Wednesday, February 5, 2025


  So. I have been unfriended on Facebook by a most unhinged woman. My reaction was a "Thank God and Ciao". It is difficult and will be even more difficult to live in a world where reason and justice and compassion and true intelligence come in at the bottom level when rating desired attributes of a good citizen, a good human being, for that matter. The recognition of the right of all humanity to differ in opinion, without fear for life and limb, has gone the way of the dodo bird. 

Any degree of deviance from the strict party line is perceived as treason. It is Newspeak to a T as an untethered crazed mind shifts positions even diametrically opposed to what was stated just the day before, even the hour before. These unofficial quasi-official edicts issue forth from the would be king at staccato speed. It is a speed which is clearly, brazenly, dangerous to the survival of an intact sensibly ordered governmental structure.

There are no rules in this new not so brave world.  Actually, there are rules, so broken, so confused, so malevolent, so inciting of violence and hate and bloodshed and contempt and disregard for all outside the borders of their ugly jagged edged world. Other than the would be self-anointed king, the only ones trusted to "interpret” the causative motivations and consequences of these new ever-changing pronouncements are those held as the obedient servants of that 'king' and his trusted minions. 

They are united in so many ways. Incompetent. Unqualified for their named positions. All of the same flock of chickens - sniveling craven cowards. Boot licking toads. Same motivations and intents. Destroy the departments entrusted to their 'care'.    Double down: Sabotage the system and increase personal wealth. Destroy all opposition. Adhere to the principle that truth is false and false mischief. Go forth. and walk ever backwards. Commit to fierce even demented opposition to those who debate your ethics.  

Of course, there's also the advantage of having a troubled background, a history rank, stained by and reeking of immorality, the more egregious and outrageous, the better. Or pronounced deeds of moral turpitude. The more blatant the better.  Financial shenanigans. Not to forget the domestic violence and the use of alcohol and addictive substances while in office. Pal up with dictators, the worse, the better. Cozy up real tight and close. Strive to emulate. their deeds. and adopt their values or lack thereof.  And please do not forget the value of colluding with the enemy. Set your allies on razor sharp edges. 

Finally, of course, there is the one civic duty you love. Remind all those boys and girls out there that they too can aspire to the exalted rank of would be king if they accumulate many, many black stars on their charts, emulate the worst models of civic responsibility and contribution. Go at it, run over all before you, stomp on those below. The world's your oyster. Have at it, and may the worst person win. Do not break your leg in your five-star performances, for it is the leg of the other that must be broken. Naturally, of course. 

Inspire these hapless children once the hope of a future of sanity, of cooperation, of morality, of shared interests. Teach them how to sabotage all that is right. Strive to reach the highest level, when one's name is synonymous with one violation or another or several combined. Go ahead, strive and aim for the gold - be a Tulsi Gabbard, an RFK, Jr., a Rubio who gloms onto other departments, so many to choose from. Such a plethora of possibilities. Not to forget the cream of the crap - the diamond encrusted top villain in the heap - Elon Musk, well on his way to the successful takeover, or at the very least, gained a rather large toehold, several toeholds, into the inner workings of the bowels of so many governments round the world.  

Somewhere in time, over time, mankind took several wrong steps. Neither noticed nor of concern, humanity plodded on. The mud became stickier, the pits ever deeper and far more difficult to climb out. The filth was clingier. Impossible to clean off. Role models were the worst, the better. Our traveled upon road developed a steeper angle of descent. More perilous. As for us, we remained ignorant or uncaring. Eyes and minds fixed straight ahead, pinned to the goal.   

The road ahead is clear and well understood. Onlookers cheer on the competitors. shouting "Go for it! Don't stop! No holds barred. Just good old-fashioned bare-knuckle fighting.  See the blood fly. Such excitement. Such lofty goals.

How did we get here and why do we not take giant steps forward, remove ourselves from our rather toxic selves? 

I hope my journey's end brings me some answers, or perhaps better questions. Hopefully to replenish and strengthen my faith. that there's someone in the universe concerned enough, caring enough, caring and capable of action. A trusted recipient of tears and laughter, of sadness and glee. It is a need so gaping in size and need for closure. How do we get in touch with that concern. Are we capable of composing answers of validity, or even wise questions? Are there, in fact, any answers at all? Are there? How do we find them?

On the morrow. 


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