Sunday, February 16, 2025

NO, IT CAN'T! OH YES IT CAN, AND IN FACT . has already begun. 

 Yes, it has already begun. No more waiting to see if the rotten egg bursts its shell as noxious odors escape their weakened containment and pollute the air in ever expanding eddies of filth and despair. How has this happened? Why did this happen? Why are we now facing the biggest existential crisis we have ever faced as a nation, other than the American Revolution itself and the Civil War, approximately 8 decades later. Not even during the national crisis of the years of the Vietnam War have we ever come so close to dissolution, violent and pervasive, ever growing, as we are at present. 

Yes, like it or not, believe it or not, want it or not, accept its truth or not, we are here. Check the positional map of present status of our nation and there, in large, bold letters, you will find the ''x'' and the statement "You are here." And yes, there we are, in the foothills of the tragic mountain range we are to face and climb or die trying, if not already tackling the lowest segments of the range itself, the foothills long ago faced and we did not score any victories there. Certainly, none of any duration.

 The range before us and under our feet, so blatant and challenging in its height and massiveness, is to be the period of last stands of the nation as she is.     We are in the midst of a battle for our lives, for our America to remain in existence, vital and fulfilling the promises made at the time of its birth. We are losing that battle's initial stages. We are facing deeper losses, more serious losses, almost to the end, closer than we think, closer than we wish to acknowledge. We've almost cavalierly negated the sacrifices of those who gave their lives during the Revolutionary War, during the War of 1812, during all the wars throughout the centuries fought to keep our nation and the world safe and on the right path. We have spit upon the bravery of our immigrant ancestors - yes, immigrants - even as many of us are ourselves. 

We strayed often off the proper path, at times of varying duration and seriousness. But always we managed to return, perhaps a bit battered, but to retrace our steps to the point where we went wrong and fix it and so we did.  We the people of our nation, the legislators of our nation. were and are not perfect, but the impetus, the desire to reform, reformat, and create a nation of which we can all be proud always remained. Battered but wiser, ever more determined to do that much better, to continue to be the standard to which every nation. aspired, for which all peoples of the world hoped for themselves. We managed to do that despite often intimidating challenges. However, at present, the situation has changed drastically.  

We have allowed ourselves to be kidnapped, hijacked and taken down a long pathway, so long that we have lost sight of any possible point of exit. We have allowed our ship of state to rot in its moorage, and then sent it asea, to founder in hostile waters. We obediently trudged along those dangerous byways of life, refusing to see the truth before us. Willfully blind or blinded by others did not make a difference. We remained apathetic, grew even more so, grew accustomed to the numerous dings and dents, even to the more serious impacts upon our lives.  Upon the very possibility of retaining that which we were given, this nation, a bastion of democracy, an example, an encouragement to the world that yes, government of and by and for the people is an achievable maintainable goal. 

We are at present, deeply immersed in dangerous waters, exhausted along paths leading nowhere other than to more loss. We have lost and are losing more of what makes us America. Our grit is gone. We have turned on the very structures which enabled our success. We have shredded the Constitution and demeaned the Declaration of Independence. We have allowed for the branches of government to be chopped away from the Tree of Liberty, denying it sustenance. And so here we are. 

We have, much to our shame, opened the gates of Hell. Hideous poisonous snakes emerged to strangle us, to deny America, to deny the privilege and responsibility of being American. We have already ceded much of the game to those who cheat, lie, steal, to those who despise us, who think of us as weak, able to be conquered, hoodwinked, to the point of no return. How and why? One day historians will write huge tomes dissecting this period of our history. Will it be a discussion of a revitalized America, or a eulogy? Another Camelot gone? Ours to decide. Our efforts or lack thereof.  To abandon its people, to desert the world? I know what I think. Do you?

Perhaps I am naive and must grow up and accept the harm to our nation, the almost hopeless task to correct and redirect back to its proper pathway. To calmer seas. Perhaps, but then again, this is still America, is it not? We can demand a chance to make amends, to fix the damage done. We can oppose those who wish to cancel the nation and rip it apart. We can conquer the dangerous peaks and craggy edges which threaten us. We must screw our courage to the sticking point and know what must be done -and do it. Period. No more excuses. Open eyes and minds. Acknowledge errors and fix it.


