and proactive and defiant we must be against the "arbitrary and capricious" behavior so rightfully seen as, understood as having "offered no rational explanation for why they needed to freeze all federal financial assistance—with less than twenty-four-hours' notice—to 'safeguard valuable taxpayer resources.'"
"For many, the harms caused by the freeze are non-speculative, impending, and potentially catastrophic,"
He has picked fights with allies, threatened them with financial destruction even as we, his purported nation, his nation he has sworn to defend, fall victim to the same consequences. Battles and riots in the egg war. Think what is next as fresh food and produce become scarce, ever more expensive, way out of the reality of most people's lives. For sure, our mealtime tables will look quite different from those of today and not for the better. Just as so many other products will be out of reach for the tariff war that he has begun will not only shatter the economy of others, but ours as well.
Heads far wiser and more knowledgeable about the economy have been shouting warnings, writing opinion pieces, cited the numerical statistics already there. Yet that man. continues on in his way, alienating all who have abandoned sanity, bit into the poisoned apple looking so tempting on the outside, so toxic on the inside. He claims credit where none is due and eschews the debits so plentiful in his balance sheet.
Some call him good for Israel and yes, right now, he is, better for Israel than most leaders of nations around the globe. However, make no bones about it, do not lean on it too much so as to affect your balance. He has not gone as his election rhetoric led us to believe and for sure, as night follows day, if the support for Israel proves costly to his plans, then whoosh, thar she goes right down the chute to the discarded threads of history. STAT! ASAP!
Among those of us who continue to buy into his garbage, so befuddled and bedazzled by admiration for Trump, as time goes on and the consequences and their harmful seriousness grow a pace, as he continues his dangerous bull in the china shop manner, perhaps then he will be held accountable for the damage he has wrought. The battle to bring him to justice will be long and difficult, for he and his lawyers are experts in the perversions able to be inflicted upon the justice system. We will deny his outrageous full immunity, granted to him by his corrupted Supreme Court and his disgraceful machinations of the judiciary system of this nation, his baring of his ass in his rampant contempt of and to the world will perforce be stopped in its tracks.
His faulty and flawed egotistical behavior and defiance is astounding but those efforts to cancel this nation will be useless. However, it will take a great effort and much determination and concentration to be successful, so deep are the roots of his poisonous seeds. Proactive. Eagle eyed. Keen minded. End his ever-ongoing negation of the ethos of this nation, his contempt for its soul. For its innate humanity. We need to keep that ethos viable, respected and healthy. We must puncture his balloon and bring him down to reality. We must publicly shame and denounce those nabobs of industry, the military, the body politic, who have joined him in the plans to strip this nation of its wealth and goodness, took their payment in the form of tarnished silver or the false promise of bitcoins (with Trump's 'regal' image embossed, of course) and raise a world hegemony, perhaps with a Grand Vizier Musk or one of his rather annoying children.
Who knows? But if we want a good future, a bright world for our kids, if we wish to live out our lives peacefully, gainfully, well. the time has come. The road choice is clear.
Have faith in yourself. Allow your mind to open to the danger of the roads ahead. Know the man Trump and face the Devil within.
Time for sleeping is over.
On the morrow.
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