The alternative is too awful to contemplate and   not good for our kids and for our people.   

 Here is an incomplete listing of some of what this madman and his unelected puppet master have brought upon this nation. There is more to come, almost on an hourly basis. We had better understand where we are and what must be done if we are not to lose it all. Hear the shrieking alarm, blaring its warning. See the flames of the fires engulfing us. Act accordingly. Rescue our nation from those who have hijacked it.  

Allowed an unelected civilian to determine the future of this nation.

Allowed this fraudster, this immoral man with fingers in every dirty pie round the world, to dissolve this government. Illegally, immorally.

He has appointed the most incompetent dangerously unknowing, moral perverts and most cooperative henchman to dissolve this government's working force, a dangerous move for our survival. 

He has endangered this nation via peremptory firing and dismissal or forced retirement, of employees in charge of the safety and distribution of our nuclear weapons. 

He has weakened our government with a massive loss of those who actually make this nation function. 

  He has defiled the Constitution and our sacred structure of three branches of government to check and balance each other and keep us on the road straight and true.

  He has given himself powers over the other two branches. Powers which are denied by the Constitution and illegal. 

He has created. havoc within this country as he emasculated the Congress to the point where they are simply emulating the Reichstag in blindly without question, endorsing and approving and voting for anything that Hitler/Trump/Musk wanted. A true fascistic government. 

Furthermore, he weakened this country by denying the judiciary its rightful powers and simply refuses to follow any of the rules and decisions they make. No decision is accepted unless it is the decision that he wants. 

It is a nation now without legal definition, sans guidance or leaders, without structure. Perfect for takeover.  All already kowtowing to the Leader and his alternate, Musk.

Gangs of crazed entitled and empowered children rampage through the halls and files of government. wreaking havoc and violating the privacy of its citizens and upending the payment system of the nation. So wrong, So dangerous. So fascistic. All brought to you via Trump/Musk and servants. 

We are quickly becoming a nation ruled by a fascistic dictator and those who serve him. We have a nation writhing with fear, unable and unknowing of what is to come and what to do.   

To state 80 years after American soldiers liberated Dachau, an infamous slaughterhouse of the Jewish people and opponents of fascism, Vance, (and his boss) actually urged, promoted, for acceptance of a political party that many Germans consider to be the befouled offspring. of Nazism,

 A man who colludes with our enemies, taking upon himself the right to decide the fate of other nations.  Engages in rampant alienation of our allies. 

Woe upon us if we do not act while we still have the capability to do so, while we still have some courageous, untainted judges willing to stand up to Trump and his allies. While we still have some in Congress able to remember who they are, what they stand for and who they ought to serve. Before all of this disappears, we must act. We must pelt this present government and its president with legal actions, one after the other. Unstopping and unstoppable. We must make our representatives in Washington and in state houses hear our voices and know where the true power resides. Woe upon us if we do not act.

Waiting round the corner are those who voted for Trump and his crazed maxims and promises. The truth will out. There will be no laborers, no workers to fix, to mend, to sow, to be lawyers, serve as doctors and nurses, teachers and professors, farm workers and construction workers. And why? Because they have all been sent away, deported. smeared by libel and vile untruths. Or perhaps incarcerated in Guantanamo in a broken-down prison, and that would include minors too. When they cannot get food because it is simply not there because it has not been picked or packed, when they cannot have their own crops picked and packed because there are no workers to do so. When the tariffs raise the prices of food and items so high that it is absolutely unattainable. When medical care disappears, when the social safety net disappears. When there are no customers in their stores or for their services. When there are no funds for infrastructure needs. What then? At what temperature will the pot boil over? And what will it sear when it overflows the rim of the pot? 

 It is ugly to contemplate and uglier yet if it happens, if we do not prevent this. Only we can do this. But now, while we continue to have some legal edge to do so.  

Time to act. Time to protest. Time to know the truth.

 I am not the only voice in this matter.    

Who are we and whom do we wish to be in our future?  The choice is ours. Would that we make the correct one.

On the morrow - or even today.

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